I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1070: Heavy shadow

This time there were fifty fierce leopards, which appeared less than ten meters from Song Jian.

"I thought I was good at long-range attacks, so this time there was a process agility monster?" Song Jian looked at the fast-solidified flame leopard, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Monsters that are 100 meters away can be instantly spiked. The Tower of Killing has determined that Song Jian has a super-range long-range killing group attack spell, so this round not only increases the number of monsters, but also according to the situation in the first round The types and attributes of the changed monsters only increase the difficulty by 60% in terms of quantity, but the difficulty has more than doubled. If you really are a magician with a super long-range forbidden spell, this round may be It was directly eliminated.

Elimination is death, reduced to a monster in the scorching canyon, this is something that all adventurers who enter the tower of killing know.

"Let me see how powerful the fine wheel is this month. If it's too weak, let Wan Jianjue devour it." Song Jian secretly said in his heart, instead of retreating, he rushed forward against the flame leopard.

The flame leopard is close to two meters in shape, with a long body and a smooth black-purple skin, hiding powerful forces. Their limbs are rising with a dark red flame. This flame is not a real flame, but is condensed by some dark attribute energy. It looks like a burning flame.

The fire leopard's attribute is not the fire attribute, but the dark attribute. The talent skill is a short distance advance. This is a flash-like skill, and because it is a talent skill, it can be used continuously.

In fact, this skill is the process of the flame leopard entering the dark matter interface for a short time, and then breaking back from the dark matter interface. The stronger the leopard, the longer the time to enter the dark matter interface, the longer the "teleport" distance The group of flame leopards in front of Song Jian are all adult leopards at the peak of their strength. Each teleport can reach a distance of five meters, which means that the distance between them is only two times. In less than a second, he could pounce on Song Jian.

As Song Jian rushed forward, the lazy moon wheel that was originally slowly rotating around Song Jian suddenly speeded up, leaving a residual image on Song Jian's retina, toward a condensed flame The leopard flew over.

Song Jian was shocked. With his strength, he didn't even see the attack path of Moon Jinglun. This is really an exaggeration. Even when hundreds of swords are attacked at the same time, even when Jian Wanju is in use, Song Jian can clearly See clearly the attack trajectory of each Lingjian, and even the location of their attack can be predicted clearly.

And now, in an instant, Yue Jinglun has flew in front of a flame leopard, and “唰 唰 唰” seems to be controlled by someone. Yue Jinglun quickly cuts on the body of this fire leopard After getting up, a number of seven or eight thousand damages floated from the top of the flame leopard. In just two seconds, this flame leopard with more than 50,000 blood values ​​was directly lying on the floor. On the ground.

Looking at the scarred flame leopards on his body, a pair of dead eyes, staring at the front full of blank and overwhelmed eyes, Song Jian's heart was full of shock.

The power of the Moon Precision Wheel is much weaker than Wan Jianjue, but its attack is extremely violent, just like an assassin with a weapon, rushes into the crowd and harvests the surrounding life for no reason.

Almost instantly after killing a flame leopard, Moon Moon flew towards the nearest flame leopard, swirling in the air, sending out a sharp hissing, from a flame demon The leopard's body penetrated directly, and then slammed into the body of another flame leopard.

In fact, the skin of the Fire Leopard has a dodge bonus, but it seems that in the attack of the Moon Spirit Wheel, there is no sign of dodge at all.

Hum ~

With a light sound, originally only one Moon Jinglun shook violently during the attack. Numerous translucent phantoms shot out and flew towards the surrounding flame leopard.

The shadows are heavy!

Another round of attacks triggered the special effects of the moon refinement wheel. Forty-nine moon refinement ghosts flew towards the remaining flame leopards.

Song Jian didn't need to do anything, just stood in place, a large group of flame leopards seven or eight meters away from him, and so quickly harvested his life by the moon fine wheel.

This is not a battle at all, it is simply a **** slaughter!

After a few seconds, all the fire leopards were killed. The nearest fire leopard was lying at the foot of Song Jian. It is the smartest one in this group of fire leopards. When Song Jian died, Yue Jinglun would disappear. After two consecutive advances, this flame leopard appeared in front of Song Fitness, but did not think Yue Jinglun felt that Song Jian's life was threatened. Fei generally rushed towards this leopard, and all the wheel shadows gathered on this leopard at this moment.

In less than a second, the leopard was pierced by forty-nine chakras, and the body of the moon fine wheel was cut into it from the back of the brain and flew from the eyebrow. Harvested the last trace of blood value of this leopard.

This flame leopard rose in the air, and when Zhang Yawu's claws pounced on Song Jian's throat, he was still a fierce and abnormal monster. After one second, he turned into a corpse, fell heavily on the ground, and slid forward. After a distance, stopped at Song Jian's feet.

A drop of warm purple-black blood splashed on Song Jian's face. The power of the moon fine wheel exceeded Song Jian's imagination. This is not only a skill with autonomous attack power, but also a skill with excellent defense power. .

This is simply to those nemesis who have stealth assassins. As long as they dare to be within ten meters of Song Jian, they will receive the cruelest attack from Yuejing.

Since then, Song Jian no longer has to be afraid of being attacked by assassins.

"If this skill is learned by a legal profession, I'm afraid it can be compared to legendary skills ..." A smile emerged from the corner of Song Jian's mouth.

Within ten seconds, all the flame leopards had turned into a corpse ~ www.novelhall.com ~ lying on the grass horizontally and vertically, a large piece of purple and black blood slowly flowed, but soon, All the flame leopards were turned into black mist, all the traces left by them disappeared.

And the moon shadows of the moon fine wheels, when the time of ten seconds arrived, also slowly disintegrated and disappeared in the air, and the moon fine wheels returned to the former lazy state, while slowly rotating, while surrounding Song Jian flew up and down.

After a killing, the light on the Moon Moon Wheel became more restrained. The original half-silver and half-gold light gradually began to fade away, and the whole body became a metal color like white iron, and there were pieces like fish scales on the surface. Fine lines.

[Killing Leaderboard, the second level passes the ranking, the first, Song Jian, the passing time: 9.7 seconds]

"Clearing the Tower of Killing is not as difficult as others have said. It still feels easy!" Song Jian looked at the font appearing in the air in front of him, with a happy smile on his face.


PS: Thanks to the "Starting Dart Master" for the 500 starting coins.