I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 73-Part 1

By eating the mysterious yellow grass, Lin Xiao had progressed from xuan-level to middle-level.

Ling Luo had also advanced. But from xuan-level to first-level. How, in such a short time? Had he had adventures of his own, or just a major breakthrough?

Lin Xiao wasn’t that shocked, though, in fact feeling almost nothing. What emotions could he have? Ling Luo was the protagonist. Advancing smoothly was only normal for him.

“Congratulations, at the assembly you’re sure to do well.” Lin Xiao, trying to look suitably pleased about everything.

“You, when you were out looking for your heaven spirit grass, did you encounter any dangers?” Ling Luo asked.

Lin Xiao dropped his eyes to the floor. “No, I’m fine.”

“That’s good.” Ling Luo laughed.

Since their tomorrow was the official day of the Refiners’ Assembly, Ling Luo and Lin Xiao decided to not go out, but to concentrate on practice.

Sitting on the bed together, their legs crisscrossed, Lin Xiao couldn’t help sneaking glances at Ling Luo, who had his eyes closed.

Lin Xiao’s mood was complex. To Lin Xiao, Ling Luo seemed harmoniously balanced. And Lin Xiao felt sure Ling Luo would have no problem getting a high rank at the assembly. With Ling Luo’s cultivation and his protagonist aura, he’d probably be in the top three.

While Lin Xiao restlessly worried if he’d achieve any good rank at all.

He had to give his all at the assembly, Lin Xiao thought to himself, gently sighing. The Refiners’ Assembly was a competition that cultivators dreamed of participating in. Now Lin Xiao had the opportunity, and he was about to waste it. He had to push aside the wreckage in his heart, and focus on just the present.


The morning arrived.

Lin Xiao, no longer wearing his face mask, opened his door, and unexpectedly found Ling Luo already waiting for him.

“Good morning.” Lin Xiao greeted Ling Luo.

Ling Luo replied back with a smile, “Good morning.”

They went downstairs and sat at a table. They had gotten up early, so they had the place to themselves. When they saw other cultivators heading out, they would go to the venue also.

They expected to see Murong Xue first, but instead it was Yu Weiwei and the two with her. Yu Weiwei’s eyes flew straight to Ling Luo, and her face brightened. Cheerfully, she rushed over to Ling Luo, and Lin Xiao took the chance to try and slip away.

However, Ling Luo snagged Lin Xiao’s sleeve, holding him in place.

Ling Luo regarded Yu Weiwei disinterestedly, not releasing his grasp on Lin Xiao. He had no intention of letting Lin Xiao sneak off.

Ling Luo remembered the last time, when he’d had Murong Xue and Yu Weiwei flanking him, and Lin Xiao had taken the opportunity to flit away. Lin Xiao was trying the same trick again? Gripping the arm tightly, Ling Luo pulled Lin Xiao closer.

Neither of their movements had been obvious, so no one really noticed. But after trying unsuccessfully to remove Ling Luo’s hand, Lin Xiao had no choice but to stay where he was.

Yu Weiwei was standing beside Ling Luo, trying to talk to him. Murong Xue and Cheng Yan, slowly descending the stairs, saw Yu Weiwei’s fawning. Murong Xue’s expression stiffened.

Walking quicker now, Murong Xue went over to Ling Luo. Then Murong Xue suddenly saw Lin Xiao beside Ling Luo. When had Lin Xiao come? It was puzzling, but Murong Xue grinned at him, saying “You are here!”

Lin Xiao nodded back, returning Murong Xue’s smile.

Everyone was gathering. More and more people were coming downstairs, milling around. Ling Luo and Lin Xiao were ready to go.


The Refiners’ Assembly had attracted cultivators from all over. There were wild refiners from the countryside, and various cultivators officially sent from neighboring countries.

Not just anyone could compete in the assembly, though. There were entry requirements for cultivation level and age restrictions. No one over the age of forty was allowed to participate.

So, Lin Xiao, looking around the venue, saw mostly teenagers and twentysomethings. But there were a few in their thirties.

There were lines of dan furnaces around them. For the competition was actually quite simple. You were given a dan medicine to refine. If your refining was high quality, you went on the next level.

People would be eliminated each round. Make it through each round until you were the only one. Then you were the champion.

Treasures would be awarded to the champion, but the bigger prize was the right to join the Xuan Huang Refining Pavilion. The Xuan Huang Refining Pavilion was an eminent pavilion, but the choice to attend or not was up the winner.

People were already choosing their furnace. Ling Luo and Lin Xiao said a few words of encouragement to each other, and then picked a furnace next to each other. They wouldn’t just be relying on their talent and hard work, luck would play a part too. They had to expect the unexpected.

Standing there, waiting for the competition to start, many were feeling nervous. Even Ling Luo. Lin Xiao, watching beside him, saw Ling Luo clenching his hands tightly, face serious, and apparently discussing something inwardly with Xuan Xe.

Lin Xiao had a little tension, but also a deep calm.

All he could do was go all out. His luck hadn’t ever been good, no matter how hard he worked or what talent he had. He had usually failed at the last minute. Nevertheless…

He couldn’t dwell on sad things. When the assembly was over, then…Lin Xiao made himself lift his head and look around. Murong Xue and Cheng Yan were both attending also. Lin Xiao didn’t really know why Cheng Yan was there, his talent was average at best. Perhaps it was Ling Luo’s protagonist aura filtering down on him.

Lin Xiao gave a little snort. There was Yu Weiwei, with her brother and sister. They appeared stressed also. Ling Luo might have jumped ahead to first-level, but they were still xuan-level.

But if they competed in the assembly, they would gain valuable experience. And hopefully their family would be proud and their juniors’ respect would increase. Anyways, they weren’t that old, after a few years they could participate again.

As Lin Xiao’s eyes roved, a bright and beautiful figure suddenly made an entrance.

Huangfu Ling.

She was luminous. Cold and lovely, drawing everyone’s attention.

Yu Zheng, noticing her, desperately wished he could switch to another furnace. But it was too late now. All he could do was drink in her exquisiteness.

Most of the men there were staring at her with burning eyes. Many of the young talents of Xuan Huang had been helplessly in love with her for a long time.

Ling Luo, however, only glanced briefly, then looked over at Lin Xiao. Ling Luo saw Lin Xiao watching Huangfu Ling.

Ling Luo ground his teeth.

Damn it. Every day that Lin Xiao didn’t belong to him completely, Ling Luo can’t help feeling threatened. There were too many beautiful women running around. What if Lin Xiao fell in love with one?

Ling Luo put a fist in his palm. As soon as the assembly was over, he was confessing to Lin Xiao. And then, no matter how shocked Lin Xiao was, Ling Luo would kiss and embrace him…

Ling Luo was looking forward to it…

Xuan Xe, feeling Ling Luo’s rising excitement, couldn’t help but admonish: “Calm your mind! The assembly is about to start.”

Ling Luo: “…” Yes, the first important thing was the competition. Ling Luo closed his eyes, relaxing his body.