I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 749: Magic

A few months ago, the priest Cecilia gave Song Jian the task of destroying the book of the abyss, but during the mission, the book of the abyss, which should have been a quest item without any attributes, unexpectedly became a golden quality Equipment, which made Song Jian greedy, and took this item as his own!

However, although the book of the abyss is just a golden-quality item, the effect is not worse than epic or even legendary equipment;

Having the book of the abyss is almost equivalent to having a second class. As long as Song Jian is willing to have combat experience, he can fully activate all the skills in the book of the abyss and become a true abyss mage!

But anyway, this item should also be given to Cecilia priest, Song Jian has never given it, and now seeing Cecilia, there is naturally a feeling of guilty conscience.

"This, mission, huh, mission, this mission ..." Song Jian smiled awkwardly, his thoughts turned sharply, trying to find an excuse!

"The task is too difficult to complete?" Cecilia asked with a smile.

"No, no, it's done, huh, it's done!" Song Jian quickly waved. The task of obtaining the book of the abyss has been completed in the taskbar, and it is only returned to the priest of Cecilia;

Song Jian knows this, presumably Cecilia, the publisher of the task, knows it better!

"There were some accidents in the mission item!" Song Jian shook his head and said, looking at Cecilia's eyes, he could not think of any excuse to deceive the other party;

"Accident? What accident?" Cecilia asked, raising an eyebrow.

Song Jian summoned the book of the abyss directly from his body and handed it to Cecilia;

At this point the book of the abyss has been fully bound to him, even if it is to Cecilia, she cannot use it;

System: You deliver the book of the abyss to Cecilia, complete the mission, get 53,000 experience points;

System: Your intimacy with Cecilia rises to reverence!

"Its nature has changed!" Cecilia said, stroking the cover of the book of the Abyss, with a serious look.

"Yes, I don't know what happened, it suddenly became like this, then ..." Song Jian described the scene at that time.

"It is the flame of the abyss. I did not expect that you have an advanced flame of the abyss ..." Cecilia stared at Song Jian. "There has never been a human being who can control the flames of the abyss without losing his mind. Those who are dependent on God are indeed those who are protected by God ... "

"So ..." Song Jian's eyes motioned to Cecilia's book of the abyss. Now that it has become a piece of equipment and is bound to itself, then this thing should be its own.

"Oh, congratulations, good luck, got a treasure!" Cecilia smiled and handed the book of the abyss to Song Jian.

"Thank you!" Song Jian breathed a sigh of relief. This matter has been in his heart for so long, making him embarrassed. Now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"In fact, this book of abyss is the treasure of the abyss field. It should have been a legendary quality equipment. No, it should not be said to be a legendary quality, it should be said to be a semi-artifact!" Cecilia said .

"What, the semi-artifact?" Song Jian stunned, how is this possible, even if it has a complete professional skill tree, but the gap with the semi-artifact is still very large!

"Yes, this was originally a legendary quality item. Its previous owner wanted to promote it to an artifact, but failed in the end. However, it also made it break through the upper limit of quality and become something between The items between the legendary peak and the artifact, such items, we generally call it semi-artifact! "Cecilia said.

"But it's just a gold-quality item now ..." Song Jian puzzled.

"This is because it hasn't been completely unsealed yet. Do you want to restore it to its former appearance, a semi-artifact?" Cecilia laughed.

Song Jian knows that Cecilia will not tell him the news in vain, there will be something for him to do later, this is like the bait on the trap. If you want to eat the bait, you must be prepared to fall into the trap. !!

"Well, you won, tell me how to make it a semi-artifact!" Song Jian helplessly said.

A semi-artifact, such a temptation, Song Jian could not refuse!

"Oh, it's not easy to restore its original quality." Cecilia laughed, like a little fox who stole the hen!

"I'm listening ..." Song Jian shrugged and said.

"You just need to collect the Seven Abyssal Flames and fuse them with it to unblock its original appearance!" Cecilia said.

"Seven Abyss Magic?" Song Jian shook his head and said, "It doesn't sound like an easy thing to do!"

"Yes, in the abyss hell, there are eight abyss demon kings. Each of them has a kind of abyss magic. Only by gathering these flames can we create a channel to the outside ..."

"Abyss **** is the favorite to discover other planes, then conquer and merge it with the abyss hell. Now our world has been discovered by the abyss hell, and the abyss **** is trying to penetrate into our world ...

"Some people are worried about the invasion of the abyss hell, but others want to use it to develop the abyss **** and get all kinds of resources in the abyss **** ..."

Cecilia said with a serious face: "When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you! When you want to get the resources of the abyss hell, the abyss **** is preparing to swallow you!"

"Hundreds of years ago ~ www.novelhall.com ~ a demon king of the abyss **** found a gap in time and space and entered our world, but he unexpectedly fell in this world, the abyss magic it controlled, Just stayed in this world! "Then, Cecilia looked towards Song Jian;

Song Jian froze and pointed himself!

"Yes, that's the magic inflammation you got before!" Cecilia nodded and said, "Without this magic inflammation, Abyss Hell has no way to build a large-scale invasion channel, only by relying on some abyss gaps. , Into this world, if you want to get the complete book of the abyss, you must get the magic of the other seven abyss demon! "

"Oh, in fact, the book of the abyss of golden quality is very good, and I usually can't use it very much. You can leave this task to others, I'm afraid I can't complete it." Song Jian hehe laughed Tao, after taking back the book of the abyss, turn around and leave;

What's the joke, the seven kings who ruled the abyss **** have already surpassed the third-order combat power, let a person who has just reached the first-level combat power to get the abyss magic from these kings. What is the difference between this and death?
