I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 600: Hismanti

"That's it. In the end, the research institute activated the self-destructing device of the entire base and released the Shaferin virus, but for no reason, the self-destructing device did not take effect. Instead, the Shaferin virus filled the entire base ... ... "Sighman sighed, a complex expression appeared on his face.

"Researchers here, except you, are all dead?" Song Jian asked in surprise, but also a little worried. He has been in the base for almost two hours. If there is still a Safilin virus in the base, then Maybe he has been infected with the virus unknowingly.

"Yes, it's all dead. The Saffirin virus has no solution. The so-called antidote is only to suppress the relief. Otherwise, I won't be like what I am now ..." Himan stretched out his hands and revealed A bitter smile.

Song Jian's face suddenly became difficult to look at. Shiman seemed to guess Song Jian's idea and said with a slight smile: "Relax, the Saffirin virus breaks down very quickly. It is not only soluble in water, but also only exists in the air. Hours, if the ventilation system is good, eight hours is enough for it to break down completely ... "

Song Jian breathed a sigh of relief. If he really hits the Safilin virus, I am afraid to use the passive skill of "enemy of death" once.

"I don't know if I can help you?" Song Jian asked, looking at the chains that bound Himan's limbs.

There was a smile on Himan's face. He said so much, wasn't it just for Song Jian to ask this sentence?

Song Jian's identity as a lover of God, when he opened this mysterious cave, he already knew, but his identity, Song Jian has not yet known.

Himan is different from other creatures in the game. All his attributes are the same as the player, all hidden. This is the strangest creature that Song Jian encountered after entering the game. Although not a player, there are some players. Basic rights.

After Song Jian asked the player's unique question-answering questions, Himan's dry face involuntarily revealed a successful smile, but he soon covered it up;

Himan looked at Song Jian's eyes, and there was a feeling that the spider saw the prey struggling slowly on the spider web;

"You are a **** dependent? I know that in this base, there is a very precious treasure for the **** dependent, which can greatly enhance your strength!" Shiman stared at Song Jian carefully and looked at him after two eyes , Suddenly said: "If you can rescue me from this prison, then I can take you to get this treasure!"

System: You get branch tasks and get out of trouble. The difficulty of the task is unknown. The goal of the task: to help the creature in front of it to get out of restraint and restore freedom.

Warning: Because it is detected that there are other quests about this creature on your body, once you accept this quest, the difficulty of other quests will be greatly increased; please choose carefully;

System: "Do you accept this task? Yes / No?"

Song Jian raised his head, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and said, "Before taking this task, can you tell me how to save you from here? The chain that can bind you here, I'm afraid it's not something of ordinary material? "

"Of course, the four chains and the entire secret room were built using the latest material researched by the empire, the meteorite alloy. It is not only very hard, but also has the biological ability to recover itself. It is impossible for a general weapon to cut it." Seaman's face smiled with excitement.

"Then what should I do? This is so sturdy, I'm afraid I can't rescue you. Once I take the task, if I fail, shouldn't I accept the task punishment?" Song Jian's face was clear. Hesitant look.

"No, this task is very simple." Seaman quickly said, "You only need to go to the laboratory No. 6 in the base, where there is an etching solution extracted from the plant, you just need to take it, and You can erode the four chains that bind me. "

Song Jian nodded his head and smiled: "Is Lab No. 6 so, where is this Lab No. 6 and how should I go?"

The entire floating base is too large, and Song Jian is exploring less than one-tenth of the area. Without Himan's guidance, I am afraid that it would not be possible to find this No. 6 laboratory for a day.

Looking at Song Jian's calm face, Himan suddenly felt something wrong and said, "You take the task first, as long as you take the task, I will tell you the detailed topographic map in the base."

Song Jian kept silent, staring at Ximan's wood-textured face for a long time before shaking his head and sighing: "I thought that you had been imprisoned for so long, your brain should not be so good, I didn't expect ..."

Himan suddenly felt a little bad, but Song Jian moved at this time;

In his hand, the red fire heart ape sword bloomed with a golden sword qi, and stabbed at Shiman on the stone platform;

"How dare you ..." There was a look of fury on Himan's face, and there was a strong sense of murder in his red eyes.

Uh ~

Seaman opened his mouth, and a long red tongue ejected from his mouth, shooting at Song Jian like a spear;

Song Jian slashed with his sword, his sword crossed an arc, and it was chopped towards Himan's long tongue;

With a clang, the long sword was chopped on the long tongue, and the sound of golden iron and iron attacked, and a flint of Mars came out, and Himan's long tongue was cut only by a soybean-sized gap;

Himan let out a hissing noise, with a look of surprise in his eyes. It did not expect that the sword in Song Jian's hand was so sharp.

Withdrawing the long tongue, a slight red blood leaked out from the corner of Seaman's mouth;

"Why ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Why are you ..." Shiman roared, Song Jian was the first creature he could enter into the floating base in so many years, and originally wanted to trick him out of the trap , Did not expect to be seen through the plot by the other party;

"How did you know ..." Seaman's face was somber and terrible. He didn't know when Song Jian began to doubt it.

"You have too many flaws!" Song Jian shook his head slowly and said, "First of all, the virus killed everyone in the base, but you survived. Your identity will never be the ordinary one you said. Researchers……"

"In addition, you have been imprisoned here for at least several decades. How did you learn that the people of God's family existed?" Song Jian sneered.

"Also, it's your eyes. From the first time I saw you, I've been observing your eyes ..." Song Jian's eyes shot sharply at Shiman like a knife: "Your eyes, in the control room That BOSS in the last image is exactly the same! "

"You're not Himan, you should be Himan."
