I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1276: Nova

A miserable look appeared on the woman's face and muttered to herself: "Have you already begun to be able to kill creatures with divinity? This growth rate is a little too fast, right?"

After a moment of meditation, the woman sighed again and shook her head: "It seems that the chance of regaining the kingdom of God is too small. I am afraid that I have not yet been resurrected. He has broken through the legend and reached the demigod, completely controlling the entire kingdom of God... …"

The broken Kingdom of God was recovered by the system and then bought by Song Jian, which has been imprinted with Song Jian's traces.

But this woman is the original master of this kingdom of God. Although the soul of the **** has been wiped out, this consciousness hidden in the kingdom of God still has the imprint of the Kingdom of God and has the opportunity to regain control of the Kingdom of God.

It's just that this consciousness is too weak. Even one-tenth of the soul of an ordinary person is not as good. With such strength, it is a dream to dream of resurrection and reach the height of the previous gods.

This is why when the system recovered this broken **** kingdom before, it detected that 99.99% of the deity's soul was extinguished, and still 0.01% of the deity still exists, but after measurement, it was concluded that the remaining deities were negligible.

Otherwise, the system will not place a problematic item on the shelf.

"It seems that only the final choice can be made!" The woman gritted her teeth and seemed to have made a very important decision, looking towards a forest and farmland in the kingdom of God.

In the woods, there are two or three fist-sized light spots on each big tree. They are constantly spinning around the big tree, and a trace of green breath is absorbed from the big tree. Will feed back to the tree.

These light spots are all wood spirits, which can coexist with any plant, but their favorite is still a large tree over 100 years old, so this forest has been completely occupied by this group of wood spirits.

On the other hand, in the vast farmland, the abyss puppet beasts are working hard to plant snake vine grass, which is the only value of their existence.

These abyss puppet beasts have both mechanical and biological properties, and possess extremely simple sanity.

There are only these two kinds of existence in the **** kingdom of Nuo Da. After thinking for a long time, the woman finally sighed and drifted towards the woods.

Since she can no longer be reborn and resurrected by her own abilities, reaching the peak height of the previous life, so in order to continue to survive, she now only possesses other creatures to replace the other party and continue to live.

Only in this way can she get rid of her current embarrassing identity, the starting point will be much higher, and maybe she will get help from Song Jian.

In fact, in addition to the wood spirit and the abyss puppet beast, she also has a third option, which is to wait for the Holy Spirit Warrior after the Holy Spirit Temple is built.

It’s just that the spirit of the Holy Spirit Warrior is too powerful. According to her current situation, there is a high probability of failure. Once that fails, the remaining soul of her will be swallowed by the other party, and she will disappear completely in this world. Among them, even the most fundamental soul brand will not remain.

The woman came to the woods, chose a stronger wood spirit, cast a secret method, and soon, she turned into a white light, flew towards the fist-sized wood spirit, and drilled into its body.

The wood spirit suddenly twisted violently, and even got rid of the big tree, fluttering around in disorder, and some wood spirits around scared away from it and chose another big tree.

About ten minutes later, the wood spirit fell on the grass, motionless, and for a long time, it flicked and flew up again, and flew towards the nearest big tree.

"It's so dangerous. I didn't expect that I was so weak now that I even possessed a wooden spirit. It was so difficult. I almost failed!"

A whiff of green breath was sucked from her by the big tree, recovering her tired mind, at this time all her mind began to merge with the possessed wood spirit.

Wood spirit belongs to a very low-level creature, even worse than the existence of semi-mechanical and semi-biological creatures such as the abyss puppet beast, only instinctive survival consciousness.

After swallowing the original soul of the wood spirit, the benefits gained by the woman, even the previous combat cost, have not been compensated, and only the wood instinct talent "plant symbiosis" can slowly recover the mind.

After occupying the body of the wood spirit, you still need to adjust your soul to a frequency with the wood spirit in order to fully integrate, but no matter what the woman does, her spirit cannot always be perfectly integrated with the body of the wood spirit.

For a long time, the woman finally said slowly in her heart: "From now on, there will be no Nova Kanyadi in the world..."

Nova Kanyadi is a woman's **** name. Her **** name is composed of hundreds of syllables, and it must be recited in full.

After chanting the name of her god, Nova Kanyadi suddenly felt a sense of sorrow in her heart, but she continued: "From now on, only Mu Ling Nova will exist in this world!"

As soon as the words in her heart were finished, she felt that her soul quickly merged with Mu Ling's body. After a while, she achieved a perfect fusion.

Since then, she has only been Mu Ling Nuo, as a Mu Ling identity, continue to survive in this game world.

As for whether she can re-cultivate and reach her previous height, no one knows, but her last bond with this broken kingdom of God has completely disappeared. Even if she regains the power of the gods afterwards, she can only open up new ones. The Kingdom of God, now this broken Kingdom of God has nothing to do with her.

Nova looked at the big tree where he was. The big tree was originally only 80 to 90 years old, but after a rain of soul energy, the big tree gained enough energy, which is almost equivalent to a tree. A 150-year-old tree has naturally attracted many other spirits.

At this moment, Nova snorted in her heart, a breath of terror was released from her, and suddenly the five or six wood spirits that had originally floated to this big tree seemed to be frightened, and they all flew towards other big trees. Go, Nova monopolized the big tree.

Scared away other wood spirits~www.novelhall.com~ Nova had no trace of joy in her heart. She searched for a simple wood system skill in her memory and began to cultivate slowly. With her current wood spirit qualifications, Other high-level exercises cannot be practiced at all.

"With this speed of cultivation, even if I practice for thousands of years, I have no possibility to return to the realm of God. It seems that it must be brought to his attention..." Nova said secretly in his heart, while absorbing the energy of the big tree, while Secretly calculated.

At this time, Song Jian returned to the reincarnation pool, looking at the pool full of water, which could only be transformed by the souls of at least thousands or even tens of thousands of people. Song Jian couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

As he was about to leave, he suddenly received a system message.

[You have discovered the unowned reincarnation pool, you can use the pool water to reshape the equipment grade, and reshape two items with similar attributes into higher grade items]


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