I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 75

I’ve always been an irrational person, I think. In my last life, I was forced to become cold and detached. This life, I grew up carefree for a long time. And when I thought I was going to have to harden up again, I met Lin Xiao.

I always regarded Lin Xiao as my best brother. I strove to be strong for my loved ones and him. But…I never thought I’d end up falling in love with my best brother.

Since I’m in love, I won’t let go.

Lin Xiao melted my initial indifference. Slowly made me unable to relinquish. All my lifetimes, he’s the only one I’ve felt this way towards.

I don’t know what I was thinking.

After the refining competition, I was joyful and just wanted to confess from the bottom of my heart to Lin Xiao. I never expected Lin Xiao to say that.

He said he killed my parents.

I didn’t believe it. But Lin Xiao’s face, the look on it wasn’t fake.

He led me to that place.

There was destruction everywhere.

I saw where the blood had been on the ground. I saw a piece of my father’s clothing in Lin Xiao’s hand. My mind remembered all the happy times of my parents and myself…

Don’t doubt that I have a lot of affection for my parents. From the moment I crossed over, they took good care of me, and in my heart, I truly cherish them.

In the past, my mother was seriously ill. I thought there was no chance of saving her, but Lin Xiao gave me a ray of hope. My mother, in the end, was able to live.

Since that time, I swore to myself, I must be strong! I had to protect my loved ones.

But, at that moment, my heart was broken.

The bodies of my parents were gone. I knew it raised big doubts, but I couldn’t control my emotions at all. I saw my parents’ faces, and Lin Xiao’s face as he kept asking for death, trying to keep his family safe.

I lost my mind, and with Lin Xiao’s non-stop begging, I couldn’t control my behavior.

I moved my hand and destroyed Lin Xiao’s dantian.

It was Xuan Xe who asked me, do you really want that little man dead?

Seeing Lin Xiao cover his wound, then fall to the ground, my heart was aching. I knew…maybe my parents really were dead, like Lin Xiao said.

But…possibly they weren’t.

I’m impulsive.

By the time Lin Xiao showed me the scene and the cloth, my heart was already tight. I crouched in the dirt, my eyes closed. After two lifetimes, I still can’t control my feelings.

I think…in my heart, I have to place the lives of my parents higher than Lin Xiao’s.

So, in my insanity, I wanted to kill Lin Xaio.

Although, in the end, I couldn’t do it.

Now, I don’t even dare think about it. What should I do if my parents truly were killed by Lin Xiao?

Do I take Lin Xiao’s life to avenge my parents, or…Do I make a clean break from Lin Xiao?

I can’t do either.

I picked Lin Xiao up off the ground, healed his wound, and then had my qiling transform into a stone cave. I sat there on the stone bed and I quietly looked at Lin Xiao’s pale face.

I’ll investigate what happened to my parents.

And I’ll look for medicine that can heal Lin Xiao’s dantian. It’s sure to be hard to find, but I don’t believe that there isn’t something on this whole continent.

If it turns out that Lin Xiao did kill my parents…I smile and touched Lin Xiao’s cheek. Then I’ll kill Lin Xiao, and then I’ll kill myself.


In this world, I am left alone.

Forcing myself to practice as if my life depended on it.

I think my luck is good.

I remember one time, I was being attacked in the depths of a forest. Countless beasts had their mouths opened wide, trying to swallow me into their bellies. I was running desperately, and my already injured body was just getting worse.

I was thinking I wouldn’t live to find out the truth about my parents. I even told my qiling, that if I died, he should take Lin Xiao away. Take Lin Xiao to a safe place.

But… I’m not dead.

In that forest, I broke through first-level to the highest order of the earth.

… I can’t remember how much suffering I’ve gone through all these years. Every time, I thought this was time I was going to die…But time after time I survived.

Every time I came back from the dead, I would look at Lin Xiao’s face in the qiling.

I still have no news of my parents, and there is no ending between Lin Xiao and me.

I can’t die.


After all these years, I’ve grown up and I’m strong. There are many people around me, but my heart stays cold. I’ve been alone, and still haven’t found my parents.

That place where Lin Xiao met my parents, it really was too remote. Although he caused so much damage, no powerful person noticed it.

Don’t tell me…could it really be that Lin Xiao killed them?

During this time, I didn’t dare to take a look at Lin Xiao. I’m scared that I won’t be able to stop thinking of my parents when I see him.

But I don’t know why, at that time, fragments of memory started coming back to me…

The protagonist in those memories is still me.

But Lin Xiao was an unremarkable character, killed early by me.

In those fragments, Lin Yue tried to take revenge on me, after Lin Xiao’s death.

Then I indifferently and completely destroyed the whole Lin family. In this life, several times I’ve been driven to desperation by Lin Yue. But I still don’t touch a hair of Lin Xiao’s family.

I don’t know why I got these extra memories in my head, and I don’t know if Lin Xiao has as many memories as I do.

The thing that bothers me the most is…in that past, Lin Xiao loved Murong Xue. Even tried to kill me a few times, for the sake of Murong Xue.

Murong Xue?

I glance at Murong Xue, presently standing beside me, a smile on her face. I hang my head, remembering the expression on Lin Xiao’s face the first time he saw Murong Xue. At the time, I just thought Lin Xiao enjoyed beautiful things. Now I think, is there really a connection between the two?


No one dares to despise me now. I finally understood why my parents had left me such a letter, and I fulfilled their wish. But…are they dead or alive? Lin Xiao’s dantian is still destroyed and he’s still in the qiling’s cave.

Things have remained the same, but people have changed.

After becoming strong, I’ve been busy looking for a cure for Lin Xiao’s dantian and my parents.

Suddenly one day, my qiling told me that Lin Xiao had not eaten for several days. I took a look at him in the cave, and he seemed almost dead. And the food around him piled into a mountain…

I didn’t have time to ask why my qiling didn’t tell me earlier that Lin Xiao was refusing to eat. I had been busy with something important. I hurried to give Lin Xiao a dan I had just refined.

His mouth could only chatter about his family.

I can’t help feeling angry, but…deep down I feel a little relieved-I didn’t destroy Lin Xiao’s family like I did in those past memories.

Finally, I’ve found a trace of my parents’ tracks. And someone even told me of a medicine that can heal dantians, in a secret place on the mainland.

I left Lin Xiao and hurried out.

It’s not necessary that Lin Xiao stay in the stone cave anymore. Anyways, no one on the mainland can stand against me now.

I already have a hunch in my heart, the truth about my parents is about to come to light.

Temporarily busy with matters at hand, I took Lin Xiao out of the cave.

He…is more vulnerable than he used to be. I clenched my fist and hurried away from him.

…But there’s a throb of pain in my heart.

In my life, he really is predestined.