I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1031: visit

After a day off in the real world, Song Jian found out that he could enter the game in the early morning, and this time, entering the game did not seem to require mandatory entry as before.

Song Jianyin felt that even if he never entered the game again, he would not be forced to enter. But Song Jian, who has already obtained great benefits from the game, how could he give up this game?

As soon as the game started, Song Jian entered the game.

After the update of the game, it seems that nothing has changed. Everything is still working in an orderly way, but Song Jian feels that even the air is filled with a breath of war. Everyone is talking about About Abyss Passage and Abyss Hell.

Abyss Hell Song Jian has been there. The environment there is a hundred times worse than the game world, but it is also a place to train people. Creatures that can grow up in such a difficult environment are definitely the most terrifying enemies.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it now, wait patiently, the game progress will not be transferred by personal will ..." Song Jian sighed. Once upon a time, he even thought that the abyss channel could no longer be established. Thinking of it, someone really found the position of the Abyss Guardian Temple again, and obtained the inheritance of the Abyss Demon King.


There was a roar over the city of hope. Song Jian knew that it was Wang Qi who had launched the territorial expansion campaign. Most of the players in the city of Doom have now moved to the city of hope. Compared to the environment of the abandoned city, obviously Living in the City of Hope is much more comfortable. This also leads to every battle of territorial expansion. No one will jump out and resist the City of Hope. At most, it is to clear up the monsters on the doomsday city territory.

"I don't know how the black dragon is now ..." Song Jian suddenly thought of his other pet, the black dragon. Because of the existence of the pet contract, Song Jian could feel that the black dragon was in a good state at this time, but he didn't know the details. .

Thinking of this, Song Jian waved the iron and steel wings, soaring from the city's main mansion to the poisonous swamp.

The poisonous swamp at this time had undergone earth-shaking changes. The poisonous mist that had been diffused all day long has disappeared. Even the muddy puddles in the swamp have disappeared. The ground has hardened a lot.

"Can this still be a swamp?" Song Jian landed on the ground of the swamp, watching some green weeds grow around him, and suddenly he was speechless. I'm afraid it won't be long before the poisonous swamp will change its name. There is a swamp.

When he came to the Dragon's Head Monster Tree, Song Jian found that the size of the Black Dragon seemed to have increased a lot, and he was lying under the Dragon's Head Monster tree, like a black hill.

"Fifty-six lord boss ..." Song Jian looked at the Black Dragon speechlessly, and found that the speed of his level improvement seemed to be faster than himself.

And at this time, the Black Dragon does not know when it has broken through the first-order combat power and reached the level of second-order combat power. Song Jian is envious of this situation where he can automatically advance without passing the assessment. .

It seemed to feel the arrival of Song Jian. The originally sleeping black dragon opened his eyes slowly, and the dark golden vertical pupil gave a cold glance at Song Jian, opened his mouth and yawned, then twisted his body for a more comfortable one. Posture, closed your eyes and whistled asleep.

Song Jian walked to the Black Dragon, touching the black dragon's hard scales, and was a little speechless. This big guy now seems to be more lazy than before, but after a few hours, the young dragon is more cute, and now it feels like a big fairy tale. Villain.

Feeling that Song Jian was touching himself, the Black Dragon seemed a little dissatisfied. He murmured twice, his body moved slightly, but his head was buried deeper.

"Okay, seeing you are all right, I'm relieved, let's go!" Song Jian patted the black dragon's huge body and said with a smile.

The steel wings fluttered and Song Jian flew up, preparing to leave the poisonous swamp.

What he didn't find was that the dragon-headed strange tree lying on the black dragon's nest was a little yellow and withered, as if he was sick.

Song Jian flew into the air and suddenly felt the end of the poisonous swamp. A strong energy wave suddenly broke out. It seemed that someone was fighting in front.

Song Jian was curious and couldn't help turning on stealth and flew forward.

After flying a few kilometers, Song Jian saw two figures looming ahead, fighting together. One of them was a player, and the other looked strange, as if a werewolf.

Not far from the two, a dark golden treasure chest was lying quietly under a huge rock. If it weren't for the two people fighting, their eyes would float away from time to time, I'm afraid Song Jian wouldn't find it either That treasure chest.

"This is what I discovered first, abominable humans!" The wolfman said fiercely while waving the battle chain in his hand.

"I have already made 30 progress, you said you found it" Another human sneered, holding a scepter with both hands tightly. During the battle, from time to time, some instant magic will be released to assist the attack. .

Song Jian watched for a while and couldn't help but be curious about this player's profession, using a scepter, and good at melee combat, while also releasing magic. Such a profession, Song Jian has never seen.

"The magic he released ~ www.novelhall.com ~ seems to be a kind of divine art full of bright energy. Is it a paladin profession?" Song Jian guessed.

In fact, each deity in the game has its own paladin, just like the dawn goddess Song Jian has contacted before. In addition to priests such as Cecilia, there are dawn knights such as Qi Heya. The Dawn Knight is actually a kind of Paladin, but also belongs to a more special title knight in the Paladin profession.

After watching for a while, Song Jian felt a bit boring. Both of them were in their forty-odd ranks, and they were all first-order combat powers. Their strengths were comparable. Even if they played for another hour or two, I was afraid they would not be able to tell the difference. .

And a treasure chest of dark gold quality, for Song Jian, is not very attractive, or return to the city of hope first, consider how to solve the problem of the abyss channel.

Just as Song Jian was about to leave, the player who was suspected of the Paladin profession suddenly looked over in his direction and shouted, "Friend, if you can help me kill this guy, the items in the treasure chest, I am willing Half of you! "

"Hey" Song Jian frowned, this guy was able to see through his stealth

You know, although Song Jian ’s stealth comes with an epic necklace, it has a very high stealth level, which is almost comparable to that of a rogue professional full-level stealth. This level of stealth, even if walking to an ordinary monster Within meters, monsters will not be found.

Song Jian was more than ten meters away from the two at this time, and the other party was able to find out that they existed, either because the other party had a very high perception, or the other party had a special investigation skill.

For a moment, Song Jian became slightly interested in the player who was suspected of the Paladin profession, directly canceled the stealth, and slowly walked towards the two.


ps thank you for the 100 starting coins for the "One Night Songs"
