I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1021: Pregnant spirit

脱离 Disengaged from the assessment world, Song Jian did not come to the assessment hall, but appeared directly in his manor castle.

之后 After the second-tier combat strength assessment, Song Jian can continue to upgrade the level, otherwise he can only be stuck at level 50 and cannot gain combat experience.

However, I glanced at the battle experience of upgrading to the next level. Song Jian suddenly got a headache and was one step higher than at the forty level. If it is an ordinary player, I am afraid that the game time is one year, and he can only upgrade one level at most.

"There is still this thing, it's a bit difficult to get it done!" Song Jian glanced at the white jade statue in his hand, a touch of golden light slowly spread out from the inside of the statue, and the invisible fluctuations continued to spread outward, which could be transmitted Far away, even if you put it in the parcel box, this invisible wave did not disappear, it just became extremely weak.

"You must nurture as soon as possible, brand your own spiritual mark, and then merge with the broken kingdom of God." Song Jian secretly said.

The goddess fragment that did not complete the pregnancy step, Song Jian did not dare to put it into the kingdom of God. Who knows what weird thing will happen when an unowned goddess fragment comes into contact with the original kingdom of god.

"Tell the steward George, I need to practice secretly for a while, the entire manor castle is closed, and no one is seen!" Song Jian ordered and entered the basement of the manor castle. There was no other thing except the blood pool, It is the safest place in the whole manor castle.

The blood in the blood pool seems to be boiling forever, and bubbling bubbles, Song Jian can feel that the essence in the blood pool seems to be continually gestating essences, but as soon as these essences appear, they are spread by those who are all over the manor castle. Absorbed by blood slaves.

At this time, the manor castle does not need to be guarded by blood slaves as before, and hunts monsters that accidentally break in. At this time, the manor castle has become the core of the city of hope. Under construction, no monster can survive at all.

Tong Songjian took the white jade statue out and stuck it to the center of his eyebrow, keeping this posture motionless.

In fact, the moment the spirit power of Song Jian had begun to infect this white jade statue, the moment he put it on his brows. It's as if you want to enter an unfamiliar room, you must break the door lock of the room.

The pregnancy method learned by Song Jian Jian is equivalent to unlocking, opening the door of an unfamiliar room, and then taking this room as his own.

Of course, this method can only be used for the ownerless godhead. Otherwise, if the invaded room has an owner, no matter how good the unlocking skills are, it will also alarm the owner of the room and be counterattacked by the owner. In the room, I'm afraid I'll be bruised and swollen by the room owner.

Song Jian ’s mental power is like the tide of waves, and waves are constantly infecting the white jade statues. In Song Jian ’s knowledge of the sea, there are no white jade statues in front of him, but a group of golden like the sun, emitting endless Light and hot fireball.

The golden light is like a substance, burning, once Song Jian's mental power is touched, it seems as if he poured a scoop of water on the fireball, and suddenly a violent reaction occurs.

Once this erosion step is started, it will be difficult to interrupt it in the middle. Otherwise, these spiritual forces of erosion will instead become the nourishment of the godhead, so that this fragment of the godless godhead will grow and grow. Next time I want to erode Will become more difficult.

Song Jian put all the free attribute points rewarded after the success of the second-order combat capability assessment into the spiritual attributes. At this time, Song Jian ’s spiritual attributes have exceeded 200 points and reached 215 points.

In the real world, such a high level of mental power can already have a conscious impact on other people. The effect similar to hypnosis is a very terrible thing.

At this time in a void, the blue spiritual power swept through the waves like a tide, and the waves of gold surged toward the golden ball of light. The whole process seemed very boring. The talent can imprint his own spiritual mark on it, and the pregnancy step is not completed.

I knew that Song Jian passed the second-order combat capability assessment and returned to the City of Hope. Wang Qi and other managers of the City of Hope came to the city's mansion with hope and wanted to meet Song Jian.

After all, during the time he left, the city of hope was also developing and accumulated a lot of things that needed Song Jian to make decisions.

Many things must be achieved through Song Jian ’s seal. At this time, Wang Qi and other talents understand why Song Jian is willing to issue all such great rights to them. Because of the existence of the seal, it is impossible for these managers to betray them. , Whatever they do, will be reflected by the seal of the city, Song Jian at a glance.

Moreover, it is very easy to dismiss them. It is only necessary to reclaim their rights through the seal of the city owner, which is very simple and convenient.

"What, the city owner is retreating?" Wang Qi was surprised when looking at a white-haired npc George.

"Maybe it is because after the second-tier combat assessment passed, the city owner has learned a lot, and it will take some time to adapt." A recruited npc manager whispered his chin.

"When will the Lord Lord of the city end the retreat? We need to meet him!" Wang Qi said.

"Sorry, my lord, the owner of the city retreat, did not give a specific time, I do not know when he will come out." George said with regret.

"Hi, I hope the Lord Lord comes out quickly, I have a lot of things waiting for him to make a decision." Wang Qi sighed ~ www.novelhall.com ~ shook his head and said.

The time passed quickly, and a week passed. The City of Hope's teleportation team has begun to open to many cities. Tataya also has its own laboratory in the City of Hope, and has begun to concentrate all his energy. Used to study adsorption on nano-robots.

On this day, outside the sheltered black mist, a middle-aged man in a robe, looking at the rolling black mist in front of his eyes, showed a pleasant smile on his face.

"This is it, I did not expect that in such a remote and remote place, there will still be fragments of Godhead, it is incredible!" The middle-aged man said to himself, slowly walking towards the sheltered black mist.

As soon as Xun approached the sheltered black mist, he heard a roar like a beast in the black mist, which immediately made his face change greatly.

"This is ... a city-level defense, a very powerful method. Sure enough, the **** fragment is not so easy to obtain!" The middle-aged man has a sluggish movement, a pair of eyes with golden light blooming, and wants to see what exactly is in the dark fog. presence.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he could only see a range of about ten meters in the black mist at most. It was impossible to see the scene inside through the black mist.

"This is, this is the defense means only possessed by the main city ..." A drop of cold sweat slipped from Sosmia's forehead. In his eyes, the golden light slowly dissipated, looking at the rolling black mist in front of his eyes, hesitation appeared on his face. Struggling look.

Uh ...