I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1042: Blood sea hell

Song Jian clenched his sword and stared vigilantly at the blood monster in front of him.

"It looks like you don't want to retreat?" A **** smile appeared on the blood man's face, and he stretched out his right hand, holding a translucent heart in the palm of it, this heart looked like a phantom, Still beating.

"Then you stay, and become a servant of His Majesty the King." The blood man sneered, holding the right hand of the translucent heart and violently scratching it. The heart phantom in his hand was "scratched" into one The ball of meat sauce flowed down the fingers.

Uh ~

Song Jianmeng spit blood, and he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

An injury of more than five thousand points floated from the top of Song Jian's head, and his blood value suddenly dropped by more than half.

"Well, haven't you died yet?" A look of surprise appeared on the blood man's face. You know, very few people can survive this trick. This trick, "Heart Break", can be the same as the death of the black magic. It is comparable to those who have a dying effect. Even if the dying effect is not triggered, the damage caused by it is not something that a god-family member who has just stepped into the second-order combat power can resist.

But what the blood man didn't know was that Song Jian was evaluated twice for combat strength, once with a double-S evaluation and once with an S-level evaluation. The attribute points obtained were more than twice that of ordinary players, and Song Jian He has also used many treasures that increase attribute points and qi and blood value, so his current qi and blood value limit has already exceeded 10,000 points.

The previous 1,000 points of damage and the current 5,000 points of damage only caused Song Jian to be seriously injured, not to the point of death immediately.

Song Jian was shocked, and the figure retreated sharply, but the baron monster pulled out a thin sword from the heart and chased Song Jian.

"I said, you will become an attendant of Her Majesty the King, don't think of escaping from here ..." The baron laughed wildly, moving very fast, Song Jian swung his sword forward, and hundreds of spirit swords , Suddenly filled the passage, flew towards the baron.

Boom, boom, boom ~

A burst of violent explosions sounded, the fire was soaring into the sky, and a barbaric scream came from the baron, sounding as if it had been delayed.

After a long time, Wan Jianjue ’s attack was over. The Baron BOSS in front of Song Jian had less than a third of his body, and the position below the waist had become a pool of blood, only half of his left arm was left, and his right arm was left. It disappeared completely, leaving only a part of the head and chest.

In this way, the blood baron BOSS is still fine, with a crazy smile on his face.

"Hahahaha, hahaha, it hurts. It's really nostalgic. I haven't had such a painful experience for many years. It's really nostalgic ..."

Uh ~

With less than a third of his body remaining, the baron suddenly rose into a cloud of black mist and floated into the air. The cloud of mist turned into countless black bats again and fluttered towards Song Jian.

Song Jian was preparing to resist, but found that these black bats were all hallucinations and did not cause any harm to him. Many bats even passed through his body and flew towards the rear.

Song Jian turned his head and looked at the bat phantoms back together, restoring the humanoid appearance of the blood baron.

"Human, you can't kill me!" The baron's face had a sloppy smile, and he stretched out his two hands and slowly raised it upward.

"Boiling, blood sea hell!"

Song Jian stared at the **** baron, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although the baron seemed to be fully recovered, his blood value was less than 900,000, that is, he It looks like it's completely restored now, it's just an illusion. When the remaining blood value of less than 900,000 is used up, it will still die.

With the raised hands of the blood baron, blood quickly leaked out from the floor of the passageway. After a short time, the blood passed through Song Jian's insteps.

Only a few seconds later, Song Jian found that the walls around the passageway were slowly disappearing and disappeared. Looking around, there was a sea of ​​blood that could not be seen at a glance.

The boiling blood and water continued to surge. At this speed, Song Jian would be drowned by the sea of ​​blood. The **** baron unfolded behind a pair of huge bat meat wings, scarlet eyes were full of excitement, looking at Song Jian who had been drowned by the sea of ​​blood, and laughed.

"No one can survive in the blood sea hell. Even if your body rots in the blood sea, the soul will sink forever in the blood sea ..." the blood baron said fiercely.

Song Jian stood motionless in the sea of ​​blood, glanced at the cooldown of the skill bar, and a cold smile appeared on his face: "I don't know if it is your blood sea, **** is vast and broad, or my karma red lotus purification ability Superman waits? "

Skybreaking Sword radiates dazzling golden light, and more than 300 spirit swords burning with dark red flames appear beside Song Fitness. Suddenly, the blood baron realized the threat of death. This time, the skills seemed to be similar to the last time. But this time it gave him a feeling of fear from the depths of his soul.

"The sea of ​​blood is boiling!" The **** baron gritted his teeth and suddenly became mad. His flesh dried up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and it seemed that all the blood and blood were engulfed in the sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood that originally boiled came with a thunderous thunder, and there were red lightnings over the sea of ​​blood. The dark red clouds quickly condensed, and the whole world turned red.

The blood sea that originally only reached Song Jian's waist, his ascension speed was more than doubled, and in a short time, it spread to his chest.

When Song Jian moved his mind, Flame Wing appeared behind him, and his body soared into the sky, freeing himself from the sea of ​​blood.

By this time, Wan Jianjue had gathered more than three hundred swords, forming the karma red lotus sword array, the sea of ​​rolling blood, a huge karma red lotus sword array slowly rotating, exuding a hot breath.

In the hot breath, a holy light bloomed from the flame, the karma was originally the fire of purification, and the blood sea skill released by the blood baron was one of the most filthy beings in the world.

The previous karma red lotus sword array only showed the strong side of the damage, the purification effect is not obvious, but now in the sea of ​​blood, the purification effect in karma ~ www.novelhall.com ~ immediately showed the most vivid.

Under the scorching heat, the blood sea suddenly boils, and the blood mist rises into a large space in the midst of the sky. Under the purifying light of the karma, all the blood mist turns into a crystalline light spot and falls back into the blood sea. In this way, the evaporation of the sea of ​​blood is accelerated.

The horizontal position of the sea of ​​blood is falling rapidly. In just ten seconds, the infinite sea of ​​blood has only a shallow layer, which makes the baron of the blood race who has exhausted his flesh exposed on his dry face. An incredible look.

"This, how is this possible ..." Before it could be reflected, the whole body was drawn into the karma red lotus sword array, and a scream came out from the sword array in a short while, The screams grew weaker, and eventually fell silent.

The dark red clouds in the sky also slowly dissipated. As soon as the red lightning appeared, it collapsed directly. Only Song Jian was floating in the air between the heavens and the earth. In front of him, a huge karma red lotus sword with a diameter of more than 100 meters. Array, slowly rotating, the rolling heat waves spread out in all directions.


PS: Thanks to the "Environmental Workers" for the 100 starting coins.