I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 84 Part 2

Maybe Lin Xiao should have told Huangfu Ling where Ling Luo had been. Perhaps she would have had better luck.

Another day passed.

Lin Xiao was sitting on the ground, meditating, when he felt an undulation not far in front of him.

He rolled up from the ground, looking into the distance, his expression excited. The undulations were coming stronger and stronger. Finally, in a certain spot, white light flashed and there seemed to be waves of water in the atmosphere.

Then the waves vanished, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

The figure exuded pressure, weighing down on Lin Xiao, who was in a state of shock.

It was Ling Luo.

His clothes were changed. His whole person felt more mysterious, than from before entering the secret realm.

Lin Xiao exhaled slowly. He hadn’t guessed wrong. Ling Luo possessing the protagonist’s halo, had probably inherited the secret realm from its master.

Ling Luo, for his part, immediately noticed a person in front of him.

On guard, Ling Luo was surprised to realize it was Lin Xiao. Having survived life-or-death training while in the secret realm, the sight of Lin Xiao moved Ling Luo’s heart unspeakably.

“Have you been waiting for me here?” Ling Luo asked as he stood in front of Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao, astounded by how quickly Ling Luo had moved, could only nod dumbly.

Saying nothing, Ling Luo hugged Lin Xiao. Ling Luo’s days in the secret realm had numbered almost a year. He hadn’t known if he would be able to leave, or when he would see Lin Xiao again.

When Ling Luo had battled the master’s monster, he hadn’t foreseen the master would save his life. Unconscious for a time, Ling Luo had finally woken up.

Upon waking, Ling Luo learned about the lie the master had told Lin Xiao. And Ling Luo was told if he wished to leave the realm, he would submit to being tested by the secret master. It must be discovered if Ling Luo was worthy of the master’s legacy.

“It was him, not me, who practiced what you carved into that stone. Why pick me to be your heir?” Ling Luo had asked.

The secret master replied: “At the time, you fought with no looking back. You were willing to die. You have strong affections and you’re ferociously ruthless. It’s to my liking.”

Ruthless? Ling Luo couldn’t help laughing at this description of himself. If his heart wasn’t hard, how could he have hoped to survive on this murderous continent? Battling the monster to the end, it had only been to ensure that Lin Xiao would be safe and sound.

That was all he had thought back then. Only after he had felt he was no match for the monster, had Ling Luo’s body reacted subconsciously.

Next, Ling Luo endured the secret master’s test, being told: “Only when you have completed my trial, will I let you go.”

Would such a test be easy or simple?

Ling Luo experienced a great deal of suffering.

Time and time again, he had wanted to give up but then he would think of Lin Xiao. Ling Luo had kept persisting.

Finally, he passed the master’s trial, becoming the heir, and left the realm freely. He hadn’t expected that Lin Xiao would be waiting for him outside…

The excitement in Ling Luo’s heart was too much, so he embraced Lin Xiao.

The second Lin Xiao was taken into Ling Luo’s arms, Lin Xiao’s body went stiff. Then, after recovering himself, Lin Xiao pushed Ling Luo away.

Ling Luo, inwardly disappointed, did not try to hold Lin Xiao again.

The mood became awkward.

Lin Xiao pursed his lips, then said: “I found your parents, and I brought them back to the Ling family.”

Ling Luo, deeply relieved, replied: “You did!? Thank you.” Like a weight had rolled off his back, Ling Luo was pleasantly surprised and stabilized at the same time.

“There’s no need to thank me. It was only what I should’ve done.” Ling Luo glanced at Ling Luo, then away. Ling Luo had been found, it was time for Lin Xiao to go home. Lin Yue was probably anxiously awaiting him.

“You should go to your parents, they want to see you,” Lin Xiao told Ling Luo. Lin Xiao was ready to leave. He still wanted to catch up with Lin Wan. And then practice at ease and increase his cultivation.

Realizing that Lin Xiao was prepared to depart just like that, Ling Luo snatched Lin Xiao’s arm. Lin Xiao tried to break free from Ling Luo’s grasp, but couldn’t.

Lin Xiao regarded Ling Luo, outwardly calm, and asked: “What else do you want?”

Ling Luo, stunned, tightened his hold. “The secret master gave me the realm,” said Ling Luo, not speaking of the tests he’d endured to receive it.

“So?” Asked Lin Xiao, not understanding why Ling Luo would tell him this suddenly.

Ling Luo continued: “Your dantian was restored, you’ll want to cultivate again, high enough to reach the heavens. I’ll give you the realm, and you can enter it whenever you want.”

Lin Xiao considered. Wasn’t this offer Ling Luo’s way of roundaboutly getting what Ling Luo wanted?

Lin Xiao smiled, “No need, you keep it for yourself.” Lin Xiao had his dantian back, it was enough. He couldn’t owe Ling Luo anything anymore…

Opening and closing his mouth in frustration, Ling Luo acknowledged to himself that Lin Xiao probably feared and hated him in equal measure. Taking Lin Xiao’s dantian, imprisoning him for years, and finally, Ling Luo had forced himself on Lin Xiao.

That night, at the time Ling Luo had thought it might be his last chance to have Lin Xiao. But now, Ling Luo had unexpectedly survived a battle and trial.

Even if he wanted to give up Lin Xiao, he really couldn’t do it.

“I’m sorry, Lin Xiao, it’s all my fault.” Ling Luo went on. “I was so upset when you said you’d killed my parents. I was too impulsive. I like you…I’ve liked you since long ago. I planned, after the refining assembly, to confess to you. I didn’t predict what happened. I’m sorry, Lin Xiao.”

Lin Xiao listened to Ling Luo, but shook his head. “You can’t blame yourself for all that happened…I was responsible for part of it. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have been separated from your parents for so long. But now…my dantian is back and your parents returned. Aren’t we even? So let me go, I’m going home to my father.” Lin Xiao tried to shake his arm free from Ling Luo again.

Ling Luo didn’t let go. He’d had a feeling Lin Xiao would leave him. Nervous, Ling Luo told Lin Xiao: “We’ve been together a long time. You saved my mother, you found that rare medicine, fed it to me and saved me too. You were by my side when my parents left, leaving me that letter…When I saw you with women, I felt irritated. And when we were in danger, your safety was my biggest worry.”

He went on, “I thought we were simply brothers, until…the illusion made by Master Xing. That’s when I realized my feelings.”

Ling Luo smiled bitterly. “I just didn’t think so many things would happen before I could tell you my heart. All the while, I’ve desperately been getting stronger, and looking for ways to give you back your dantian.” He bowed his head. “There were times I didn’t think I’d make it. Your father sent someone to chase me. I really…I really wanted to give up.”

Ling Luo looked back up, sincerely gazing into Lin Xiao’s eyes. “Lin Xiao, could you give me chance? A chance to pursue you? I’ll make up for the wrongs I did in the past.”

Lin Xiao couldn’t help it, his heart was moved by Ling Luo’s words.

In the beginning, he’d gotten close to Ling Luo because of the past life. But after Ling Luo saved him, Lin Xaio had slowly become more and more sincere towards Ling Luo.

And Ling Luo had made Lin Xiao’s heart beat faster.

He’d been upset at the thought of Ling Luo’s harem.

Ling Luo slept with him, and Lin Xiao was just embarrassed, not disgusted.

All this, but…so what?

Lin Xiao asked Ling Luo, “What about your parents, will you tell them you like me? What about all the sisters around you, how are you going to deal with them?”

“Those women, they’re just subordinates. I’ve never liked any of them. And when I go back, I’ll give my father my position in the Ling family. I’ll tell my parents…maybe they’ll understand me.” Ling Luo replied.

Lin Xiao took in Ling Luo’s eager expression for a long time, but finally only said, “I’m sorry.”

He couldn’t be entangled with Ling Luo anymore.

Not only was Lin Xiao afraid to fight against the protagonist, he was terrified of any involvement at all.

All he wanted now was to go the mainland alone and make different friends.

Take good care of his father, and increase his own cultivation.

That was the sum of Lin Xiao’s plans.

Chasing after strange encounters or exciting adventures?

No more.

Hadn’t he paid enough? He should have never gotten close to Ling Luo to begin with. Let Ling Luo be the protagonist, Lin Xiao would be content to be a quiet passerby. There was still time for a different kind of life.

Ling Luo stared at Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao wanted to forget their past? Impossible.

Hearing Lin Xaio say: “I’m sorry,” Ling Luo’s face had gone pale. The brutality embedded in his bones by years of struggle made Ling Luo want to throw Lin Xiao back into the qiling. He could lock Lin Xiao up again.

Lin Xiao would belong to Ling Luo only, with nowhere to go.

Lin Xiao would stay with Ling Luo always.

Still, Ling Luo knew. If he imprisoned Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao’s heart would only go further and further away.

Ling Luo loosened his fingers and let go of Lin Xiao’s arm.

Ling Luo stayed quiet, not asking Lin Xiao any questions.

Lin Xiao’s “I’m sorry.” Those words had been clear enough.

As soon as Ling Luo took away his hand, Lin Xiao didn’t hesitate to turn away.

He’d said what he had to say to Ling Luo, his task was completed, and he didn’t owe Ling Luo anything more.


As he walked away, Lin Xiao couldn’t stop himself from looking back at Ling Luo.

Ling Luo seemed lonely, standing there.

Lin Xiao’s heart thumped unbearably.

However, recalling all the past, Lin Xiao hardened his resolve and turned away.

Ling Luo, watching Lin Xiao’s retreat, felt disconsolate. Yet when he saw Lin Xiao’s momentary reluctance, hope sprang up in Ling Luo’s eyes.

He wouldn’t give up.

The years of a cultivator’s life were long. He still had a lot of time to chase after Lin Xiao.

One day, Lin Xiao would willingly stay beside him. Their story wasn’t finished.

After all, Ling Luo had never been one to give up easily.