I have a Black Tech Ball

Chapter 112

After reading the report, the president said nothing for a long time. After a long time, he said, "I will try to get you three times the previous funds to help you. I hope you can develop an ultra heavy space shuttle as soon as possible!"

"I will also ask the FBI to cooperate with you and get relevant information as much as possible."

"Provide you with more resources."


Mr. President has always said ten things to provide convenience for the space agency as much as possible and help them develop the super heavy space shuttle as soon as possible. It can be said that at all costs!

Not only the United States, but also other countries, such as Germany, France, Britain and even nanbangzi, are discussing the warrior aircraft, and each of them feels an unprecedented sense of urgency.

They all increased the investment of their own national aerospace funds, and also sent a large number of spies into China and science and technology ball companies.

For them, there is one thing to be thankful for, that is, this space shuttle was not developed by the Chinese government, but a company. Although this company is powerful, it is almost in front of the national machine.

In that case, sending spies in the past will be much simpler and the difficulty coefficient will be greatly reduced.

After flying around the earth, the warrior flew back to the earth. After continuously reducing its altitude, the human eye could see it clearly at last.

Many astronomy lovers who have known the news have set up their own telescopes and began to observe.

Xiao Liu is a space shuttle enthusiast. After receiving the news, he immediately set up an astronomical telescope in his yard and began to look for the warrior.

"Found, found, it's so beautiful, incomparable..." Xiao Liu Tao said drunk.

Slowly, the warrior landed in the specified runway. The whole process was very smooth, as if it had been rehearsed countless times. The hatch was opened, and the pilot inside came out with a smile.

The pilot retired from the army. He has flown dozens of fighter planes and civil aviation, but he has never been so excited.

This is out of the earth

"I'm the first person in China to fly out of the earth. Maybe I can be recorded in history." the pilot thought happily that he was very proud of this honor!

After the pilot came down, Zhang Ziang personally greeted him with flowers: "welcome the warriors home!"

The warrior here refers not only to the space shuttle in front of us, but also to the pilot!

"Boss..." the pilot didn't expect that his boss would meet him in person and offer him flowers. For a time, he was flattered and his heart was very surging.

Dozens of scientific researchers have entered the interior of the warrior to conduct a comprehensive inspection. They will not let go of every detail and take pains to check again and again, so as to obtain first-hand and accurate data and facilitate a comprehensive evaluation of the warrior.

These materials will be classified as top secret materials. Only a few scientists in the science and technology ball can view them, and they must be authorized by Zhang Ziang before viewing them.

If the inspection finds a problem, it will be changed immediately to make the warrior move in a perfect direction.

This test flight was undoubtedly successful, but Zhang Ziang, who was good at finding problems, found a problem, that is, the pilot!

Now pilots are hired with high salaries. The price is put aside first. It is mainly unreliable and can't know the root. This makes Zhang Ziang have the idea of cultivating his own pilots, that is, his own lineage!

"No... it's not enough to train pilots. Since we want to train, why not train our own scientists, our own researchers and our own team?" Zhang Ziang said.

"The best way is to open a school, a university for high school graduates!"

Gradually, Zhang Ziang had a plan in mind. The university he opened was different from the University in society. It was not a four-year system, but a two-year system.

Zhang Ziang himself graduated from college. He has seen too many students squander their youth during college, and some fall in love. It seems that there is nothing else to do in life except love.

Some students are addicted to Internet cafes and games. In the end, eating, drinking and Lasa are solved in Internet cafes, and they don't go to class once.

There's a saying in high school: study hard and you'll be relaxed when you go to college.

Why is it easy to go to college?!

Youth is not for waste, but for struggle.

Now the university is too easy. This is not what Zhang Ziang wants. He needs elites. He requires his students to indulge in the sea of books.

Two years is enough time to learn what ordinary universities can learn in four years.

Moreover, Zhang Ziang, a student trained by himself, is also more assured. After all, it takes two years to attend classes in his own school. Such a long time is enough for the science and technology ball to understand his students.

Of course, there may be criminals, such as spies, among them, but if you can't find it in two years, the technology ball doesn't deserve the three words technology ball!

Zhang Ziang can find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Moreover, there are too few scientific researchers in Zhang Ziang's hands relative to his whole dream. It's not the way to always rely on digging the foot of the wall and high-tech temptation after all.

It's not difficult for Zhang Ziang to start a school. With the help of huge money and accumulated contacts over the years, the qualification of science and technology ball to start a school was approved soon. It can recruit students independently, the diploma is recognized by the state, and you can get a golden job after graduation

For the school, Zhang Ziang first considers the talents he needs to start courses, including space, biology, mechanical design and manufacturing, machine automation and quantum

One thing must be mentioned, that is, there is no need to test English in the entrance examination of the University of science and technology. Even after entering the University of science and technology, there is no need to learn English.

In Zhang Ziang's opinion, the reason why English is so widely used is entirely caused by British colonization, which widely popularized English.

According to Zhang Ziang, the empire with the sun never setting has become history, and English is gradually declining. Sooner or later, Chinese will become the first language. People all over the world learn Chinese and speak Mandarin.

When the sun never sets, the Empire just colonized the water polo. Zhang Ziang's goal was the sea of stars!

He not only wants to make Chinese popular on his home planet, but also in the whole solar system and even the Milky way!

So in Zhang Ziang's opinion, English is completely unnecessary!