I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 67

Seeing barely any pedestrians on the streets, Lin Xiao turned a few bends, finding only a few stalls here and there. Apart from the scattered shops, Lin Xiao wondered how people there could buy anything.

It seemed unlikely he’d find any heaven spirit grass. Even if his hopes hadn’t been high, Lin Xiao was still a little disappointed.

But then the chances had been always low. According to the information from Murong Tian, an auction house or out in the wild were Lin Xiao’s best bet. Just there was always a chance some unwitting stallholder would have it, not knowing the value of it…

However, with no auction house and hardly any stalls, Lin Xiao was ready to leave the city. Time to move on to the next place.

Speak of meeting again, but in the end, fate dictates…

Lin Xiao did not expect that he and Ji Quan would see each other again so quickly.

Ji Quan stood not far away from Lin Xiao, frowning and looking around, seemingly a little at a loss. Lin Xiao thought it quite the coincidence, running into Ji Quan again.

Lin Xiao hesitated about whether or not to go greet Ji Quan. They had spoken before, and they wouldn’t necessarily draw suspicion now. But…a large crowd of people suddenly surged around them.

At the front of the crowd was an ugly little man with cold, beady eyes.

The man stared back and forth at people with a revolting gaze. Anyone who accidently caught his eye shook and quickly moved away. Only one person was paying him no attention, and that was Ji Quan, who was lost in his own thoughts.

Lin Xiao thought he knew who this off-putting person was.

Looking at the entourage behind him, and his wretched appearance, it must be that notorious Yin family’s son, Yin Jia. Lin Xiao remembered the conversation he’d listened in on, about how the son was getting bored of women and preying on men next.

Lin Xiao looked at Ji Quan. Yin Jia wouldn’t be interested in Ji Quan, would he? Ji Quan was not a youthful beauty, just a plain, normal-looking man.

Lin Xiao lightly slapped his forehead. What was he thinking? How many men were there who would like other men…

Lin Xiao was wrong, however. Yin Jia’s dull glower lit up when he noticed Ji Quan. Maybe to Lin Xiao, Ji Quan was just ordinary. But to Yin Jia, Ji Quan’s indifferent demeanor had a subtle allure.

Yin Jia was tired of women. Too many beautiful ladies had jaded him, he was seeking a new novelty. Appearance was no longer as important as finding something entertaining.

Licking his lips, Yin Jia puffed himself up, and bringing his crowd of people with him, stopped in front of Ji Quan. Even Ji Quan could not fail to register all the people suddenly gathered around him. Looking at Yin Jia, Ji Quan coolly asked: “Excuse me, do you need something?”

Lin Xiao still couldn’t imagine why Yin Jia would be attracted to Ji Quan. But to Yin Jia, who was used to people frantically trying to escape from him, Ji Quan’s unperturbed countenance was just too rare.

Even a stranger to the city, if they encountered Yin Jia with all his lackeys behind him, would be worried. Yet Ji Quan stood there seemingly relaxed. The desire to destroy Ji Quan’s calm arose in Yin Jia. Playing with this man, it would be very good.

But Yin Jia did not reply to Ji Quan’s question. Instead it was an aggressive servant who said: “Our son looked at you! You will go to his home without delay!”

This servant was used to saying such things, and as he sputtered each word, his tone became more and more bullying.

Lin Xiao listened incredulously. The odious Yin Jia really did fancy Ji Quan? What the hell!?

Incredible, Lin Xiao thought to himself.

All of Yin Jin’s attention was focused on Ji Quan. He scolded his servant, saying, “Don’t scare my beauty!” Then to Ji Quan, he said, “Lovely, I see you, and I want to take you home to drink and eat with you.” He reached out a hand to stroke Ji Quan’s cheek.

Ji Quan’s tranquility finally disappeared. With a look of disgust, he knocked aside Yin Jia’s hand.

Yin Jia instantly became angry. It was the first time for someone to hit him in front of his subordinates. “You don’t want to drink with me?! Then you can eat punishment!” He waved his hand imperiously, “Get me this man, take him back to Yin house!”

Lin Xiao figured Ji Quan’s cultivation would not be low, but would he be able to fight off so many people? Lin Xiao hesitated. He had a good relationship with Ji Quan. Could he really let Ji Quan face this alone?

Lin Xiao jumped to Ji Quan’s side, “Quite the bully. Really, who dare resist you?” he yelled.

Ji Quan, surprised at someone defending him, was even more surprised to see it was the man he had tried to buy the qi from just a while ago.

Smiling at Ji Quan, Lin Xiao readied for a fight. He figured between his cultivation and Ji Quan’s, even if they couldn’t win, they would still be able to make a getaway.

Right then, Huangfu Shan spoke to Lin Xiao: “The spirit qi has been restored.”

Huangfu Shan’s words surprised Lin Xiao, but he took out the qi and clenched it in his hand. With the repaired qi, wasn’t he like a tiger that’s grown wings? Joined with Ji Quan, they should win against the Yin family group!

But Ji Quan had no intention of fighting. Instead of taking out a weapon, he took out a token. He showed the token to the people surrounding them. On the token were the large characters “Huangfu.”

“A Huangfu family token,” Huangfu Shan murmured. “Looking at Ji Quan, there was a sense of familiarity,.” Her tone was melancholy, as if lost in memories.

Lin Xiao found it unexpected that Ji Quan had a Huangfu token. It must mean Ji Quan was related somehow to the Huangfu family. And Huangfu Shan’s words confirmed it.

If Huangfu Shan and Ji Quan were of the same family, then Ji Quan must have concealed his identity when he went to Yunqi Academy, to make things easier.

Lin Xiao went to speak, but then closed his mouth. He doesn’t have the right to ask Ji Quan about it. After all, he’s hiding his identity right now too.

Having the right to use the Huangfu token was not a small matter. The Huangfu reputation was great. And anyone who’d heard of the family, they would be very courteous to the token-holder.

But…Yin Jia, standing before Lin Xiao and Ji Quan, was a special kind of weirdo. He had no idea what the token meant. Seeing the silver of the token shining in the sun, he merely thought that Ji Quan was trying to pay him off.

He laughed and said: “Beauty, I assure you I won’t hurt you. My family is so rich, why would I take your money? You just spend a night with me, and if you make me happy, maybe I will give you a pile of treasures.”

Then Yin Jia sneered at Lin Xiao, “Trying to steal him away in front of me? He’s mine!”

Was the man blind?

Lin Xiao was stupified. He hadn’t ever seen such a dense, clueless character. If he touched a hair on Ji Quan’s head, his whole Yin family branch would be ended. Annihilated. The Huangfu family was not to be trifled with.

One of Yin Jia’s servants recognized the token, though. He squeezed up to Yin Jia, quietly telling him, “Gongzi, the token belongs to the Huangfu family.”

“The Huangfu family? What Huangfu family?” Yin Jia angrily shouted. He abruptly slapped the servant, and continued: “I don’t care about Huangfu family, get rid of this damned man,” indicting Lin Xiao. “And get me my beauty. Take him back to Yin house.”

With a wave of his hand, his servants rushed to fulfill his orders.

Only the slapped servant, covering his swollen cheek, discreetly left. He was not mistaken, that was a token of the Huangfu family. If the Huangfu family found out how one of their own was being treated…the images that came to mind made his blood run cold.

This was no small matter, he better go back to his lord first!