I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 708: Burst items

Third, fourth, fifth, sixth ...

Until the seventh, a thirty-two elite BOSS appeared, and Song Jian took it a little more seriously;

This is a huge earth element that is more than three meters tall. Its body is constructed of hard rocks. The eyes are made of two huge sapphires. At the position of the eyebrow, there is a diamond-shaped black crystal.

"Earth Leader Urato (Elite), Level: Level 32; Blood Value: 9800/9800; Features: Super Defense, Rebound Damage;"

"It's over, you've met the melee nemesis!" Gao Dongxin's face looked desperate.

Song Jian had almost no effort before, killing the first few low-level bosses to make Gao Dongxin excited, but now this boss has appeared twice in the previous challenge, and every time it is encountered, it is Challenged by melee professionals, the result is that the BOSS not only has a very high defense, but it can reduce more than 50% of any attack on it, and it will also rebound melee damage.

In the end, these two melee professional challengers were all killed by rebound injuries.

The weapon used by Song Jian is a one-handed sword. It feels like Gao Dongxin is a swordsman class and also belongs to a melee class. This earth element BOSS will obviously restrain him.

"Maybe he will do a miracle?" Zhao Dan comforted, but there was also a helpless look on her face.

The arena challenge is this. If you encounter a monster that can be restrained by yourself, it doesn't matter if you are a few levels higher, but if you encounter a monster that restrains yourself, the end result is death;

This is why Zhao Dan has reached level 30, but still has no intention of trying ten consecutive victories. You must know that the reward after ten consecutive victories is not just a game invitation card;

Seeing the seventh monster turned out to be a leader of earth elements, all the spectators boiled. Obviously, they also knew that this BOSS was a melee nemesis. The human who came to challenge encountered great trouble.

"Tear him, big rock, take revenge for your previous few!"

"That human, not your opponent, kill him, I will give you a magic crystal as a reward!"


The audience in the arena can be rewarded according to the performance of the combatants in the arena, but they seem to know that the people who come to challenge are humans on the earth, so no one has ever rewarded the humans who came to challenge, they Only rewards will be given to the gatekeepers who killed the challengers, that is, the monsters;

The magic crystal is a kind of delicious dessert for the earth element. It is one of the favorite food of the earth element family, but this kind of magic crystal is expensive, and they are generally difficult to obtain;

The movement speed of the earth element is very slow. When walking, it shakes the mountain. The ground in the arena trembles slightly as it moves;

There was a smile on the corner of Song Jian's mouth, and his heart moved, and a little stone man one meter tall appeared beside him;

"Guru, Guru ~" As soon as the little stoneman appeared, he hugged Song Jian's thigh, muttering something in his mouth, and seemed to blame Song Jian for not letting him out for a long time to ventilate him;

"Okay guy, start fighting." Song Jian grinned as he touched the smooth head of the little stone man;

"Mumbling ~"

When he heard the battle, the little stoneman became alert immediately, turning his head towards the earth element leader who was walking step by step;

Seeing the appearance of the earth element leader, the little stone man looked down at himself again, with a confused expression in his eyes.

At this time, Song Jian directly wielded the sword and continuously released the sword's energy towards the leader of the earth element. He could attack it across five or six meters; however, he could still be bounced back, but compared to close combat, this bounce The harm is weakened a little;

Song Jian frowned, no longer continuing to attack, but stepped on his feet and quickly backed away;

At this time, the little stone man also joined in the attack. The head-sized stones were thrown in the direction of the earth element leader like bullets, but the stones hit the earth element leader's body and only caused a little damage. It can be said that the attack of the little stone man was completely restrained by the leader of the earth element.

Although there was no harm, the little stone man still obeyed Song Jian's order and kept throwing stones at the earth element leader;

"Look, he is not the opponent of the Earth Element Leader. This monster's rebound damage is too great!" Gao Dongxin said when he saw Song Jianchao retreat sharply, his face showed a disappointed look.

"It's not necessarily. You can see that his sword attack just caused a lot of damage to the leader of the earth element!" Zhao Dan said.

"The higher his attack damage, the higher the rebound damage he takes. The distance of Jian Qi is too short. Although it can reduce the rebound damage, how can his blood value be compared with the BOSS? Sooner or later he will be killed by the BOSS rebound. "Gao Dongxin sighed and said.

"You said, why did he summon a little stone man to laugh and die, a little hurt, and even the effects of harassment will not work, you see that earth element leader simply ignored it!" Zhao Dan pointed at the little The stone man laughed.

"It's over, it's over, our Gao family really lost his wife and smashed his arms this time, a weapon in a gold suit!" Gao Dongxin wailed, lying directly on the sofa, not wanting to continue watching;

Just then, Song Jian suddenly heard a soft drink from the center of the arena: "Sword control!"

Hum ~

He threw the long sword in his hand into the air with a soft sound, and the Red Fire Heart Ape Sword was immediately divided into four long swords, as if shooting stars, flying towards the leader of the earth element;

Dance of Folding Wings!

Lightning strike!

Three Swords!

Bright cut!


Each sword has a different method of attacking the leader of the earth element. At this time, Song Jian is at least twenty meters away from it, his mind is divided into four, and the four swords are controlled, constantly facing Earth Element Chief hacked past;

A series of crit damage floated from the top of the earth element leader. The earth element leader roared and waved his fists towards the long sword in the air, but the long sword under the control of the mind was extremely flexible. It even touched the sides. Less than a moment

This change made the audience in the entire arena yelling ~ www.novelhall.com ~ shouting and screaming at Song Jian, Zhao Dan also covered her mouth, looking at the arena with a look of surprise.

When the BOSS blood value dropped to less than half, it suddenly reacted and yelled towards Song Jian. Song Jian looked at the bulky body of the leader of the earth element, and a smile appeared on his face.

Sword Shadow Walk!

Song Jianying turned into a dark mist and fled towards the distance. The space of the arena is huge. It is even more impossible for the leader of the earth element to chase Song Jian.

Ten minutes later, the blood value of the leader of the earth element was finally emptied, the huge body suddenly burst open, countless crushed stones spattered all around, and covered an area of ​​56 meters.

"Oh, what is this?" Song Jian glanced at the stones scattered by the leader of the earth element, and found an item with a golden light flashing, his face curiously.



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