I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1287: envy

Song Jian forced all the monsters to the top of the stone pillar, and he and the black dragon climbed up the winding stone steps step by step.

"This is the Dragon Trial, isn't it too simple?" Song Jian said to the black dragon beside him with a smile.

His words naturally spread to the ears of the dragon sacrifices in the Dragon Temple. Now, even the old hesitant old people began to close their eyes and did not speak. In their hearts, they gave this young man a lesson. Idea.

Black Dragon looked at the top of the stone pillar, and a ghost ghost roamer in front of the Dragon Temple, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. You know, even with his strength, he can't fight so many elite bosses at the same time.

These ghosts and monsters have a very strong attraction to the flesh and blood of the creatures. Even if they are all squeezed into a pile by Song Jian’s red lotus industry fire, the eyes that look at Song Jian and the Black Dragon are still full of greed, and they can’t wait to pounce immediately. Come up and eat their flesh.

"You only need to **** you to the Dragon Temple safely, even if the trial is complete?" Song Jian and Song Hei stepped on the last stone step and stood at the top of the stone pillar in front of the Dragon Temple, Song Jian couldn't help asking.

It was at this time that the loud voice before that sounded again across the stone pillar.

"The descendants of the Black Dragon family, you have passed the Dragon Trial, you can enter the Dragon God Temple, climb the Dragon God Altar, and receive the Dragon God blessing!"

Hearing this voice, a look of surprise appeared in Black Dragon’s eyes. You know, climbing the stone pillar is just the first step, and there are more fierce fights behind. The reason why Song Jian escorted it up is to save physical strength and energy and cope with it. Fight in front of the Dragon Temple.

As soon as the result came up, it passed the trial directly?

Heilong is confused, which is very different from the inheritance information he got from the blood, but since he does not need to fight, it is also a good thing for him. After looking at Song Jian, Heilong walked towards the Dragon Temple step by step, Soon, the huge body disappeared inside the hall door.

Song Jian glanced at the dense ghost monsters on both sides of the Dragon Temple, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be a bit superfluous, and took a sword flower, Song Jian stepped towards these monsters step by step.

"Anyway, there's nothing wrong. It's better to kill you all, so I can upgrade my level!" Song Jian said to herself.

These ghost monsters, although they cannot give a lot of experience and amethyst like the monsters in the Zhenmo Temple, but they are also elite bosses of about one hundred levels. It is difficult to meet so many people together. The mosquitoes are small. It's also meat, so many elite bosses of level 100 are all killed, at least one level can be improved.

Wan Jianjue!

When Song Jian thought about it, countless spirit swords floated up, forming a huge karma red lotus sword array in front of the Dragon Temple. The strong suction came from the sword array. Numerous ghosts and monsters screamed and their bodies were twisted. They flew towards the sword array one after another.

Watching these ghost rogues die out in the Yehuo Red Lotus Sword Formation, Song Jian's mouth showed a satisfied smile. Sure enough, Yehuo Suppressed the Ghost's restraint, the elite boss of the 100th level, in the Yehuo Red Lotus Sword Formation It’s like a child with no help, as long as there is a little karma contaminated, it can burn them to ashes, which is too convenient.

Several dragon sacrifices quietly looked at the slightly distorted picture in the air, and saw that Song Jian killed all ghost rogues with only one move, all flying around the sky were ashes after the death of the ghost, all on the face A dignified expression appeared.

"This human is stronger than we thought..."

"I felt a strong smell of that powerful career in him. Although it was very light, it was pure..."

"Thousands of years have passed, will the professional powerhouses that have been wiped out before the human race appear again, this world will appear to change dramatically..."

"Ten major occupations, ha ha, for other races, it is the ten major disasters..."

"What should we do now, should we continue the trial we discussed before?"


Just as several dragon sacrifices were hesitant, the heavy footsteps sounded in the hall. The old man with white hair waved his right hand, and the picture in the air disappeared suddenly.

After a while, Black Dragon slowly appeared in front of several people.

Seeing these human-like dragon sacrifices in front of him, there was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the black dragon. It could feel the breath of powerful dragons exuding from these people, but I don't know why these dragons should maintain the appearance of humans. .

The black dragon lowered his head, and performed a dragon courtesy toward several dragon sacrifices.

"Kandu, this is your clan. It's up to you to preside over it!" The woman with long red hair said lightly and then kept silent.

A man with a pair of dragons with long horns on his head showed a smile of evil spirits, beckoning towards the black dragon: "Come with me, I will take you to the dragon **** altar, accept the dragon **** blessing, as Whether you can be favored by the Dragon God and what kind of talent skills you can get depends on your luck, little one!"


With a roar, the man with the long horns of the dragon began to change his body. After a while, a black dragon with a larger body appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Follow me!" the black dragon priest said to the black dragon behind him in dragon language, and walked towards the inside of the dragon temple first.

Soon, the figures of two black dragons disappeared in the dragon temple, and the other black dragons also performed dragon-family magic to show the scene outside the temple again.

At this time, Song Jian was sitting cross-legged outside the empty temple, and there were no ghost rogues around. The square outside the temple became completely clean, but there was still a trace of heat in the surrounding air breath.

Song Jian felt the surging breath in his body and tried to calm down. At this time, his level had been raised to 61% of the 88th level, because the level was upgraded too fast~www.novelhall.com~ No one skill has been upgraded to At full level, skill points can only be retained again.

Looking at Song Jian's appearance, the dragon-headed priest with purple hair and a battle armor on his body showed a hot glow in his eyes.

"I really want to fight him. Although he hasn't grown up yet, he is already a strong man!" The dragon said to himself.

"You, a legendary dragon, want to bully a human teenager who hasn't even reached the third-tier combat power, face!" said the red-haired girl next to him with a sneering expression on her face, sneering.

"Oh, I'm afraid I won't be able to beat him until it's legendary!" The man with purple hair showed a simple smile and scratched his head. After that, he glanced deep into the temple and whispered: " What a lucky little guy who could be a combat partner with him, I really envy..."


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