I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 80

When Ling Luo’s touching reached Lin Xiao’s rear hole, Ling Luo remembered he hadn’t prepared any lubrication. He tried to probe the hole with his fingers, but didn’t make much progress.

So Ling Luo had the qiling make a hot spring in the middle of the room. He lifted up the emotional Lin Xiao, and carried him over to the spring emanating heat.

Ling Luo stripped off his own clothes, and entered the spring with Lin Xiao. Feeling new heat, Lin Xiao’s face flushed pink and he twisted his body weakly, trying to regain the closeness with Ling Luo.

Ling Luo’s desire burst into raging flames as Lin Xiao kept unconsciously rubbing against Ling Luo’s huge erection. But, thinning his lips and pawing at Lin Xiao’s trembling body, Ling Luo was still afraid of hurting Lin Xiao.

Using the flowing water, Ling Luo tried again at pressing his fingers into Lin Xiao’s tightness. Ling Luo knew his member was big, but he would make Lin Xiao’s hole take his cock. He couldn’t hold back much longer.

Ling Luo was able to squeeze one finger inside Lin Xiao’s warm, wet body. Gritting his teeth as sweat dripped down his forehead, Ling Luo continued loosening.

One finger, two fingers…Three fingers.

With three fingers inserted, Ling Luo rotated them around slowly inside Lin Xiao, while his other hand kneaded Lin Xiao’s bottom.

Invaded by foreign objects, Lin Xiao’s hole felt painful, even as he craved more. Ling Luo’s arm circled around him, as Lin Xiao hummed in discomfort. But Ling Luo’s fingers moved faster and faster, and Lin Xiao’s hums shifted to repeated moanings.

Lin Xiao’s groans only increased Ling Luo’s torture. Finally, Ling Luo couldn’t bear it anymore and pulled out his fingers. Left empty, Lin Xiao whined in discontent, until Ling Luo thrust his cock into that abandoned place.

Lin Xiao breathed heavily at the suddenness, his back hole tightly clamping around Ling Luo’s shaft.

Ling Luo felt both pleasure and pain as Lin Xiao took him in. He fiercely kissed Lin Xiao’s lips, using a hand to tease Lin Xiao’s nipples and cock. As Ling Luo repeatedly caressed Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao’s body gradually relaxed.

Ling Luo stood up, wrapping Lin Xiao’s legs around him, and drove the entire length of his cock into Lin Xiao. Supporting Lin Xiao’s weight, Ling Luo kept slowly and thoroughly fucking him.

For a long while, their sounds echoed through the room, only ending until they were both sated.


When Lin Xiao came to his senses, shameful memories floated up. His body was sore and limp. And clean, no residuals left of what had been done. Lin Xiao realized Ling Luo must have cleaned him up while Lin Xiao was sleeping.

……Lin Xiao had never expected that Ling Luo would go this far.

Lin Xiao could barely understand his own feelings.

Angry? Confused?……his heart felt hopelessly shaken. If the last time Ling Luo had taken him was an accident, what was it now? There was no excuse or explanation for Ling Luo’s actions, all Lin Xiao could think of was…Ling Luo was still taking his revenge. Humiliating Lin Xiao in retaliation for his parents.

Yes, that had to be the reason.

Lin Xiao didn’t dare think on it any deeper. Stretching his stiff waist, Lin Xiao slowly sat up on the bed. He saw Ling Luo sitting at a round table, his back to Lin Xiao.

Then Ling Luo turned around, asking indifferently: “You are awake?”

Lin Xiao didn’t speak.

Ling Luo’s lids lowered, hiding his eyes from Lin Xiao. “Is your body alright?” Ling Luo asked.

“If you really want to avenge your parents, you should just kill me.” Lin Xiao spoke calmly.

“Kill you?” Ling Luo smiled, hiding his clenched hands in his sleeves. “Do you really want to die that badly?”

Lin Xiao didn’t know exactly what Ling Luo had feed him, but the grass had clearly been some kind of aphrodisiac. Ling Luo had forced Lin Xiao to eat it. Then Ling Luo had played with Lin Xiao, fucking him at will. How could Lin Xiao be blind to the insult done to him?

Last time, Lin Xiao had comforted himself with the fact it was all an accident. This time? As a man, he had been maliciously violated. Lin Xiao still couldn’t name his feelings, he just kept thinking that Ling Luo had used him out of vengeful hatred.

If it had been done with love, maybe Lin Xiao wouldn’t feel so horrible. But…it hadn’t been love, but punishment. Moreover, Lin Xiao couldn’t escape the oppression of Ling Luo’s cultivation.

Lin Xiao had been Ling Luo’s brother for so many years. Ling Luo couldn’t even grant Lin Xiao an honorable death? But instead degraded Lin Xiao that way?

So to Ling Luo’s question, Lin Xiao, in an ironic tone, said: “Yes.”

Ling Luo’s lips curved up, but a hint of hurt flashed through his eyes. Then his expression went cold and he said: “Since you want to die, I’ll help you.” Ling Luo threw a set of clothes onto the bed. “Put these on and follow me.”

“I won’t go.” Lin Xiao refused, enraged by Ling Luo’s attitude.

“You won’t go? Then I’ll go destroy the Lin family. Would you like that?” Lin Xiao icily warned.

Biting his lips, Lin Xiao’s bare chest heaved. Then he picked up the clothes and quietly put them on. He was just the lamb for the slaughter, with no cultivation. He had no qualifications to set conditions with Ling Luo.

What if Ling Luo became more angry? Killing the whole Lin family would be a matter of minutes to him.

Lin Xiao’s old contriteness towards Ling Luo was being erased. Twinges of guilt remained, but Lin Xiao’s heart was in turmoil.

Menacing Lin Xiao’s family now. It really was too much.

After ruthlessly fucking Lin Xiao, Ling Luo would still threaten Lin Xiao, using the Lin family against him?

As soon as Ling Luo saw Lin Xiao starting to get dressed, Ling Luo turned to leave, saying: “As soon as you’re clothed, the qiling will let you out.” Then Ling Luo disappeared.

Lin Xiao didn’t see Ling Luo’s bitter expression before he went. And Lin Xiao didn’t know Ling Luo felt misunderstood, because Ling Luo was too proud to say it.

The distance between them grew further and further.


When Lin Xiao was fully dressed, the qiling directly sent him out. White light flared, and Lin Xiao’s legs softened as he collapsed onto the ground. He sat there a moment, until a strong hand pulled him up.

An aloof Ling Luo supported Lin Xiao, face carefully blank.

Lin Xiao thanked Ling Luo, then pulled himself away.

Ling Luo turned his back to Lin Xiao, until he could control his pained expression again. Once he regained his calm, he turned back, saying to Lin Xiao slowly: “Even if you don’t want to hold onto me, you’re going to have to bear it.”

“Why?” Lin Xiao’s brow wrinkled.

“I’m taking you somewhere immediately. But that place is very far away. Are you going to run there alone?”

If Ling Luo said the place was far away, then it must be a great distance, indeed. Lin Xiao’s frown eased, but he didn’t inquire more.

After all, even if Lin Xiao asked, Ling Luo wouldn’t necessarily answer. And even if Ling Luo did share, Lin Xiao still wouldn’t want to go.

It was better to say nothing.

The atmosphere filled with stagnant silence.

They used to talk about anything and everything, now they were like strangers with nothing to say to each other.

Ling Luo, realizing Lin Xiao wasn’t going to speak further, stepped forward and grabbed Lin Xiao’s arm with one hand.

They started traveling to their destination. Ling Luo didn’t move too fast, keeping his hold on Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao, for his part, felt no discomfort.

Finally, after almost a day, Ling Luo stopped.

In front of them was a sweeping, unobstructed plain. Except for themselves, no other figure was to be seen.

Lin Xiao looked around, unhappy and confused. Why would Ling Luo bring him here?

While Lin Xiao was still wondering, Ling Luo yanked Lin Xiao to walk forward with him. A wave of dizziness, and Lin Xiao arrived in a new world, or so it seemed. A paradise surrounded him, filled with birdsong and fragrant flowers.

Lin Xiao sighed.

He guessed that this place was a secret realm Ling Luo had found on the mainland.

But why would Ling Luo want Lin Xiao here? Was there something dangerous in this realm, and Ling Luo wanted to use Lin Xiao as a shield?

Ling Luo’s cultivation might be very strong, but in the wide world, there were always people more talented than oneself. The world was filled with countless dangers.

“Follow me.” Ling Luo didn’t wait for Lin Xiao to ask questions. He snuck a glance at Lin Xiao, and kept walking. But his pace stayed extremely slow and his body taut.

Ling Luo had been in the secret realm once before, and it had appeared safe then. But he always felt the place had a dangerous aura.