I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1016: Divine Skill

The third reward option looks simple, and the so-called independent interview space does not give an explanation. It seems that he does not want Song Jian to choose this option.

And this reward option does not even see any significant improvement to Song Jian's strength.

After a moment of hesitation, in the last three seconds of the countdown, Song Jian chose the third option. After all, Song Jian has never heard of someone getting it. Most importantly, since this option is listed Out, then at least this option should be worth more than the first two options.

"It always seems that the system doesn't want me to choose this ..." Song Jian secretly said, "But the more you don't let me choose, then I have to choose this!"

宋 After Song Jian chose the third option, the entire starry sky seemed to stagnate for a few seconds. Even the countdown on the light curtain stopped at the last second without moving.

It lasted for five full seconds and the system responded.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the Heroic Trial Space. You have the following permissions to the Trial Space. 1 Lease, you can lease the plane space permissions to the game system. You can get 30 attribute points and 1 golden skill point each year. ; 2 span, in game time, every year you have the opportunity to enter the trial space, you can stay in this trial space for one month, the time flow velocity of the trial space and the game world trial flow rate is 30: 1]

[Player selects the third option to automatically get epic quests, legends of the obelisk. In the trial space of the Kingdom of Heroes, there have always been legends about the nine obelisks. It is said that the creation **** stayed in the nine obelisks in this world. As long as the nine obelisks are collected, they will get magical power! Mission content, gather nine obelisks! Task Tip: This task can be completed by heroes recruited by players in the trial space. 】

[Hero Country Trial Space is an intermediate space-time node. After players acquire it, it will be removed from future trial world choices. Unless you lease it to the game system, you can use it as a trial selection space to a limited extent. 】

Uh ...

"Leasing? If you earn a lot, you can get 30 attribute points and 1 golden skill point every year?" Song Jian's face showed a happy look, which is comparable to selling 80 attribute points and 3 golden skills at one time. Points are too cost-effective.

As for the automatically acquired epic mission, Song Jian does not plan to do it by himself. When next time he enters this space, he will just throw the mission to Catherine and Gutua. There are 12 men who can compete with the eighth-level unit. The angel assisted, believing that this task should not stump them.

"Using a cloud-based city that cannot be used in the game world, it has made a lot of money for the whole world!" Although Song Jian didn't immediately gain strength at this time, this was a long-term investment, which can be continued in the future. Gain benefits from this so-called "heroic kingdom" plane space.

After making a choice, under the starry light curtain, he began to summarize the entire process of Song Jian's assessment. Soon, he gave an "s-" evaluation.

[Song Jian of the player, obtained s-level evaluation in the second-level combat performance assessment, obtained 50 free attribute points, 1 golden skill point! 】

[Player Song Jian, who won the final victory in the second-tier combat power assessment, rewarded 100,000 points for his merit! The rest of the appraisers in the camp rewarded 50,000 points in battle! 】

[Player Song Jian can choose one of the following ten skill books. The probability of selection is Legendary skill 3, Epic skill 11, Gold skill 38, Silver skill 50! 】

[Player Song Jian has the right to add god-level skills in the selection because he has obtained s-level evaluation. Is it used? 】

"God-level skills?" As soon as Song Jian's eyes brightened, he chose to use them immediately: "Of course I used them. God-level skills. Wan Jianjue is only legendary. Expect! "

[Player Song Jian used the right to increase God-level skills, use it immediately! 】

Soon, one of the ten skill books emitted a dazzling colorful divine light, and then slowly disappeared.

[The probability of choosing a god-level skill is 002. Please make your choice within ten seconds. Good luck! 】

"Two ten thousandths? I go, I thought there would be at least a tenth probability!" Song Jian glanced at the ten skill books that were constantly changing positions in front of him.

Originally thought that it was only selected from ten skill books, but in fact this is only ten positions. Each of the above skill books is constantly changing, but from the perspective of Song Jian, the back of these skill books are It's the same, no change can be seen.

"Unfortunately, lucky gems cannot be brought out. At this time, I need luck the most ..." Song Jian sighed. He now has an eight-point lucky value. For ordinary players, the lucky value is already very high, but in the million In the face of two-fold probability, this lucky value is really nothing.

In the last second of the countdown, Song Jian chose a skill book in the upper left corner.

After the choice was confirmed, this skill book immediately gave off a fuchsia light.

"Epic skills book, not bad ..." Song Jian was relieved, at least not silver, but he felt a little regret in his heart, this is probably the closest he has been to the **** skills.

The fuchsia light flashed, and a skill book appeared in his parcel box. For a moment, the starry sky in which he was located was broken like glass.

A flower in front of my eyes ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian suddenly appeared in front of a counter of a similar store. At this time, the front of the counter was full of people, all of whom were eliminated from the assessment space.

"Ah, there is another appraiser. It looks like the final winner, congratulations!" A goblin-like businessman stood in front of the counter in the store, looking at Song Jian's eyes, and gave up greetings directly. Other appraisers beckoned towards Song Jian: "Dear respected gods, you can use me to obtain some great treasures for me. The goods here will definitely satisfy you. There are already many The appraisers have redeemed their own items! "

"Even those who are eliminated, they have a lot of merit in their hands. You can exchange a lot of good things here. This can be regarded as a consolation prize." Song Jian secretly said: "However, this place does have a lot of Treasures not found in the game world, my broken kingdom of God was redeemed after the first-level combat performance assessment. I hope there will be similar treasures here! "

"Damn, why do you have to limit the winners to redeem these items? Is it okay if I am willing to pay twice as much?" An examiner with a pair of animal ears showed an ugly look on his face, fiercely Staring at the goblin businessman, shouted.

"Sorry, this guest, even those who haven't passed the trial, don't deserve those special treasures!" The goblin businessman glanced at him and said lazily: "And because of your bad attitude, everything you buy Commodity prices, up 20 ... "

Uh ...