I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1012: Thunder bomb

"How can the construction of the 7th class of human camp, the Cloud City, be able to build a 3rd level castle?" An appraiser of the element camp rubbed his eyes and said unbelievably.

You know, even if it is a fifth-level human castle, it is very difficult to build a city in the cloud, let alone a third-level castle?

But what these appraisers don't know is that this Cloud City is not this Cloud City in the assessment world at all, but the treasure that Song Jian obtained in the sky city of the previous game world.

This cloud city can recruit twelve angels at one time, but it can only recruit twelve angels. Unlike the cloud city in this assessment world, although only two can be recruited daily, as long as the resources are sufficient, You can always recruit.

"Don't be afraid, this Cloud City is just built, and we can only recruit two angels at most, and we have 14 seventh-level units, and we have an absolute advantage in terms of quantity!" The appraisal leader of the element camp said calmly.

At this moment, a dull thunder roar was uploaded from the battlefield in front of him, and a large amount of mud suddenly appeared on the body of a Beamon giant. The entire body slowly collapsed and disintegrated in the frightened roar. For one mud.

"Thunder bomber!"

The faces of the appraisers of the puppet element camp all become difficult to look at. This is a magic forbidden spell that can cause serious damage to the nineth-level arms. Not to mention the seventh-level arms, even the eighth-level arms can be killed in one shot.

"Don't be afraid, this magic forbidden spell is extremely expensive, and there will definitely be restrictions on its release. He cannot kill all of our level 7 arms, perform accelerated attacks, and let all level 7 arms break the fence as soon as possible. We go in. Rush! "Tutan's huge body of water seemed to spin faster.

Gutua hasn't mastered the curse of the Thunderbolt for a long time. After she successfully released it once, her face was slightly white, and a touch of magical elements of earth elements spilled out of his body, which seemed to be due to the casting. The magic wrinkles, causing him to control the magic elements in his body a level.

"Gutuya, can you continue to release thunder bombs?" Song Jian asked.

"No problem, Lord Lord, it just takes some time to calm down the magic elements in the body!" Gutua took a deep breath.

Song Jian nodded, watching the Titan Giants rushing over. If they were allowed to enter the attack range, I am afraid that a salvo would cause a wall to collapse. At that time, all the troops of the Elemental Faction could rush into the castle. Come.

As soon as I was thinking, the flame wing behind him appeared out of thin air, slightly fanned, and Song Jianying rose into the air, all the sword gas rushed towards the sky-breaking sword, and a hot breath suddenly surged on the sky-breaking sword.

Wan Jianjue!

There were more than two hundred magic swords, shining with dark red flames, crossing the arcs in the air, leaving a hot red trajectory, flying towards the Titan giant.

In the city of clouds after Song fitness, the hymns are constantly pulsating. It seems that millions of people are singing in unison. An angel soldier with a pair of white wings and armor in his back appears in the clouds. In the city.

Because Song Jian used treasures to build the Cloud City, recruiting these angels does not require any resources. Correspondingly, the number is limited, and only twelve angels can be recruited.

Some appraisers in the Puppet Element camp noticed the strangeness of the city in the sky, watching an angel stand up, and his face suddenly showed a surprised look.

"Boss, look at it, why are there so many angels in the city in the cloud, this is more than two, at least ten!"

"There are twelve in total, **** it. Is this Super Cloud Midtown? Can you recruit twelve Tier 7 angels at one time?" Said another appraiser, gritted his teeth.

也许 "Maybe, maybe just a fantasy, he wants to scare us ..."

When the appraisers of the element camp were a little flustered, a hot air wave was uploaded from the battlefield ahead, and a huge red lotus industry fire wrapped the three Titan giants tightly inside. Shining, chopping on the heavy armor of the Titan Giant.

For ten seconds, all the armor of the Titan Giant was shredded into palm-sized fragments, exposing a hard alloy body.

The desperate Titan giant did not have any panic, but waved the light stick in his hand and smashed into the layers of red lotus sword array.

The electric light shone, and the sword array shook slightly, it seemed to be broken in the next moment;

"Sure enough, there isn't a good match for the seventh-tier armies. If it weren't for Wan Jianjue's level is high enough, I'm afraid the Red Lotus Sword Formation has collapsed at this moment?" Song Jian stared at the Red Lotus Sword Formation ahead, in his heart. Secretly.

At this point, Gutua has recovered, and locked in another Beamon giant in the distance, began to chant a spell.

A surge of magic elements from the earth system rippled on the surface of his body. This scene made Catherine next to him envious.

Boom ~

There was another thunderous, low-pitched sound. The footsteps of the last Beamon giant suddenly stiffened, and a lot of mud poured out of the body. After a while, the huge body was covered with mud.

Slowly, the entire Behemoth giant turned into a mud giant, and the body slowly collapsed and disintegrated. In just a few seconds, this blood-filled seventh-level unit directly turned into mud all over the ground. , Even let people give him the opportunity to perform holy healing.

I watched another seventh-level unit being killed in seconds, and the face of the elemental camp appraisers suddenly showed an ugly look. They did not expect that the gods of the human camp was so difficult.


Another hot breath came towards them, letting them take two steps back involuntarily. The Red Lotus Sword Formation has reached the second stage, slowly closing together, and a huge Red Lotus sword also appeared in the sky. Fiercely chopped towards the gathered red lotus sword array.

A crisp cutting sound sounded, and a dazzling spark bloomed in the sword array. This sword directly chopped all three Titan giants into serious injuries ~ www.novelhall.com ~ One arm was cut off with shoulders. A huge sword mark appeared on one chest, revealing the complicated mechanical structure inside the body, and on the other, the entire skull was chopped into two halves, leaving only a huge headless body.

"Here, what kind of skill is this? It is more powerful than magic forbidden spells?" The appraisers of the elemental camp couldn't help taking a sigh of breath. Some appraisers who wanted to join the battle before, now all have eliminated this. Thoughts.

However, the sword formation continued, and a huge palm with a diameter of more than 100 meters descended from the sky, crushing the three Titan giants under the palm.

With a loud bang and arrogant sword, Tataya, who controlled the Titan giant, suddenly changed his face, and whispered, "The three Titan giants have lost contact with me."

After the palm of his hand dissipated, an unreal image of a seven-story pagoda appeared in the sky, but after only a few breaths, it slowly dissipated in the air.

"The Beamon giants were all killed, and there were only nine Titan giants left. If the angels in the other city in the cloud can be recruited, then we ..." An appraiser's face was dull and his eyes were staring. The city of clouds over the castle said to itself.

His voice, which sounded in the ears of each of the elemental appraisers, was like a thunder, which made everyone's bodies tremble slightly.

Uh ...

Ps: Thanks for the 500 coins rewarded by "The Pervert is Here!"