I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1038: unlock

The alley is empty, and there are no other monsters besides an epic treasure chest. Song Jian feels a little weird. You must know that in front of such treasure chests, there will always be a powerful monster guardian. If you want to get the treasure chest, you must either lead the monster Go, or kill the monster, there is no other way.

His eyebrows opened and his eyes flickered slightly. Sure enough, a translucent figure wandering in front of the treasure chest deep in the alley. This is a monster that can hide, but such a monster, Song Jian has also seen a lot Not surprising.

Stealth Song Jian slowly touched the monster, he must be far away from the alley, otherwise the movement of the battle may attract other monsters.

"Shadow Scout, Level 55, Elite BOSS, Blood Value 75000/75000"

The 55th-level elite BOSS is not a threat to Song Jian, but the smaller the movement, the better, Song Jian decides not to use Wan Jianjue, otherwise the movement will be too large, and it will usher in a lot of monsters.

This shadow scout was constantly wandering, and occasionally stopped, looked around, looked very alert, and then resumed the previous wandering state.

This shadow scout has a pistol in his waist and a dagger in his right hand, which seems to be an agile professional similar to the thief profession.

Such monsters are very keen, and whenever the wind blows, they will find Song Jian's existence.

Song Jian approached carefully, observing the opponent's movements. In the non-combat state, the action of this shadow scout was still very regular, ten meters, eight meters, six meters, five meters, ...

When Song Jian was close to the shadow scout with five meters left, he suddenly saw that his motion was stagnant, and seemed to notice something turned around and looked towards Song Jian.

Song Jian stopped and remained motionless. For a long time, this shadow scout shook his head and resumed the previous wandering state.

"The alert range is five meters!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart. The previous caution was to detect the monster's alert range. He wanted to kill it as soon as possible.

When the shadow scout turned around and continued to wander, Song Jian's speed suddenly accelerated, as if an arrow rushed towards it.

At this moment, the shadow scout suddenly became tight all over, with a stern look on his face, turning around and making a growl in the direction of Song Jian;

Xuanyue Streaming Sword!

The distance of two meters is probably not enough for Song Jian for a second, but after entering the range of three meters, he entered the attack range of the Xuanyue Streaming Sword. After being cast, Song Jian's speed is faster. Like a streamer, the man rushed towards the shadow scout.

The moment the Shadow Scout clenched his dagger and turned, Skybreaker pierced his chest fiercely. The Shadow Scout who originally wanted to parry felt that his body seemed to be out of control and his feet became frivolous. stand up.

Uh ~

The light of the sword flashed, and the Jiudao Jianqi pierced the body of the Shadow Scout. With it, nine blood arrows shot out from its body, and the body of the Shadow Scout also floated away from the ground. The foot is more than one meter high, and the whole person is in a floating state.

Thousands of points of crit damage floated from the top of the Shadow Scout. The Shadow Scout in the floating state was completely undefended. In addition, he was originally an agile profession, whether it was defense or blood value, They are much lower than other professions. This blow directly caused it to lose one third of its blood value.

Before waiting for it to land, Song Jian resumed the sky-breaking sword and exhibited the skill of sword gasification. In front of him, countless sword spirits condensed and entangled with each other, and evolved into a tall white tiger, snarling towards the shadows Passed.

"Sword Qi White Tiger, damage 5000, characteristic armor break"

The sword gasification shape can evolve everything, and any shape evolved has its own characteristics. At this time, the sword gas white tiger that Song Jian evolved with sword gas has armor-breaking properties.


The sword gas white tiger slammed into the shadow scout's body fiercely, a wave of his front claws flashed a few lights and shadows, the shadow scout's leather armor shattered directly, exposing the body inside.

Uh ~

A dark brown blood mist spewed out of the Shadow Scout's mouth, and his body hit the wall beside the alley fiercely.

At this time, hundreds of translucent spirit swords burning with dark red flames had emerged around Song Jian's body. Before the shadow scouts could get up, countless spirit swords had been chopped on it.

Boom, boom, boom, ~

A deep roar rang in the alley, and after a moment it slowly quieted down. The soldiers zombies on the street nearby heard the movement and slowly approached the alley, but after the sound disappeared, the soldiers zombies were again in the original. The ground wandered for a while and scattered around.

Looking at the broken corpse of the Shadow Scout, Song Jian has no head and wrinkles. The ten-level Wanjian Jue can summon up to 350 swords, and at least 60 can be summoned. The blood value of the Shadow Scout just now. Sixty-handed swords have already been able to kill the opponent, but in the last blow, Song Jian summoned more than two hundred swords. Although the consumption of the sword is the same, this obviously wastes a lot, and the movement is also quiet. Especially big.

"Casting swordsmanship, others are pursuing greater power, the better, but I have to choose another way. It is best to be able to precisely control the number of magic swords of Wanjianshu every time. Only in this way can I completely control the essence of this trick. ... "Song Jian secretly said.

It is Song Jian's most powerful attack skill that must be mastered thoroughly. To achieve the realm of fire and fire, you must control the number of spirit swords displayed each time.

After having the direction, all that is left is to work tirelessly in this direction. Song Jian picks up a 50-level dark gold-quality dagger dropped from the shadow scout and walks towards the epic treasure chest.

"Locked?" Looking at a lock hanging on the epic treasure chest, Song Jian immediately snapped it.

"No wonder there is only one elite BOSS guardian. If it is an unlocked epic treasure chest, at least one dominion-level boss guardian is right ..." Song Jian shook his head and sighed. He is not a thief occupation and has not studied unlocking. If it is Lower-grade treasure chests can be opened directly with a violent sword.

However, there is a disadvantage of opening the violence. The level of the items in the treasure chest will be reduced by one level ~ www.novelhall.com ~, and there are high requirements for the quality of the weapons.

The higher the treasure chest, the smaller the possibility of violent opening. The epic treasure chest, even if Song Jian can be opened violently, I am afraid that the endurance of the sky-breaking sword will drop sharply. By that time, I will only get a golden-quality item, which is worthless. .

Thinking of this, Song Jian could only shake his head with regret, and was about to leave. At this moment, he suddenly thought that he had previously cleared the copy of Level 3 Abyss, and obtained a black item, the key of oblivion. I wonder if this key can Open this treasure chest.

Song Jian took the form of trying, and pulled out the forgotten key towards the keyhole, but unexpectedly, the moment the forgotten key touched the keyhole, it suddenly burst into dazzling black light, and the entire key was like It melted into a viscous liquid and flowed into the keyhole.

System: You are using the Forgotten Key to crack the treasure chest. It takes 13 minutes and 57 seconds, please be patient!

"Surely it can be turned on, this is just a master key!" Song Jian's eyes looked surprised.
