I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1255: Siege

Sky City is a city dedicated to angels. There are many copies in it, and you will get many benefits after customs clearance. It is suitable for players from level 40 to level 70.

Only after the appearance of the magic angel, a closed formation was set up to close the city of sky, but Song Jian believed that as long as his strength was stronger, the angel city could be opened to the city of hope. Player service.

Now seeing the fallen angel demon appearing in the direction of the sky city, Song Jian suddenly sinks in his heart. I am afraid that this fallen angel has already captured the sky city, and the magic angel is fierce. Now I only hope that the fallen angel has just captured. The city of the sky hasn't had time to infest with the power of the abyss, turning the city of the sky into a part of the abyss territory.

Just like the abyss fortress that moved in the air, it was originally a flying island that was not weaker than the heaven and earth, but after being captured by the abyss monster and transformed into an abyss fortress, it completely changed the attributes of this flying island and became only suitable for the abyss. Creatures exist, which is why the three elders feel sorry.

When Song Jian thought about it, he also flew the sword and flew towards the city of the sky. At this time, the three elders had surrounded the fallen angel Cullensia.

Kurensya's original arrogant breath also began to converge slowly, with a look of uncertainty on his face. One of the three people in front of him had the strength of a king-level boss and had a deep breath, at least stronger than the one he just advanced to. Many, although the other two are only the peak of the third-tier combat power, but they also give him a profound feeling.

Even though these three people faced one, they were a little bit bottomless. Now that they are surrounded by three people at the same time, Kurensia suddenly has a sense of confusion.

"You are..." The fallen angel Kurunsia just spoke, and a few sword qi slashed towards it. The abyss breath of Kurunsia made the three elders have no mood to talk nonsense with each other.

"Despicable human!" Kurenseya was furious. Three pairs of black wings behind him waved violently. In an instant, countless black blades appeared around its body, shooting like a rainstorm at the three elders. .

The battle broke out too quickly. When Song Jian rushed over, the aftermath of the battle made him stop at a distance of 100 meters. The battle in the legendary realm was not yet possible for Song Jian to participate in. Looking at the fallen angel Kurensya, he was suppressed very much It is miserable, but it still persists, and it seems that there is still a certain ability to fight back, which makes Song Jian admire.

"Don't play, the old man will go back to drink jade liquor, quickly get rid of this monster and go back to drink celebration wine!" Elder Qian glanced at Song Jian and suddenly shouted loudly.

At this moment, Elder Wang suddenly waved his sword in his hand, and slashed hard in the direction of the fallen angel.

In an instant, a sword with a length of about a hundred feet chopped towards the fallen angel Kurensia. This sword looked as if it would tear the sky. The pressure alone made people feel suffocated.

The fallen angel Kurunsiya showed a terrified look on his face. This sword could not even hide from hiding, as if it had been locked by this sword, it could only resist!

"The will of the abyss!" The fallen angel Kurunsia screamed, her eyes glowed scarlet, and a demon phantom with twelve wings and black wings appeared above Kurunsia's head.

This fallen angel demon phantom stands a hundred feet tall, holding a long sword with a black flame in one hand and a heavy shield in one hand!

When the sword-like energy of about a hundred feet was cut down towards Kurensya, the demon phantom suddenly opened his eyes, the shield in his hand was raised high, and it collided fiercely with the sword-like energy.


A tremendous loud noise blasted apart. The surrounding area was hundreds of meters away, and a gust of wind suddenly blew away. The tall trees were cut off by the waist and the ground was cracked with a gully-like crack.

This sword gas directly shattered the heavy shield, and the violent sword gas twisted the twelve-winged fallen angel phantom of the height to shatter, and the aftermath slashed toward Kurunsia.

"How is it possible!" Kurunsiya's face was horrified. This move was beyond its imagination. It was only now understood that the reason it was able to resist for so long was only because the three elders had not been serious before. Fight only.


This sword was cut directly from Kurunsia's left shoulder and chopped all the way to Kurunsia's right waist, almost cutting its entire body in half.

Elder Wang's face flushed slowly, and he slowly took back the sword in his hand. He chuckled and sighed: "Unfortunately, with the promotion of foreign objects, his own foundation is unstable. Even if he reaches the legendary level, there is no chance to continue to improve! "

"Is Elder Wang's sword a simulacrum in the Chaos Sword Classic?" Elder Xiao smiled at Song Jian with a smile and said aloud.

"Ashamed, ashamed, but it's just like simulating a three-pointed form, and there is no trace of charm, but it's more than enough to deal with this abyss monster that has just advanced!" Elder Wang laughed.

Rolling black smoke rose from the wound of the fallen angel Culensia. Numerous black smoke condensed into the shape of tentacles, entangled with each other, and it seemed as if to recombine the split body.

"Huh, this guy is very resilient, and it is indeed a legendary state!" Elder Xiao on the side looked at the dark smoke of the fallen angel Culensia around his body and shouted in surprise.

"Come, let the old man send you the last trip!" As he said, Elder Xiao slowly extended his index finger of his right hand, gently in the direction of the fallen angel Culensia.

Elder Xiao extended his finger very slowly, as if there was something in front of him, and sweat also oozed out on his forehead, as if exhausting his finger with all his strength.

With Elder Xiao's movements, his finger also slowly glowed with dazzling light, from the beginning of the white light, UU reading www. uukanshu.com gradually turned into light gold, and finally turned into a rich dark gold color, the whole finger is like the general casting of gold.

Immediately afterwards, the dark golden light of the entire finger began to condense towards the fingertips. In just a few seconds, all the dark golden light condensed on the fingertips and condensed into a spot of fingernail size.

"Geng Jin Jian Qi, go!"

Elder Xiao drank lightly, and the spot at his fingertips flew out suddenly, at a very fast speed, leaving a dark golden afterimage in the air. In the blink of an eye, he shot into the chest of Kurumesia who was about to recover.

"Do not!"

The fallen angel Kulun Si Ya's eyes showed a desperate look, and gave a roar, the whole body softly shone thousands of dark gold rays, like a handle blade, stabbed from its body.


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