I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1102: task

Latest website: Song Jian came to the place more than 30 kilometers away from the city of hope according to the coordinates given by Wang Qi.

Here is a desert, the ground is full of white light saline land, almost no grass grows here, only a weird mutant plant will grow here, this mutant plant named Xanthoxylum is a precious alchemy herb, every One plant is worth thousands of doomsdays. Although this is a level 60 monster area, Song Jian still sees a lot of level 30 and 40 players looking for something in this desert. Once they are found, they will be excited. Shout.

Here, if you are lucky, you can easily earn tens of thousands of doomsday in a day. Although there are some dangers, there are still many people coming here.

According to Wang Qi, the first player who discovered that he could quickly upgrade his monsters here was also a player who came here to gather salty root grass.

Song Jian soon came to the position where Wang Qi said, here is the edge of the desert, in the distance are small trees, the tallest one is less than three meters high, the trunk is twisted, except for such trees It is useless except for cutting down the fire.

At the edge of this grove, Wang Qi and several players from the City of Hope were waiting for Song Jian. When they saw Song Jian coming, several people lit up and greeted each other.

"City Lord!"

"The lord is here!"

Song Jian responded with a smile, and looked at their ranks. Wang Qi did not lie. The ranks of these people have reached level 45, and one of them has reached level 47.

"City Lord, I haven't seen you for more than half a month. Isn't it going to do an epic mission again? What good gains, let us all see!" Wang Qi laughed.

Song Jian glanced at Wang Qi with a smile, and showed Jianxian's gauntlets directly on the Zhanmeng channel.

Originally, the Zhanmeng Channel was still very lively. Song Jian showed this piece of equipment. On the Zhanmeng Channel, it suddenly became quiet. Several players who followed Wang Qi stared at Song Jian in dumbfounded, unbelievable appearance. .

Wang Qi was taken aback. He knew that Song Jian was in order to complete a task for half a month, and he also knew that the task was successfully completed. Originally, he thought that he only obtained a dark gold or epic equipment of level 70 or 80. He wanted Song Jian Let me show you how to increase Song Jian's prestige. Unexpectedly, Song Jian even came up with a legendary quality equipment of level 120.

You know, most players are now in the 30th and 40th grades, not to mention the 120th and 20th grades of equipment, even the 50th and 60th grades of equipment are considered to be very high-end equipment, not to mention the quality. Legendary quality, in the eyes of ordinary players, the legendary level can almost be equated with the god-level equipment.

For a long time, only one person in the channel of the Zhanmeng Channel shouted "Mistgrass!"

This time it was like turning on the switch, a group of people directly exploded in the Zhanmeng channel, and the words "worship to the lord" directly swiped a dozen pages of screens.

"The legendary quality equipment of the 120th level, that is to say, the strength of the city master can already hunt the boss of the 120th level?" Wang Qi secretly said, looking at Song Jian's eyes also became hot. .

The specific date of the abyss invasion is not known. The more powerful Song Jian is, the safer the city of hope when facing the abyss enemies in the future.

After everyone felt a little calmer, Song Jian asked Wang Qi with a smile: "Okay, you haven't told me what method you use to upgrade quickly!"

"City Lord, walk here, you will know when you get to the place." Wang Qi smiled mysteriously, and walked Song Jian towards the grove.

Song Jian looked as he walked, this small forest was very weird. Every tree seemed to be exposed to radiation. The fist-sized tree tumors were formed on the trunk surface. The trunk was twisted like a snake and grew upwards, even branches. There are very few, and the leaves are sparse, and there are at most a dozen leaves in a tree, which looks bleak.

After walking for more than ten meters, Song Jian suddenly found that in the mud of this grove, there were scattered corpses of bones. Most of the white bones were covered with mud, but some of them were still exposed. It was like a mess of graves.

"City Lord, right in front!" Wang Qi whispered, pointing to the front.

Soon, the two came to a valley entrance, where a legged NPC soldier was sitting on a rock with a cane and smoking.

"It's him, the city master. You go talk to him first and take the task of a soldier's relic!" Wang Qi said.

Song Jian nodded and stepped towards the old-looking NPC soldier.

"Hello, can I help you, please?" Song Jian asked the NPC veteran with only level 50 after using a standard mission query.

"Young man, you exude a strong breath. It looks like you are a strong man. If there were a strong man like you in my team, they would not all die in this **** valley. "" NPC veterans seem to be caught in memories. It took a long time for the cigarette that was almost burnt to be pressed **** the rock. He raised his head and said to Song Jian: "Powerful young man, I don't know if you are interested in listening. A veteran tells the story of him and his teammates? "

"This is my honor!" Song Jian nodded.

"I still remember that it was a late night under heavy downpour. Our 123 Division received an order from our superiors and hurriedly marched to this **** valley. I originally thought that this was just a normal exercise, but I didn't expect it to be one. The beginning of a nightmare ... "

Song Jian patiently listened to this NPC veteran telling his story. The bones in the forest before were all his comrades. The soldiers of a group division were all sacrificed here. No one even collected the bones for them. ~ www.novelhall.com ~ They just died here! "Now, the NPC veterans took out a large number of metal identity cards from their arms and said to Song Jian:" I have collected all their identity cards, but the enemy who killed them is still in this valley. Free, I hope you can help me and kill them all, if you can give me ten of those beast heads, I will give you a special reward! "

System: Veteran Veen releases the "Hunting" mission to you. This mission is an endless loop mission. After completion, you can gain a lot of combat experience. Do you want to take it?

"It turned out to be this endless loop task?" Song Jian showed a trace of enlightenment in his eyes and chose to take it.

After seeing Song Jian taking over the task, Wang Qi applied directly to Song Jian for the transaction.

Soon, on the trading interface, Song Jian saw that Wang Qi had placed five hundred grim heads on it, and then chose to trade.

"Urban Lord, just talk to it directly to complete the task. With so many heads, you should be able to upgrade your level by one level ..." Wang Qi laughed.
