I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1206: mission rewards

The latest website: Running and stopping, Song Jian at this time, no longer cares whether there is an end to this road, whether it is circulating, whether he can go out, he has only one purpose now, is to kill all the monsters here, let the stone people grunt As much as possible.

"If the monsters here can improve my combat experience, my level can be improved by at least several levels!" Song Jian secretly said, all the monsters here are 100-level elite bosses, and the leapfrog killing experience is more than normal. Monsters have more experience.

Hum ~

Another golden light flashed, and the level of the stone man grunt has been raised to the 98th level. Looking around, there are stumps and flesh of monsters everywhere on the stone road. Song Jian is standing on the stone man grunt more than eight meters tall. On his shoulders, he looked around, and he couldn't see anything in the white space, but he could feel that there were still a large number of monsters rushing towards this side in the dense white fog.

The stone-man grunt who has risen to the 98th level is no longer afraid of the siege of these monsters, and he has lost the level of suppression. The master-level grunt can smash a monster and fly out, and at the same time can cast earth magic Do a lot of damage to these monsters!

Even if Song Jian doesn't shoot, Guru can kill all day and night in the monster group without feeling tired!

The more and more monsters around Gulu, it has made it a little bit difficult to move. At this time, Gulu violently raised his right foot and stepped **** the ground!

A loud bang!

Centering on Guru, countless ground thorns more than two meters long have been drilled out of the ground. All the surrounding monsters have been pierced by these ground thorns and hung in the air. At least two monsters are hung in each ground thorn.

Looking from above, it looks like a flower with a stone thorn more than ten meters in diameter is blooming, and the body of the monster is covered with flowers.

After a few seconds, the energy of the earth elements of the stone thorns disintegrated, and all the stone thorns collapsed. The monster ’s body fell to the ground. Even if there were no dead monsters, they were all seriously injured, and they were stepped on by one foot dead.

After killing all the monsters, Gulu seemed very excited. He beat his chest like a gorilla. Song Jian was almost accidentally overturned by the shock. After standing up, he couldn't help kicking. After grunting his head, he grinned.

I don't know how long it has passed. Gollum's level has been raised to level 110. Song Jian has nothing to do. He even slept on Gollum's shoulder and completely recovered.

"It's still a little boring!" Song Jian yawned, looking at the endless stream of dead monsters, and said without expression.

The boss boss of level 110 has the suppression of the rank and rank of the elite boss monsters around him. No matter how much he surrounds, there is no way to break through the defense of Guru, and he can only force Guru to lose a little blood and blood value. At this point Guru's qi and blood value has exceeded 100,000, for such an attack, not even tickling at all.

After batches of monsters were killed by Gollum, Song Jian sat on Gollum's shoulders, a bit boring. After a long time, Song Jian suddenly felt that the surroundings had become quiet and couldn't help looking up.

"Huh, have all the monsters been killed by us?" Song Jian's face emerged with joy, and he stood up and looked around.

He found that the dense white mist around him seemed to be slowly fading away, and a huge figure appeared in front of Song Jian.

"Well, this is the old tree outside the temple?" Song Jian said in horror.

The huge figure in front of me was exactly the same as the ancient tree outside the shrine. Standing under the tree, I could not see where the crown was. The lush foliage covered the area for several kilometers. It looked like a small town. general.

It's just that in an area in the lower right corner of this ancient tree, there are only bare branches and no leaves on it. It looks strange compared to other places.

"You are the shameless and luckiest guy I've ever seen!" From the inside of the ancient tree, a deafening voice sounded, but it sounded a bit helpless.

Song Jian stared at the area in the lower right corner of the ancient tree for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "Are the misty and wild beasts all made of your leaves?"

"You guessed it, the monsters here are all made of my leaves!" Gu Shu replied rustlingly.

Song Jian looked at the whole old tree, and the area where the leaves were missing was less than one percent of the whole old tree. That is to say, if the old tree was willing, more monsters could be sent to kill them.

"Just a few leaves can transform into a 100-level elite boss, so how strong is the body of this ancient tree in front of you?" Song Jian's face could not help but show a horrified look.

Seeming to guess Song Jian's thoughts at this time, Gu Shu explained: "What you see is not my body, my body is still beside the star pool outside the temple!"

"You entered here, it was just a little test for you. Unexpectedly, you actually cracked this way!" Gu Shu thought very helplessly: "Actually, you just enter the mist and find me, Will complete the test! "

Song Jian was stunned. Although he would be actively attacked by monsters when he entered the mist, the ancient tree was too large. If you look for it carefully, you might be able to touch its leaves for up to half an hour.

What is the difference between being besieged in the mist and being besieged on the road? Song Jian just fell into the blind corner of thinking from the beginning, and didn't think of a way to leave here, even in the mist around him.

"Then I should have completed the assessment now?" Song Jian asked after looking around.

"Forget it!" Gu Shu sighed. The surrounding monsters could no longer pose a threat to Song Jian. Continue, just to continue to provide upgrade experience for his darlings. This assessment has no way to continue normally, only Can end!

A green branch ~ www.novelhall.com ~ stretched towards Song Jian and slowly rolled him up. Song Jian was motionless. He didn't feel malicious from the ancient tree, let alone roll it up.

After the green light flashed, Song Jianying disappeared, and soon appeared in the temple.

System: You have completed the second ring of the Forgotten Temple mission and opened the third ring of "Task Reward"! Please select the reward for completing the task. Tip: Of these rewards, only eight items are real, and the rest are illusions! During the mission, all identification and exploration skills are unavailable! Please select your task reward within three minutes!

Just after the system prompts, hundreds of treasure boxes appeared densely around the demon statue. These boxes are almost identical in appearance. The only difference is that a translucent ghost image appears on each box!

These phantom images are different, including humans, orcs, goblins, murlocs, and even abyss demons. Each image is lifelike. Some of them are waving at Song Jian, some are roaring at Song Jian, and some are still laughing at loud Insulting Song Jian, looking at all this in front of him, a few black lines appeared on Song Jian's head!
