I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1291: Necromancer

Just when Song Jian lamented that the Dragon Soul Guard was not responsible, he suddenly heard a violent explosion in a hill surrounded by undead creatures.


The soil was flying, with a huge explosion, the original hill of five or six meters high, directly broke up, the gravel splashed tens of meters away, and even quickly smashed several bone monsters. skeleton.

The hill was razed to the ground, revealing a huge layer of buildings hidden under the hill.

The first one that came out was a huge statue. The entire statue was carved from obsidian. This stone is a low-grade forging material and belongs to a kind of additives. The price is not high, but it is like this statue in front of the eyes. There are five or six meters high statues carved from a whole piece of obsidian. The price is at least tens of millions of Japanese yen. After all, such a complete piece of obsidian is also very rare.

This statue is a man wearing a black cloak. He holds a giant sickle almost as high as his height in his right hand. His entire face and body are covered by the cloak. Only the right hand holding the sickle is revealed. The right hand, without the slightest flesh and blood, is exactly a skeleton palm.

It is conceivable that the body and face hidden under the black cloak should also be a terrifying skull.

"Is this... the **** of death?" Seeing such a statue, the first thing Song Jian thought of was the legendary **** of death.

"The Necromancer is a believer in the **** of death, but it makes sense!" Song Jianwei smiled a moment, and immediately developed a strong interest in the Necromancer.

Soon, the altar under the statue was slowly revealed. The altar seemed to be integrated with the statue, but it was actually carved from two pieces of obsidian.

On the altar, there are also the limbs and internal organs of some creatures, and the blood on it has not dried up. The ticking tick slowly flows down the altar, and the entire black altar is dyed dark red, which looks very bloody.

Smell the flesh and blood, and the surrounding undead creatures became irritable, and they screamed and rushed forward, but the undead creatures closest to the statue and the altar seemed to be afraid. Things are normal, hiding back in horror.

Soon, the undead creatures became chaotic, and the undead creatures who wanted to lean forward and backwards collided with each other, and some of them were grumpy and even fought directly.

Just then, an angry roar came from under the stone statue.

"Quiet, you idiots!" A thin man in a black mage robe holding a bone stick appeared in the altar at the foot of the statue.

His eyes were scarlet, there was no trace of flesh on his cheeks, and his shriveled skin clung tightly to his bones, which looked a bit scary.

However, in his body, the surging power of death, like a sea tide, spreads wave after wave outward, and the whole person is like a huge energy radiation source.

Song Jian's eyes lit up, and the person in front of him should be the Necromancer required by the mission.

"The strength of this Necromancer is somewhat higher than expected!" Song Jian frowned slightly, staring at the Necromancer, and the insight was released immediately, and his attributes were checked.

"The level 120 necromancer has the strength of a king-level boss, and it seems that it has just broken through, and it can't fully control the powerful power after the breakthrough, so it will cause the breath of the body to leak..." Song Jian Secretly.

This is probably the first real king-level BOSS that Song Jian has to face. If you change to another person, I am afraid that you are not qualified to stand in front of the necromancer in front of you.

However, Song Jian, a player who did not even reach the third-tier combat power, faced such a powerful enemy without any trace of fear, but instead eagerly tried.

The appearance of the Necromancer made all the undead creatures that had been rioting quiet, and even Tang Li in the distance entered the invisible state, daring not to reveal a breath, lest he be seen by the Necromancer.

With his current strength, even if this necromancer stood still and let him fight, it is estimated that he could not break the opponent's defense. For a time, Tang Li felt a little timid and regretted it.

"Such a terrible guy, I can't be its opponent at all. I'm afraid to intervene in such an event. I'm afraid it will be very miserable and ugly!" Tang Li secretly thought, and already thought of quietly escaping.

The plot task is very precious, but your own life is even more important, and triggering a plot task that you can't complete at all will have no second result except to send your life.

At this moment, Tang Li accidentally saw Song Jian standing on the hill without a trace of concealment, and his eyes suddenly showed a shock.

"He, is he an NPC, or a player? How could he stand on the hill so brightly, is he crazy?" Tang Li surprised.

"Ji-Ji-Ji, there is another guy who can do his best to die..." The Necromancer also found Song Jian, turned his head, and a bloodthirsty look appeared in his scarlet eyes, and one appeared on his dry cheeks. Smile.

The right hand holding the bone stick lifted up slightly, toward the direction of Song Jian, and whispered, "Kill him, bring me his body!"

For a Necromancer, the strong man’s body is the best production material. It can feel the strong breath of Song Jianjian, but this breath also tells him that Song Jian’s strength is only eight. More than ten levels, has not yet reached the level of third-tier combat power.

"Such a body can at least make a skeleton warrior. If you are lucky, maybe you can also make a skeleton knight, 桀桀桀~!" Necromancer said in secret.


Almost all the skeletal monsters in the hill moved, and they rushed towards Song Jian. Thousands of monsters, at least 80 or above, and the lowest-grade and elite skeletal monsters, are completely a monster army. Not to mention that Song Jian, a player who has not yet reached the third-tier combat power, even if he is a legendary powerhouse, in such a situation, he will feel tricky~www.novelhall.com~Tang Li in the distance, this His eyes widened when he was scared. He didn’t dare to imagine what would happen next. Think about it. He didn’t think that Song Jian could escape the hunting of so many monsters!

Song Jian snorted coldly, his heart moved, and a pair of four-winged wings with a length of about five or six meters emerged behind him. The red and black wings fluttered gently, directly flying Song Jian's belt.

At this time, two bone dragons about ten feet long, roared and crushed several bone monsters, waved their bone wings, and flew up, pounced toward Song Jian, a thick green ball in the greasy mouth The undead dragon inflammation is rapidly condensing, and the goal is to fly Jian Jian.


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