I have a Black Tech Ball

Chapter 134

At the science and technology ball aviation center, three space shuttles warrior are ready.

"Warrior 1 is ready."

"Warrior 2 is ready."

"Warrior 3 is ready."

The three space shuttles reported their situation to the headquarters one after another.

"Take off allowed!"


Under the huge thrust, the three space shuttles accelerated on the runway and rose into the air. The speed was faster and faster, and it was smaller and smaller in people's eyes. Finally, it was invisible to the naked eye.

Five minutes later, the three aircraft had arrived in outer space, as the earth began to rotate.

So far, the technology ball has built four space shuttles warrior. With the maturity of technology, one can be built in only half a year.

The direct dispatch of three space shuttles is a big action. The science and technology ball wants to build its own sky city. Just building a space station can not meet the appetite of the science and technology ball.

Now the height of the space shuttle from the ground has reached 1000 kilometers. Through the precise calculation of artificial intelligence, it is most suitable to build the city of the sky at this height.

If it is too close, it is likely that it will not get rid of the gravitational force of water polo and will be gradually attracted to the earth. If it is too far away, it is very likely to break away from the gravitational force of water polo and gradually fly towards outer space.

It is the most ideal position to maintain balance at this height.

"The space shuttle has reached its predetermined position. Please indicate."

"OK, immediately carry out the next plan and start building the city of the sky!"

The command of the headquarters was issued. The doors on both sides of the three warriors were opened at the same time. Ten astronauts came out of each space shuttle. They wore special spacesuits to control the manipulator.

These astronauts have a rope connected to the aircraft at their waist, so as to ensure the life safety of the astronauts. Their shoes are also attracted to the aircraft ground, so that the astronauts can't leave the ground with their feet at the same time.

This ensures the safety of astronauts to the greatest extent.

Of course, if astronauts need to work in space, they can also cancel the magnetic force under their feet and rely entirely on ropes to ensure safety.

These ropes are made of super composite materials and can bear 1000 tons without any problems.

"Ground paving."

Under the control of the astronauts, the robots spliced pieces of floors together, just like a jigsaw puzzle. These floors have the function of jamming. After the two pieces are spliced together, they are fixed.

Although these floors are heavy and large, the gravity is almost zero in outer space, so that the manipulator can move them with little force.

This greatly increases the speed of construction.

These steps have been rehearsed countless times in peacetime, just for today, with the cooperation of artificial intelligence, square up one by one.

These square meters will be the homes of these astronauts, and each astronaut's home has its own courtyard, which is very luxurious in space.

These squares were photographed neatly. Not far from the square, there was a huge house. That was their studio, where these astronauts worked. In the studio, they completed the tasks assigned to them by the headquarters.

In the sky city, they have many tasks to complete, such as detecting outer space, receiving information from outer space and facilitating the discovery of aliens.

At the same time, observe the horizontal changes and whether there are suddenly disappearing stars or other galaxies.

If some stars suddenly disappear, it is likely that the alien civilization is in a war, exploding the stars, or entering the secondary civilization, wrapping the stars and establishing a Dyson ball, which can completely absorb the energy emitted by the stars.

Obviously, only one transportation is not enough to build the sky city. After three shuttle flights in a day, the sky city completely built the astronauts' room.

In the future, the warrior will work harder. It will continue to fly back and forth between the water polo and the sky city. Now the sky city is only in the initial stage, and many things have not been built.

In the future, there should be not only astronauts' houses and studios, but also entertainment facilities, so that astronauts can exercise and relax after work.

This is undoubtedly a luxury. I couldn't imagine it before. Fortunately, the science and technology ball has developed a high-performance space shuttle, which can travel to and from outer space very cheaply.

More than 5000 tons of goods are transported from water polo every day. According to the actual situation of buildings, some buildings are spliced from point to surface.

In some buildings, the keel is first built to have an overall outline, and then things are slowly added to make it perfect.

Extremely dangerous work is done by robots.

The floors are connected one by one and a runway about ten kilometers long is paved. With this runway, the space shuttle can stop on it, providing great convenience.

Moreover, there are many tracks on the runway, which is convenient for trams.

After the warrior stopped, cars were running on the track. These cars had no wheels, but relied on magnetic levitation.

The use of magnetic levitation technology can not only accelerate the speed of these cars, but also play a fixed role, so that these cars can not be out of control.

The gate of the warrior opened, and the mechanical arms orderly took down the cargo on the plane and put it into the lined up car.

The runway is still expanding, and the ultimate goal is to become an airport that can accommodate ten aircraft.

Of course, this is only the initial scale, and it must be expanded in the later stage.

All kinds of advanced experimental equipment have been transported from the water polo. Zhang Ziang is always worried about putting it on the water polo. Zhang Ziang has the intention to turn the city of the sky into his own fortress and base camp. In the future, all important things will be transferred to the city of the sky one after another.

Moreover, in the future, Zhang Ziang will build his own factory in the city of the sky. Many things can be formed only in outer space.

Building the city of the sky is not a matter of one day, but requires time and hard work. The movement of such a big science and technology ball can not hide those countries, especially those ambitious countries.

Now the science and technology ball has become the focus of most western countries. As soon as there is a disturbance, it will be noticed immediately, let alone the construction of the city of the sky.

It's hard to know!

Each country held the highest level meetings. In a luxurious hall, there were NASA elites sitting in silence after seeing the pictures on the screen.