I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1220: Completely destroyed

The latest website: Jianying avatar was on display. The avatar appeared directly behind Song Jian’s body. Then, a black dagger stabbed fiercely into the back of the avatar. A huge crit damage from the top of the avatar The upper body floated up, and the sword shadow avatar that had just been summoned broke up immediately.


Song Jian was shocked. You should know that the skill level of the sword shadow avatar is already very high. The released avatar actually has 80% or 90% of the strength of Song Jian’s body, and can kill the avatar in one blow. Then I am facing, I'm afraid I can't escape the fate of being spiked!

Stuart Case!

Song Jian brandished the Sky Sword and slashed back towards him. At this time, Situ Kesi's breath appeared again. Obviously before, he must have exhibited a skill like Abyssal Displacement that can hide into another plane!

However, the displacement of the abyss only moved to another position through the plane at the moment after it was released. In fact, the time to enter the plane is very short, and it is impossible to escape the dragon and lizard's self-explosion!

"Song Jian!" Situ Kaisi was holding a black dagger, with a crazy expression on his face. The killing in his eyes was almost full of substance. He shouted at Song Jian: "I thought we would be friends, but I didn't expect that in the end Still become the enemy, you **** it!"

The death lord’s damage is too serious. Even if he obtains the soul crystal, there is no way to perfect the evolution. It can be said that Situ Kesi’s decades of hard work have been in vain. You must know that if it is not his luck, there is one in the prison. The intact body of the abyss lord who has been dead for a long time, he can not transform it into a mechanical flesh puppet beast!

But it was precisely because of the long-term contact with the body of the abyss death lord that made him the pastor of Holy Light, and degenerated into a far-reaching pastor. This has to be said to be a very ironic thing.

The most important thing is that the production of mechanical flesh puppet beasts has consumed all his storage materials. Even if these materials are collected, I am afraid it will take decades of effort. The most important thing is that I want to gain a complete dominance. The BOSS body is almost impossible for him.

"Spellblade?" Song Jian's eyes fell on the black dagger in Stuart's right hand, a look of surprise on his face.

I originally thought that Stuart Kas had lost all his equipment. Unexpectedly, the opponent's weapon turned out to be a spell blade!

The weapons of most legal professions are sticks, magic sticks, etc., but there are also some legal professions who use the blade of a spell as a weapon.

This kind of dagger with super powerful magic attack effect is not only rare in number, but its attributes are much higher than the staff of the same quality. The most important thing is that the legal professionals who own it will also master certain The degree of melee ability will have a strong effect on the survivability of legal professionals.

The spell blade in Situ Kaisi's hands is definitely not low grade, otherwise, it is impossible for Situ Kaisi, the abyss priest, to have the ability to surpass the assassin's one-hit kill!

"Song Jian, you ruined everything for me, and you won't have a good ending!" Situ Kaisi screamed, his face full of despair, the abyss of his body grew thicker, and the strange patterns on his cheeks also It became more obvious that the skin of the whole body became dark, and the body surface was also covered with a strange layer of scales. At this time, Stuart Kas has completely fallen into an abyss creature!

Situ Kaisi, who brought out the Spellblade, completely let go of the spell attack, just like an assassin rushed towards Song Jian, and strangely, Situ Kaisi's movement speed and shot speed are no different. The assassin class of the same rank makes Song Jian's evaluation of the spell blade in his hand rise to another level!

Click, click~

The death lord on the side is still struggling to stand up, but he has lost his general body and everything he has done is in vain. The power of the dragon lizard self-detonation is great, which is comparable to the full blow of the king-level BOSS. Half of the body has been completely melted, and many functions have been lost. If it had not been turned into a full-body mechanical structure, it would have already died before it had suffered this blow!


The Spellblade collided with the Potianjian again, and Song Jian felt pressure from the Potianjian. Knowing that, after obtaining the town demon tower (fragment), all attributes were increased by 60 points again. When Song Jian's strength attribute has exceeded 200 points, but in this way, Stuart Case can still make him feel pressure. Obviously the other party's strength attribute is even lower than his own, it is also limited!

"This is at least an epic spell blade, and may even be of legendary quality!" Song Jian stared at the black dagger in the opponent's hand, a flash of fiery flashed in his eyes.

Relying on the Spellblade, Situ Kaisi has a short-term melee ability against Song Jian, but this ability is destined to not last long, and it is impossible to suppress Song Jian. Soon, Situ Kaisi looked at him The more and more spirit swords, a look of despair appeared in his eyes.

"If you can give me a little more time, I will definitely be able to..." Situ Kas glanced at the half-destroyed death lord with regret in his heart.

"When you fall into the abyss, you should expect that there will be this moment!" Song Jian raised his broken sword, and slashed severely towards Situ Kaisi's head.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt a creepy sense of threat behind him. In an instant, the whole body became translucent and entered the state of soul.

Behind him, a metal diamond blade with a height of one person flew towards Song Jian's back at an amazing speed. The four ridges of the blade were all thin blades like cicada wings.


A crisp friction sounded, and the diamond-shaped blade passed through Song Jian's translucent figure and was inserted directly into Stuart's chest!

Within three seconds after the Soul Walk is launched, Song Jian can pass through any object. The death lord's current attacks are all physical damage. Within three seconds, ~www.novelhall.com~ is equivalent to Song Jian's immunity to all attacks of the death lord.

Situ Kaisi, whose chest was pierced, couldn't believe it. After two steps back, he knelt on one knee and fell to the ground. The chest pierced by the diamond blade did not have a little blood, but a large amount of black spewed out. Fog.

Song Jian looked back. At this time, the death lord shone brightly in both eyes. It seemed that the situation in front of him had exceeded its computing limit!

Can't attack the owner, can't hurt the owner, can't damage the owner's interests!

The owner has been wounded by me and has been seriously injured, violating the survival rules...

Can not cause damage to the owner, already attacked the owner, accidentally injured, accidentally injured, violated the survival rules...

The control system of the death lord fell into serious logical chaos. After a while, an explosion suddenly sounded in its body, and the whole body shone with an amazing spark. The eyes that had originally radiated scarlet light were suddenly lost. Glory, dimmed, the whole body was silent.
