I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 653: 7 Star Sword Formation

Song Jian looked in front of his eyes, and frowned slightly at the wandering translucent soul.

These wandering souls have a level of thirty-two and do not have first-order combat power. Although there are many, how can it prevent two sword divisions with first-order combat power from entering the hall?

With first-order combat power and no first-order combat power, it can be said that they are completely two kinds of creatures. No matter how many of these ghosts are, it is impossible to make a qualitative leap, and it is impossible to stop the footsteps of two first-order powerful ones .

"Looks like there must be something weird in these ghosts. I have to be careful!" Song Jian secretly said.

These ghosts still look like humanoids. They can vaguely recognize their fuzzy features, but the eyes of these monsters appear hollow and blank. Only when they enter the range of their alert and realize the existence of Song Jian, these blank eyes can be seen. Become a bit more agile.

There are a lot of ghosts in front of them, and they are very close to each other. It is impossible to draw them one by one. Song Jian found three sword array stones, threw them into the air, and a trace of sword anger Entering the sword array stone, the sword array inside was activated instantly.

The three sword array stones turned into three swords with a length of more than one foot, resembling swimming fishes, slowly rotating around Song Jian. These three swords can attack anyone who is hostile to Song Jian and is close to a certain range. The target, each sword energy, is equivalent to Song Jianli's blow, and each sword energy can be consumed ten times. After use, Song Jian needs to recharge the sword array stone with sword energy.

This kind of sword air array is Song Jian's improvement on the ordinary sunburn sword array stone. The ordinary sunburn sword array stone can not have similar protection effect as now;

Qingyun swordsmanship!

Song Jian waved his sword and darted toward the ghost closest to him;

Chang Qinghe and Jian Qi are not too far away from him. If other sword skills are used, it is easy to cause others to doubt. Song Jian can only use the most basic Qingyun sword method to kill the enemy.

Although Qingyun swordsmanship is the most basic swordsmanship of Qingyun sword gate, Song Jian practiced Qingyun swordsmanship to the ninth level with a detailed explanation of Qingyun swordsmanship written by a formal swordsman.

However, at most, you can only practice to the ninth level. If you go up, you won't be able to improve a book called "Details of Qingyun Swordsmanship".

Qingyun Sword Technique (active), Level 9 (1%), Skill Effect: Sword system damage increased by 45%, attack speed increased by 15%, block +3; Skill description: Qingyun sword gate entry swordplay, average lethality, yes All the prerequisite skills of Qingyun Jianmen's remaining swordsmanship;

The previous examiner once told Song Jian that Qingyun swordsmanship is the basis of all the other advanced swordsmanships of Qingyun Sword Gate. To learn other advanced swordsmanships, one must master Qingyun swordsmanship.

The so-called "Qingyun swordsmanship from Qingyun" means that all swordsmanship in the Qingyun sword gate comes from "Qingyun swordsmanship".

Song Jian has been a personal disciple for several months, and he has never learned any other swordsmanship. Now he can only perform a set of the most basic Qingyun swordsmanship.

Fortunately, Song Jian's Qingyun swordsmanship level is quite high, coupled with his own skill bonuses, it is quite easy to deal with these thirty-two ordinary monsters;

The three sword gases swirling on the surface of his body chopped down the ghost that came towards him, and after a while, he cleared a small area;

"The experience value given by these monsters is not low!" Song Jian suddenly discovered that these thirty-two levels of ghosts provided two or three times more experience value than monsters of the same level outside the assessment world, which made Song Jian instantly excited Up.

Ten minutes later, Song Jian had killed more than twenty ghosts, but he always walked on the edge of this monster area and did not go deep.

And Chang Qinghe and Jian Qi, while cleaning the surrounding ghosts, marched toward the main hall a few hundred meters in front.

"Did I be too careful and misunderstood them?" Song Jian looked puzzled at the two brothers who were getting deeper.

At this moment, in front of Song Jian, a thunderous roar suddenly came out, and a large black mist emerged from the ground, continually rolling and condensing in the air, and finally formed a huge black ghost more than ten meters tall. .

Just at the moment when this huge black ghost sent out an angry roar, Chang Qinghe and Jianqi suddenly accelerated towards the hall, and around them, the sharp sword qi spread like a pouring rain toward the surrounding ghosts, Dozens of ghosts hadn't responded yet, and their bodies were torn apart by the sword gas, and they couldn't stop them from sprinting forward.

Song Jian understood the moment the two cheap brothers started sprinting. It turned out that the real purpose of the two brothers to bring him to this site was to let him attract the attention of this huge boss, so that they could Able to enter the hall smoothly.

"Lord-level boss with first-order combat power!" Song Jian narrowed his eyes, watching a huge black ghost like a hill rush towards him.

At the moment when this black ghost appeared, almost all the ghosts became crazy, their translucent bodies turned red, and they seemed to be violent. They opened their teeth and crowed, while yelling loudly towards Song Jian ;

From above, it looks like a black tide is converging towards a point;

"Fooled!" Song Jian said secretly in his heart, his figure flickering, and he was preparing to step back;

He was at the edge of the monster zone, and there was no ghost behind him. It was easy to escape.

However, when his eyes fell on the two brothers, he suddenly stopped and stopped;

At this time, the figures of Chang Qinghe and Jian Qi had already rushed into the hall from the general hall door.

"I had no problem escaping, but in this way, wouldn't it be for them to make wedding clothes? It's cheap for them!" The idea flashed in Song Jian's mind.

"Huh, how can I be used by you for nothing!" Song Jian was unwilling to bite his teeth and retreat.

Seven stars shine!

With a soft drink ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian threw seven sword array stones with shining stars. This is the seven-star sword array he made before.

With a click, the seven sword formations shattered almost at the same time. There was a look of pain in Song Jian's eyes. The Seven Star Sword Formation was very powerful, but it could only be used once. It is extremely tedious to produce and has a high failure rate.

Song Jian also had good luck before successfully making a set!

Once the Seven Star Sword Array is excited, within a range of 500 meters, it instantly turns into night, and the starry sky above it is bright, and the seven shining stars fall toward the ground like a shooting star;

The ordinary ghost has no consciousness, but just rushes towards Song Jian frantically, but the huge black ghost with only first-order combat power is aware of the huge threat from his head;

I saw it roaring in the sky, slamming his fist at a meteor falling towards it;
