I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1036: Forgotten Key

Song Jianfei was in the midst of the air, and the flame wings behind him continued to drop a little bit of crystal light. Below him, there was a dense jungle, like a green ocean, and he could not see the end.

It is more than 300 kilometers away from the Doomsday City. A lot of roads have been abandoned along the way. Song Jian can't ride a motorcycle all the time. He can only walk on foot, which takes time and effort. At this time, he deeply felt how smart it was to have a creature mount, and he usually relied too much on the flame wing and the royal sword to fly.

He had circled back and forth over this jungle for two or three times, watching the sky was almost dark, but he never found the fortress that the instructor Duan Jian said.

"Did you really have to walk into this jungle to be able to find that fortress?" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, remembering what the instructor had specifically ordered when he accepted the assignment of the instructor.

"That fortress is protected by mysterious forces. From the air, there is no way to find it. You must walk into the jungle outside the jungle, and then follow the map route I gave you to find it!"

"In the depths of the fortress is a bronze coffin with a great monarch three hundred years ago. In his right hand, he holds a king's scepter. In his left hand, he holds a gold scroll. I need you to put that Get me the gold scroll. The mission is complete, this sword spirit crystal is yours ... "


Originally thought that the mentor just talked casually, Song Jian came here, did not feel the so-called mysterious power, and did not care about the mentor's words. After all, searching on foot from the jungle is infinitely more difficult than searching in the air.

Forced to helplessness, Song Jian could only fall from the air. After a long time on the road, a tired look appeared on his face. Standing outside the jungle, he took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the jungle.

According to the map given to him by his tutor Duan Jian, Song Jian walked for two or three kilometers, and finally saw a large lake. You know, before he circled the jungle two or three times over the sky, he did not find the lake. At this time, he only believed that this jungle was really shrouded in a mysterious power that he did not understand.

"Along this lake, go two kilometers further east to see the abandoned fortress!" Song Jian glanced at the map and walked towards the lake.

This lake is very large. Song Jian saw many beasts drinking water by the lake. After hearing the movement, he looked towards Song Jian, and then all fled in fright.

These beasts only have more than 20 levels. Feeling the horror breath emanating from Song Jianjian, they did not dare to stay in place. The beasts' keen intuition was always one step ahead of them when danger came.

Song Jian glanced at the lake. The azure water was like a mirror. Occasionally, a few fishes over one foot jumped out of the lake and rippled ripples, and the entire mirror suddenly shattered.

"The environment here is good, but unfortunately it is too remote and desolate, otherwise it would be a good place for a leisure holiday." Song Jian secretly said.

At this moment, a black light was refracted from the surface of a broken lake, which made Song Jian suddenly look at the lake.

After a while, the lake calmed down again, and it was restored to a mirror-like appearance. The black light before disappeared, and everything seemed to be an illusion.

Song Jian's eyes narrowed, he picked up a stone, and threw it towards the lake. With a bang, the lake surface was broken and ripples rippled, and the black light appeared again in Song Jian's eyes.

"On the bottom of the lake, you will only see it when there is ripples on the surface of the lake, usually hidden by this lake ..." Song Jian sank in his heart, the black light was exactly the same as the previous copy of the abyss phantom pyramid. .

Song Jian jumped directly into the lake. This lake was even deeper than he thought. The bottom of the lake was a fine sand, and there were many huge gravels buried deep in it. In the center of the lake, a black pyramid base was facing up. The sharp corners were inserted upside down in the lake sand, faintly exuding a black metallic luster.

"Sure enough, a third-level copy of the abyss ..." Song Jian swam towards the black pyramid.

These copies of the abyss demons are the coordinates of the abyss **** projected on the game world. With these coordinates, the abyss **** will set up abyss channels leading to the game world. From these channels, you can come to the game world and plunder resources. For humans in the game world, this is simply a disaster.

Almost all humans in the game world begin to destroy the abyss copy. As long as the real difficulty of the entire copy is cleared, there will be a complete destruction option. After destroying the copy, the coordinates will disappear and the abyss channel cannot be nearby. Build it up.

However, the game world is too vast. Even if you gather the power of all people, it is impossible to destroy all copies of the abyss of the abyss ~ www.novelhall.com ~ You can only destroy the copies near your own city, so as not to let the entire city Bear the brunt of the invasion of creatures in the abyss.

Because Song Jian has cleared the highest level of the abyss ghost shadow copy, so like this low level of the abyss ghost shadow copy, you can directly choose the highest real difficulty.

After approaching this inverted abyss shadow copy, Song Jianying disappeared. After more than half an hour, the pyramid burst into fine sand particles, slowly spread out under the impact of the lake, and then disappeared.

Song Jian appeared at the bottom of the lake, holding a key with a flash of black light in his hand, a look of wonder appeared on his face, kicking his feet, and swimming towards the lake.

"Another black item ..." Standing by the lake, Song Jian played with this black key that burst from a copy of the abyss, and was a little surprised.

Black items are special items in the game and are not in the order of item ranks. Such items may have attributes bursting into the sky, or they may be just a toy-like existence.

"The lost key, the attributes are unknown ..." Song Jian stared at the black key with a thoughtful look. "Maybe it is a quest item, and it may require a specific environment to display the attributes. This thing needs to be collected." Maybe there will be unexpected gains! "

The reason why black-quality items are precious is that they are scarce. Most players have been in the game for more than a year. They have n’t even heard of black items. Some novices, even if they have hit black items in a big game, consider them as black items. The trash was destroyed. After all, the novice parcel bar is too small, and there are too many useful items in this game.

Putting this key away, Song Jian continued to walk towards the fortress pointed on the map.


ps thank the "book friend 151110221537253" for the reward of 100 starting coins
