I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 598: Small probability burst

At this time, the huge screen on the console, the lower left corner has been shattered. It seems that a stray bullet hit this place. Along the cracked circular hole, several cracks spread towards the surrounding area, and one of them cracked the entire area. The screen is divided into two;

There are three rows of buttons on the console. Several of them are constantly sparking. Most of the remaining buttons have lost their usefulness. They are dim, only seven or eight buttons are left, and the lights are on, indicating that they can be used normally. .

Song Jian carefully tried to press a button that was still on. After waiting for a while, no abnormality was found. He simply pressed all the remaining buttons.

I don't know if I touched the button, the fragmented display screen suddenly started, and after a while of noise and snowflakes, a middle-aged man wearing a white coat and glasses appeared on the screen.

I saw this man sweating heavily, even in white work clothes, even stained with blood. Behind him, a huge creature over three meters in length, covered with muscle masses like tumors, was bending over. Squeezing into the laboratory, it dragged a backing researcher with one hand, groaned, and used both hands to force the researcher tore it into two pieces.

Blood viscera spilled to the ground, and the giant monster began to eat the two corpses in his hand;

On the screen, this middle-aged man who looks very embarrassed, while pressing the buttons on the screen quickly, shouted, "Here is the control room of the mysterious base. The experimental target has lost control. It is destroying the base, and many The test subjects have been released by it, the rattan of life is also out of trouble, and the base is in chaos ... "

"In order to prevent the secret of this base from leaking, I only have to activate the self-destruct device and release the Shafilin virus at the same time!" The middle-aged man looked pale and did not seem to notice the huge monster behind him, approaching him step by step.

"Finally, I want to say, Himan, my son, I love you!" The middle-aged man suddenly shouted, "Long live for the empire!"

The giant monster had already appeared behind him, and he extended a large fan-like hand towards him, smashing his head with a pop, and the last picture on the screen was this giant monster. Lick the blood and brain in the palm of your hand;

"Is the final boss in the mission, the Fallen Beast, the giant monster on the screen?" Song Jian guessed in his heart.

"And the person on the screen finally turned on the self-destruct device, but now the base is intact. I don't know if it was finally closed by the person or the self-destruct device was not activated?" Song Jian carefully recalled every time on the screen. A detail, want to discover some hidden secrets.

At this moment, a sudden burst of sparks burst on the console, and several of the buttons that had been turned off flashed quickly two times. Then, the entire console went dark and was completely damaged and could not be used.

Song Jian suddenly felt that a very light vibration came from his feet. Then, the metal floor on the side of the console slid open to both sides, and a rotten smell was blown out, so that people just wanted to vomit;

Song Jian turned his head to look, beside the control console, a 30-degree **** with a downward **** suddenly appeared, looking like a secret passage leading directly to the lower part of the control room.

Hesitating for a moment, Song Jian walked along this oblique downward passage;

The space below was so large and empty that it seemed to feel his arrival. There was a scream of screaming madness. These messy and violent sounds were intertwined. The eardrums of the people who trembled were hurt, and they felt dizzy. .

"Below ... it should be the experimental monsters captured by the bases, and the monsters that were the subject of the experiment. I didn't expect that these monsters were alive after passing this long, no, no, they should all be occupied by the strange plants here. Now it has all become a beast. "Song Jian guessed.

As soon as he reached the end of the passage, Song Jian saw two groups of black shadows pounced at him, and upon closer inspection, they turned out to be two cannibals with a pair of meat wings.

It's just that the two cannibals in front of them are very small, but the meat wings on their backs are extremely wide, and they look like two or three times their bodies.

"What the **** is going on here, how could such a disgusting monster be created!" Song Jian became more and more disgusted with this place.

These two cannibals with flesh wings are not very strong, and Song Jian did not take much effort to kill them.

And after killing them, there was a small probability of a drop. These two ordinary monsters at the 28th level even burst a gold-quality ring;

"Bloody cannibal claw, ring, gold, item level 30, equipment effects: wisdom +8, constitution +7, increase magic damage or healing 50 points; special effects: light body (active), will change after release Being as light as a swallow, it will slow down when taken from a high place without any damage; the effect lasts 8 seconds; it can only be cast once in 30 minutes; "

"The attributes are average, but in general, it is also a gold-quality ring, suitable for Anna's use." Song Jian picked up the ring and wiped it twice, and put it in the parcel box.

After killing these two monsters, Song Jian's eyes fell into the prisons here. The top level of these prisons was five or six meters high from the ground, and the entire area of ​​a football field. The space here was divided into two or thirty separate spaces by the black metal fence. Song Jian walked to a fence and held the iron fence with a thick arm, and his face changed suddenly. The iron fence had no response at all ~ www.novelhall.com ~ You know, Song Jian's strength attribute at this time has exceeded sixty points. It is not too much to say that it is infinitely powerful. No.

"Such a solid fence, how did the monsters as research objects escape from here?" Song Jian was puzzled, and continued to walk along the passage in the middle of the cage.

At this time, these cages were empty, leaving only a large area of ​​dry dark brown stains. Song Jian walked to the deepest cage and found nothing.

When Song Jian sighed and was about to turn around to leave, he suddenly noticed that the "strange letter" in the parcel box suddenly flashed a dazzling light.

Song Jian took out the letter made of fine sheepskin, and immediately felt a burning sensation uploaded from the letter. He instinctively released his hand.

The letter floated by itself, burning slowly while floating;

A heartbreaking cry sounded in the empty room;
