I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1204: Endless road

The latest website: Song Jian has been running continuously along this stone road. The white mist on both sides of the road is getting thicker and thicker. The countless hoarse roars are becoming clearer and clearer. But after running for so long, Song Jian's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he still didn't see any monsters get out of the fog, which made Song Jian feel a little strange.

Stepping on, stepping on, stepping on ...

On the dead and ethereal road, there were only the roars on both sides and the sound of Song Jian's footsteps. Song Jian had forgotten how long he ran, it seemed to be an hour, and it seemed to have been running all day.

"Is there any end to this road?" Song Jian looked at the exact same scene around him, slowly wondering in his heart, could not help stopping, and stood on the spot.

However, just a moment after Song Jian stood on the spot, a huge sickle fell from his head, Song Jian quickly rolled forward to hide, looking back, a huge monster more than three meters tall, holding a handle The black sickle was slowly drilling out of the mist and attacking him.

The monster looked extremely rugged, with sunken cheeks, scarlet eyes, sharp fangs, and a strong body like a lizard, all foreshadowing the monster's toughness.

Song Jian's eyes flickered, and the eyes of insight were released directly. This turned out to be an elite boss with a level of 100, a misty beast!

"Run, run, run, run ~" This huge misty beast uttered ambiguous words, waving the black sickle in his hand, and attacked Song Jian.

At the moment when this monster appeared, more and more monsters appeared in the mist, and they all came out of the mist on both sides of the road and rushed towards Song Jian.

Song Jian was frightened. These monsters that emerged from the mist are all different in length and strange, but each monster exudes a strong breath and a rich **** smell.

"Run, run, run, run ..."

While all the monsters were attacking Song Jian, they roared and groaned with ambiguous words. Song Jian waved the broken sword and fought with these rushing monsters. The blood was constantly swaying. The original gray white stone road was full of It is the broken arm and blood left by the monster.

Song Jian stepped back while fighting. He dared not rush into the mist. He felt that once he left this stone road, extremely dangerous things would happen, and he could only retreat along the stone road.

Endless monsters rushed out of the fog on both sides of the stone road, roared and rushed towards Song Jian, the battle continued, and the flesh and blood of the entire road extended hundreds of meters ...


It has been more than a meter long claws, and stabbed into Song Jian's left shoulder. The pain like a fracture came. Song Jian was shot and flew out five or six meters away, and fell on the slate. On the road.

"Damn, how could there be so many!" Song Jian struggled to get up and stared at the monsters constantly pouring on the stone road.

He has killed hundreds of wild beasts, but still a steady stream of wild beasts have emerged from the mist.

Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian shouted, all the sword qi flooded into the Potian Sword in an instant. The legendary Potian Sword, blooming the dazzling sword awn, instantly, five hundred handles of the sword, densely appeared in the body of Song Jianjian The surroundings, like meteors, rushed towards the beasts who swarmed in.

Boom, boom, boom ~

After a violent explosion, a short period of calm appeared on the stone road, and all the wild beasts that were rushed were dismembered into pieces and then exploded into slap-sized fragments.

The whole road was covered with blood and minced meat, and Song Jian gasped for a long time. The individual strength of these wild beasts is not high, but the number is too much, and they are endless.

Just a few seconds after Song Jian rested in situ, the snarling roar of his scalp sounded again, and a pair of scarlet lights illuminated in the mist.

"Damn, how can there be?" Song Jian stood up and clenched his sword, looking like he was waiting.

"Run, run, run, run ..."

The endless monsters rushed towards Song Jian once again, and they kept groaning, and the blood-thirsty expression appeared in their scarlet eyes.

"Run, what is running?" Song Jian frowned slightly, watching the monsters swarming, Wan Jianjue's cooling time was still five or six seconds, Song Jian slowly backed away, waiting for the end of the skill cooling time.

After just two steps back, Song Jian seemed to have thought of something, and even turned around and ran straight away. In battle, he did this to find death, revealing his undefended back to his enemies, even enemies weaker than you. Easy to pierce the weapon into your back.

But it is strange that as Song Jian turned and ran away, the endless monsters behind him stopped at the same time and stood motionless, looking straight at Song Jian's back, for a while. Kung fu, these monsters slowly walked down the stone road again, hidden in the mist.

Song Jian ran a dozen meters and looked back. Sure enough, as he guessed, all these monsters disappeared, but Song Jian's face became more difficult to look at.

"What the **** is going on, forcing people to run along this stone road all the time?" Song Jian trot while muttering to himself, the thoughts in his mind quickly turned: "This road seems to have no end at all , When do I have to run to pass the test? Or, will I run to death on this road? "

The test that Song Jian entered is the endless road. Although there is no **** brutality like the arena, as long as you master the know-how, you can guarantee your safety for a long time.

But the test of this endless road is more desperate than other tests. After entering, many people ran for a few days, weeks, or even months, exhausted their physical strength and were caught in the mist. Eat the monster. Others even left this stone road directly because of despair, and rushed into the mist, and never appeared again.

Song Jian trotting to save energy while carefully observing the surrounding environment. All the details are not overlooked. Many times, the answer lies in some small details that are not noticeable.

"There must be an exit here, it can't be a dead end, this is just a test, not a trap ..." Song Jian secretly said ~ www.novelhall.com ~ carefully observed the surroundings, even the appearance of the mist rolling, remembered in In my heart.

Running all the way forward, Song Jian no longer has the concept of time. He does not know how long it has been since he entered here. Nothing has changed in front of him. He has grown more than an inch under his jaw. With a long beard, the whole person looks like a tramp and is very embarrassed.

"There must be an exit, there must be an exit, it can't be a trap, it can't be a trap here!" Song Jian muttered to himself, his two legs moving like a machine.

However, after running for a while, Song Jian stopped suddenly, looking at the stone road in front with a horrified face. On the stone road in front, covered with debris of monsters and dried blood, along the stone road , Covered with hundreds of meters.

"Here, here, this is the place I have fought before ..." Song Jian looked at everything in front of him and suddenly realized that this road turned out to be an endless cycle, a strong despair, like a heavy hammer He hit Song Jian fiercely. Song Jian, who had always insisted, suddenly collapsed at this moment, and the whole person knelt down on the stone road without help, and did not want to move.
