I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1289: Intimacy

Song Jian followed the black dragon, left this huge cave, and flew deep into the dragon bone wasteland.

Along the way, Song Jian saw a lot of monsters in the state of the soul on the ground, wandering around some huge bones. These monsters are ordinary monsters above level 80. If the average player level is raised to level 80, come here The upgrade is not bad.

These monsters are just gathered in twos and threes around a certain bone, and will not appear in groups. As long as one or two players join forces, they can deal with them. If they can own some ghost class equipment, even one person I am very happy to be here.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly saw a figure, directly behind a bone, teleported directly to the shadow of another piece of bone seven to eight meters away.

"This is... the player?" Song Jian stood on the flying sword, staring at the figure on the ground with some surprise. Obviously, the other party did not find Song Jian, but was carefully searching every inch around the bone, while Avoid the translucent soul monsters around.

After observing it for a while, Song Jian smiled slightly and secretly said in his heart: "It should be a treasure hunter, a high-level monster area that has not been stepped on by the players..."

There are many such players in the game. They use professional skills to go to high-level monster areas to search for wild materials. Although dangerous, they often get generous rewards.

In the area of ​​high-level monsters that players have not yet set foot, there are rich ores, herbs and other resources. Even good luck, they can also encounter some wild treasure chests. At the same time, these players will record the position of the boss they encountered and make it. Create a map, and then wait until the player's strength can set foot in this area, sell them to them, and get a generous reward.

These players are generally agile professionals, at least one or two stealth skills and reduce the sense of presence, skills that do not cause monster ideas.

Song Jian stared at this player carefully, and found that this player was only fifty-eight. In this keel wilderness, it is estimated that no ordinary monster can deal with it.

At this point, the player seemed to find something, and was carefully digging behind a huge bone.

"Being able to avoid the Dragon Soul Guard and enter here, this guy has some skill!" Song Jian secretly said.

After two glances, Song Jian didn't care, and continued to follow the black dragon toward the depths of the dragon bone wilderness.

At this time, Tang Li, who was digging a keel of grass on the ground, looked up at the sky, and he always felt like someone was watching him.

"It's a dragon bone wilderness, an 80-level monster area. How could anyone appear here except me?" Tang Li scrutinized the surrounding area, except for a few ghost-type monsters, and found nothing else.

After glancing at a worn pocket watch that had been hanging on the neck, Tang Li shook his head and stayed in the keel wilderness for less than half an hour. After this time, the probability of being discovered by surrounding monsters would greatly increase , Must take advantage of the last time to leave the dragon bone wilderness.

Looking at the parcel bar, Tang Li showed a smile on his face. In less than two hours, he collected three keelgrasses and two pieces of bone ore. These are high-quality materials and can sell a good one. price.

At this moment, Tang Li suddenly found that, under the shadow of a bone not far away, the ground suddenly flipped over, as if something was drilling up from the ground.

After a while, a white skeleton as white as a jade came out from underneath the ground, twisting his head, making a “click and click” bone friction sound, and after looking left and right, he carried a broken bone in his hand Knife, wobbled and walked toward the southwest.

Tang Li's eyes showed a puzzled look. He has been in the wilderness adventure of the Dragon Bone Wilderness for more than half a month. He has never seen a monster like a skeleton soldier. You know, there are only ghosts in the Dragon Bone Wilderness. Skeleton monsters will never appear because there will not be the power of death on which they depend.

Now Tang Li suddenly discovered a skeleton soldier, a keen instinct as a shadow hunter, telling him this is definitely not easy.

After glancing at the time on the pocket watch, he looked up again at the skeleton soldier who was about to disappear into the field of vision. Tang Li gritted his teeth and began to cast a shadow shuttle, closely following the skeleton soldier.


Song Jian followed the Black Dragon to a rolling hill, which looked even more desolate, and there weren’t even green patches around it. There were yellow weeds everywhere, and hills that were three to five meters high. There will even be small beasts such as fox and shrubs, haunting these hills.

The black dragon descended from the air, changing into the appearance of the dark-haired little girl before, holding her head up and blowing her nose, as if sniffing something.

I saw that Heilong closed his eyes slightly and continued to move forward with his sense of smell, ignoring Song Jian behind him.

Song Jian looked at the girl with her head in front and running fast against her nose. There was a lot of fun in her heart. It felt like she was hunting a prey with a hound.

At this moment, the black dragon Kamata suddenly stopped, turned his head and stared at Song Jian, the dark golden vertical pupil exuded a dangerous look.

Song Jian froze, a drop of cold sweat came down: "Will this guy hear what I say in my heart?"

Just when Song Jian felt a little hairy, Black Dragon Kamata snorted, rolled his eyes at Song Jian, continued to hold his head, and twitched his nose to run forward.

Song Jian opened the battle pet interface and wanted to take a look at the attributes of the black dragon after promotion, but found that the battle pet interface was a blur ~www.novelhall.com~ It seemed that there was a layer of mist blocking the attribute interface.

At the same time, there is a line of small words on the mist of the interface: "The intimacy is 45. When the intimacy reaches 60, the attribute interface of the pet can be displayed!"

"Hi, how come the intimacy has become so low, isn't it still more than 80 points before?" Song Jian couldn't help but took a breath of air. You know, if the intimacy of the war pet falls below 30, the war pet is always ready. He will defect, but now the Black Dragon and his intimacy don't know the reason, but they have fallen directly to 45, and there is not much distance from 30. You need to be careful.

Thinking of this, Song Jian took out a pot of jade liquor and handed it to Heilong with a smile, and said, "I'm tired of running, take a break, take a sip of wine and take a break."

With that said, Song Jian opened the lid of the jade liquor, and suddenly a strong scent of wine floated out of the jug.


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