I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1078: Sandstorm Lord

Latest URL: Song Jian got out of the sleeping bag. At this time, the robot Nafiboya has changed back to the best form of dodge and run, lying on the sand dunes, pointing to the front, beckoning towards Song Jian.

"Look, there is a king-level BOSS coming towards us ..." Nafiboya whispered.

Song Jian was shocked, and quickly put away his sleeping bag, lay next to Nafiboya, and squinted forward.

Surrounded by darkness, Song Jian squinted his eyes, seeing a huge figure in front of him, faint starlight, standing more than ten meters tall, looking like a thick tornado, slowly moving in the golden desert.

Such a huge body made only a small sound when moving in the desert, which made Song Jian feel a little strange. After the monster on the opposite side entered his observation range, he realized that this was a person who could be in the desert. Element flowing walking on the surface.

"Lord of Sandstorm, King-level BOSS, level 100, blood value more than 10 million? Damn, how could we make us run into such terrible monsters?" Song Jian couldn't help but cursed: "This is not a monster area of ​​60 or 70 Why are there 100-level king-level bosses? "

"This is a mutant king monster. The ordinary sandstorm lord really only has sixty levels. It belongs to the elite BOSS. It needs to be killed three times in a row to completely kill them ..." Nafiboya whispered, "This king-level boss, I am afraid that it will be destroyed more than ten times in a row before it can be completely destroyed. It is recommended that you do not have a direct conflict with it and avoid it ... "

"Killed more than ten times in a row? Isn't it worth more than 100 million when converted into Qi and Blood?" Song Jian said in horror.

"Each time it is killed, its upper limit of blood value will decrease, and its attributes will weaken. It is not a full resurrection!" Nafiboya explained.

"It's also very powerful. How could there be such a terrible boss ..." Song Jian's face became hard to look. He originally wanted to use Wan Jianjue to devour this king-level boss into proficiency, but I heard Nafi After Boya's introduction, he immediately dispelled the idea.

"We must avoid it. In the desert, its perception is very high, and we can feel the surrounding enemies with the pulse of the desert ..." Robot Nafiboya said with a glance at Song Jian.

"Damn, I forgot that you brought your own sarcastic halo ..." Song Jian cursed, and immediately acted, the figure receded sharply, trying to distance himself from the sandstorm lord.

During the **** mission, all the monsters encountered will launch an active attack on the robot Nafiboya, as if it has a halo of ridicule on it.

"Slower, you will cause the earth's veins to tremble like this, and it will be easy to detect ..." The robot Nafiboya hurried behind.

Song Jianying suddenly lagged, the speed suddenly slowed down, and the crumbling super thick receded. Soon, the appearance of the sandstorm lord appeared in front of the two.

The sandstorm lord's height was about ten meters before. It was because the distance was too long. At this time, when the sandstorm lord approached, Song Jian discovered that the sandstorm lord's body size exceeded his imagination. His height had exceeded 50 meters and his body was huge. The entity is invisible at all, like a huge whirlwind, mixed with endless sand grains, swimming in the desert.

The fine sand in the desert at his feet, as it traveled along, still integrated into its body endlessly. Small sand dunes disappeared after it disappeared into a flat sand bed.

"How could such a monster be handled by humans?" Even if he mastered Wan Jianjue, Song Jian looked at the tall figure in the distance and couldn't help but exclaim.

"This kind of existence, ordinary people see only how to avoid, how do they want to deal with it?" Robot Nafiboya asked with some confusion.

Song Jian suddenly showed a sloppy smile, and he was secretly alert in his heart. Since he controlled the method of freely releasing the karma fire red lotus Wan Jianjue, he has swelled up. The boss of the same level has no longer been in his eyes, except the king. Outside the level, as long as the other bosses in the ranks see it, they dare to go up to it.

Even if it was a king-level BOSS, it killed a small one, and his heart became even more small.

Seeing the sandstorm lord in front of him, Song Jian began to reflect.

The two slowly backed away, but the distance between the sandstorm lord and them was getting closer, Song Jian frowned.

"In this way, I am afraid that both of us will enter its warning range ..." Song Jian whispered.

"If there is really no way in the end, you can give up the **** mission, it will only be attracted to me, and will not attack you for the time being. You have three minutes and fifteen seconds to evacuate ..." The robot Nafiboya's eyes kept blinking, low Said.

"The Scroll of Killing Hearts is still worth it. The piece of the sword fairy suit is in pieces, but how can I give up so easily?" Song Jian glanced at the robot Nafiboya and said, "Moreover, this is all gone It is not a pity to give up one third of the way ... "

The speed of the sandstorm lord seemed to be slow and urgent, and the whole body was swimming on the surface of the desert, like a huge sandstorm.

Song Jian's mind suddenly blurred, and a moment later, two identical Song Jian appeared in front of the robot Nafiboya.

Sword shadow clone!

Song Jian intends to use the avatar to attract the Sandstorm Lord to another direction, and the body and the robot Nafiboya take the opportunity to stay away from it.

There was a flicker in the eyes of the robot Nafiboya, and a small line appeared on the top of the two "Song Jian" in his eyes after a while.

Song Jian on the left bears "Clone Probability 27.54", and Song Jian on the right bears "Clone Probability 72.12".

Soon, Song Jian on the right pulled out the sky-breaking sword and hurried away in the other direction without any cover. The speed was extremely fast.

Banging ~

The sandstorm lord seemed to notice something, stopped and looked towards the flying sword shadow. After a short time, a small sandstorm lord more than three meters tall was separated from the sandstorm lord. UU 看书 www .uukanshu.com rushed towards the shadow of the sword at an extremely fast speed, setting off waves of dust along the way, leaving a gully several meters deep in the desert.

Song Jian's face suddenly became dignified. If the sandstorm lord did not chase the avatar, he would only hide in the broken country with a robot, but he did not want to expose his own kingdom to the eyes of others. Robots are no exception.

Jian Ying turned her head and glanced at it, and a white light suddenly appeared behind her. A pair of wings sparkling with metallic luster emerged, her wings spread and her speed became faster.

The clone separated by the sandstorm lord rushed forward only a few hundred meters and then broke apart. It seems that this is the limit distance that the sandstorm lord can control.

"Hello ~"

The Lord of Sandstorm issued a beast-like roar, turned around and chased after the shadow of the sword, seeing this scene, Song Jian finally felt relieved.


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