I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1086: Lava Giant

The latest website: Many precious ore, such as semi-dew inlaid on the rock wall, makes people feel itchy, even if there is no mining, Song Jian wants to step forward and grab two pieces, not to mention his mining technique Have you met the requirements for collecting these ores?

However, the task is important. I am afraid that this time I will get the sword fairy suit guards. This time, for the sake of a few ore, give up the exclusive set of the only profession. How stupid is it to choose the former?

Song Jian lowered his head and no longer looked at the rock walls on both sides, followed behind the robot Nafiboya, and slowly explored. Along the way, the two did not say a word, and seemed a little silent.

I don't know how long it has been, the concept of time has been lost in the dim environment, maybe more than an hour, maybe a day, the robot Nafiboja in front stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Song Jian asked, looking up.

After a moment of silence, the robot Nafiboya squatted down and stroked something gently. At this time, Song Jian saw that at the foot of Nafiboya, there was a broken humanoid robot.

This robot looks very broken, and has been rusted into powder in many places, with only a roughly humanoid shape and a half-broken head.

Nafiboya groped in the robot's head for a while, took out a chip the size of a fingernail cover, hesitated for a moment, and kneaded it into powder.

"Nothing, let's go ..." The robot Nafiboja stood up, and said in a cold mechanical voice.

Song Jian glanced down at the broken robot, and found a familiar mark on his wrist. This mark resembled an umbrella, divided into six petals, one red and one white.

"There is a similar mark on Nafiboya's wrist ..." Song Jian secretly thought, looking up at Nafiboya's back, a thoughtful look on his face.

After walking for a long time, a dazzling red appeared in front of him, and Song Jian's spirit was shocked. After walking in this narrow passage for so long, being in such a depressing environment, Song Jian's spirit was very tired. Now I suddenly found some Strange, can not help but a little brisk underfoot.

The two came to the end of the passage very quickly. Here is a huge cave, extremely wide. The top is at least tens of meters high, and a stalactite column rises from the ground. The surface appears dark red. On the ground There was tumbling magma everywhere, and a scorching breath blew towards us.

Soon, two five-meter-high lava monsters appeared in front of Song Jian. These two tall monsters were composed of lava, as if huge lava blocks were built up, and the burning magma kept dripping down. Compared to Song Jian's battle pet stone element, Guru, it is ten streets higher than just looking at it.

"Lava beast, eighty-level dominated boss, blood value of 9.8 million, possesses fire and earth attributes, is immune to all fire magic damage, soil magic attacks are reduced by 50% ..." Robot Nafibo As usual, Ya quietly introduced the attributes of the two giant monsters in front of her.

In Song Jian's eyes, most of the attributes of these two monsters are question marks, and the level is more like a skull. I do n’t know the specific strength. With the introduction of the robot Nafiboya, Song Jian suddenly had the two monsters. A comprehensive understanding.

"The resistance to water magic is weakened by 30%, and the ice magic resistance is reduced by 50%. Therefore, it is best to use these two attributes to attack it ..." Robot Nafiboya continued: "Its attack belongs to special chaos. Damage is similar to real damage, but it is one level lower than real damage.

"Two Dominant BOSS?" Song Jian's face showed a surprised look. We should know that Dominant BOSS rarely appeared in the same area. Each Dominant BOSS was similar to the manager of an area. What the so-called two tigers can't tolerate is what they say, but this scene is clearly contrary to common sense in games.

"This is the field of the king of flames. It is not surprising that two Dominion-level bosses appear at the same time. The deeper you go, the more Dominion-level bosses you can see ..." the robot Nafiboya whispered.

"Will killing them let the King of Fire lock us in?" Song Jian asked suddenly.

"The two Dominant BOSS are extremely difficult to entangle. Even with your Wan Jian Jue, the probability of killing two Dominant BOSS at the same time is only 21.34%. I suggest bypassing them and moving on ..." Boya did not answer Song Jian's question directly.

"Will it catch the attention of the King of Flames?" Song Jian stared at the robot Nafiboya again.

If it was before entering this volcanic area, Song Jian might follow the advice of the robot Nafiboya, but after entering the volcanic area, Songjian found that Nafiboya had many things to hide from himself, if he followed everything Its opinion, maybe it will be taken directly to the ditch, and I don't know yet.

After a few moments of silence, Nafiboja answered directly: "No!"

Song Jian nodded, summoning the Heavenly Sword, the whole body's sword gas surging, and waved at the two lava giants.

In an instant, hundreds of spirit swords flew towards two lava giants. During the flight, these spirit swords could also actively bypass a dark red lava giant pillar, as if equipped with an automatic monster finding system. general.

The first slash of the Spirit Sword on the Lava Giant immediately caught the attention of the two Dominant Bosses. The two monsters yelled and rushed towards Song Jian, but soon they were densely packed with Spirit Swords. Blocked the pace of progress.

Bang Bang Bang ~

A burst of strong explosions sounded on the bodies of the two beasts, the magma exploded, and the two lava beasts issued a roaring heartbreaking sound, echoing throughout the cave.

Just then, a huge karma red lotus appeared at the feet of two giant beasts, restraining them and preventing them from moving a step.

The beast on the left roared, and waved his right arm fiercely towards Song Jian, a mass of burning magma, like a meteorite falling, and smashed towards Song Jian.

Song Jian dodged behind a huge lava pillar next to him. UU read www.uukanshu.com made a loud noise. Before that, his position was bombarded by a large pit with this magma. The inner wall of the pit was covered with Boiling magma, on the ground around the big pit, cracks appeared, looking very scary.

"This is even more powerful than a missile!" Song Jian couldn't help but whisper. At this time, Nafiboya had already hid far away. He could always find the danger in the first place, and he could avoid the danger much faster than Song Jian.

"You retreat to the channel first!" Song Jian waved his hand toward the robot Nafiboya. This is the first time he saw a monster with the ability to fight back after being bound by the Red Lotus Sword Formation.

The lava beast was chopped by countless spirit swords, cracking the Dao sword marks, and the magma spewing out of these sword marks soon covered the body surface of the monster, and it seemed that it did not receive much damage.

After a while, the Red Lotus Sword Formation became more and more complete. The two beasts were completely integrated into the Sword Formation. There was a "bang" explosion in the Sword Formation. Attacking the sword array could no longer threaten Song Jian, so Song Jian was relieved and stood patiently waiting.
