I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 61

Just as Ling Luo was about the take that last step, to sit on the throne, he suddenly turned his head…He didn’t know why, only that he could not restrain himself.

He saw Lin Xiao from a distance, standing in the crowd. Ling Luo blinked his eyes, and his enthralled mind snapped awake. Amidst the sea of people, Lin Xiao looked at him expressionlessly. Then giving Ling Luo a faint look of acknowledgement, Lin Xiao walked away.

Ling Luo felt that that look in Lin Xiao’s eyes expressed huge disappointment. Abruptly, all of Ling Luo woke up. He’s in a fantasy, this isn’t real!

He rubbed his eyes, narrowing them, and then looked down. He was less than one step away from the throne. He smiled coldly to himself and darkness fell all around him.

In the darkness, Ling Luo’s heart was calm.

For he thought in his heart that even if he could not sit in that throne now, it didn’t mean that in the future he would not. One day he will make this fantasy a reality.

The darkness around him stretched on. He thought he had passed through all the trickeries, but it seemed that Master Xing did not want to let him go yet.

As soon as he thought this, light shone around and he saw a person before him. It was Lin Xiao, who had turned away from him earlier in the illusion.

Even though Ling Luo knew this Lin Xiao wasn’t real, he still opened his mouth to speak, but then he resisted the desire. Ling Luo stayed silent, and it was the fake Lin Xiao who spoke.

“Ling Luo…,” the false Lin Xiao looked at Ling Luo with indifferent eyes, as if Ling Luo was an insignificant speck. Under that gaze, Ling Luo’s heart felt tight, illusion or not.

“I am very disappointed with you…Why did you fuck me in that place? Do you know how you shamed me? Lin Xiao’s words crushed Ling Luo’s heart, hitting like heavy stones, but he grit his teeth and resisted the desire to explain.

“You have ruined me, you have destroyed the rest of my life! But know it, today I will get justice for myself!” Ling Xiao sneered, face icy, pulling out his spirit sword. “I will kill you!” And the fake Ling Xiao rushed towards Ling Luo, pointing his sword straight at Ling Luo’s heart.

Ling Luo clenched his fists, watching Lin Xiao rushing towards him. He did not try to avoid or escape. He just thought…maybe, if he let this Lin Xiao kill him now, maybe the real Lin Xiao wouldn’t care about this kind of thing again?

Ling Luo wondered to himself, when was it that Lin Xiao’s position in his heart became so important? So important that he could even let go of his life and dignity. And when facing danger, his first thought is to protect Lin Xiao.

He didn’t understand his feelings for Lin Xiao. Ling Luo vaguely remembers his brother from his past life. But he didn’t treat that brother the way he treats Lin Xiao…

Thinking like this, Ling Luo didn’t want to fight back against Lin Xiao. Then, like his brain got poked by needles, his mind cleared and he saw Lin Xiao’s sword less than an inch away from him. He quickly dodged away and taking out his own spirit sword, stabbed the illusion through the heart.

He had been so immersed in his own confusion, that he almost let the fake Lin Xiao kill him. Until that sudden pain awakened him.

Ling Luo bent down in anguish. His fists clenched and clenched again tighter. He closed his eyes. He couldn’t bear to see the dead form of Lin Xiao, real or not. If one day, the true Lin Xiao really died by his hands, he would kill himself.

But then this illusion also dissipated.

Ling Luo didn’t know who was manipulating this seemingly endless environment, but now a new scene appeared. He opened his eyes and found himself in a room.

Frowning, Ling Luo found that he trapped, right in the middle of the room. He was unable to make the slightest move.

Then a man came into the room, holding someone in his arms. The strange man walked by Ling Luo, and Ling Luo’s eyes widened. The stranger looked particularly lascivious, his eyes filled with wicked and filthy thoughts. The person the stranger held, was the one Ling Luo had once held and could not hold again.

Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao, it was if he had been fed cartilage pills, and his body leaned softly into the wretched stranger’s arms. Ling Luo waited for the stranger to look at him. So he could kill that dirty man with his gaze.

The stranger felt Ling Luo’s stare and the corners of his mouth curled up. He put Lin Xiao on a bed and sat next to him. “Beauty, you caught me with your loveliness. Yet you still want to run away. Stop trying to escape, and just let me do what I want.”

The stranger touched Lin Xiao’s face and went to kiss him.

“Bastard!” Lin Xiao said weakly. “You’re nothing but a beast, let me go!”

The stranger smirked and did not answer. He was taking off Lin Xiao’s clothes, one by one, while feeling up Lin Xiao’s body at the same time.

Distress filled Lin Xiao’s face, and he shouted uncontrollably, “Ling Luo, Ling Luo, save me!”

When the stranger heard “Ling Luo,” he gave a cold smile. Then pinched at Lin Xiao’s chest ruthlessly saying, “Don’t think that someone will come to save you. You are destined to be held by me today.”

Ling Luo could not control himself anymore. When he saw Lin Xiao touched by that despicable man, the anger in his heart burned through him. He slammed in the invisible enchantment holding him, using all his strength, all his cultivation. He felt the barrier give way a little, and he continued knocking away at it in desperation.

But, right before his eyes, the wicked stranger took off his pants, and entered Lin Xiao’s body.

Finally Ling Luo smashed the barrier. He rushed over, and with his sword cut off the stranger’s head.

Looking at the dead body below him, Ling Luo’s breath gasped in and out. The sight gave him deep pleasure. Everyone who hurt Lin Xiao must die!

Lin Xiao, seeing Ling Luo appear, moaned: “Ling Luo, you are finally here.” He closed his eyes, unable to stop the tears flowing down.

Ling Luo looked at him distressed. When he had had his way with the real Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao had never cried. He was fascinated with this illusionary Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao really was a weak point in his heart.

This Lin Xiao seemed to have regained his strength, reaching out a hand to Ling Luo. Ling Luo helped him up. Lin Xiao leaned softly on him, and Ling Luo saw the kiss marks covering that body. Lin Xiao widened his eyes and stared up at Ling Luo.

“Ling Luo, there was something I was going to bury in my heart, and never tell you. But now, I want to tell you.”

“Whatever it is, tell me.”

“I…” the illusionary Lin Xiao blushed slightly, “I…I’ve liked you for a long time.” As he said this, Lin Xiao raised his head and then touched his lips to Ling Luo’s.

The softness of that kiss, the confession, these things should be embarrassing or awkward. But Ling Luo felt only ecstasy…However, he didn’t know how to answer Lin Xiao. He never expected that they would like each other this way.

After all…they are both men.

Ling Luo did not respond for a long time. Lin Xiao’s expression became melancholy. He stepped back from Ling Luo’s body, saying: “I know…you can’t accept my feelings. I probably disgust you now. We are two men. How can I like you? I really am sickening, and now you’ll never want to see me again.” The false Lin Xiao smiled bitterly.

Ling Luo listened to Lin Xiao’s words, but disgust was not what was in his heart.

However Lin Xiao continued: “You hate me now? And don’t want to talk to me anymore?” Lin Xiao drew out his sword and pointed it at his own heart. “If I make you sick, then I don’t want to live.”

But before he could stab himself, Ling Luo hurriedly stopped him. Ling Luo pursed his lips, “I…I don’t hate you…”

“Then you do like me?” Lin Xiao’s eyes lit up, a smile brightening his face.

Looking at Lin Xiao’s happy face, Ling Luo felt a little disquieted, but he nodded his head. “I think…I do like you. We may be two guys, but in my heart…I really care about you.”

Afterall, Ling Luo thought to himself, if he didn’t like Lin Xiao why would he be around him? Why, when things were dangerous, was his first instinct to protect Lin Xiao? Why would Lin Xiao hanging around with a woman disturb him…It all only makes sense if he likes him.

He just likes…Lin Xiao. And now that Lin Xiao likes him too, they can spend their lives together. Ling Luo smiled. So what if they are both men?! He is strong enough to shield them both! Who will dare to say anything? Ling Xiao is protected by him!

Lin Xiao’s lips curved up and his eyes closed. Again he put his lips to Ling Luo’s lips. Ling Luo wrapped his arms around Ling Xiao and used his tongue to pry that warm mouth open.

Lin Xiao’s mouth was hot, wet, and comfortable. Ling Luo used his tongue to explore it entirely, intent on shackling Ling Xiao to himself. His hand indulgently stroked the other’s smooth skin.

“Ling Luo, Ling Luo, wake up!” Ling Luo’s awareness suddenly screamed and he regained his clarity. Jerking his head back, he found the false Lin Xiao thrusting a blade at his chest.

This was still the fantasy! Ling Luo’s heart pounded as he leapt away from Ling Xiao.

“Ling Luo, why do you leave me? Come here. I want you…” the fake Lin Xiao entreated with an innocent face.

A burst of heat pulsed through Ling Lou’s heart at these words. He sighed. The illusionary Lin Xiao, it was almost impossible for Ling Luo to resist him.

He couldn’t help but feel disappointment. The confusion caused by this fakery enabled to him to realize that he liked Lin Xiao. But it wasn’t real. The real Lin Xiao…maybe only saw him as just a brother…

What could be more sad than that?

This trickery was awful, and Ling Luo felt utterly incompetent. Seeing his own thoughts clearly was painful and he wondered what he should do now.

He knew now how he felt about Lin Xiao. But he did not know how Lin Xiao viewed him. If Lin Xiao took a woman’s hand, Ling Luo could not abide it…Yet if he used his strength towards Lin Xiao, would Lin Xiao hate him?

“Can you solve this illusion first, and then worry about the real world?” Xuan Xe’s big voice rang out.

Ling Luo surprised, said: “You are awake!”

Xuan Xe rolled his eyes. “I didn’t wake up. Use your head. What kind of soup did Lin Xiao make you drink? First you want to give him treasures, now you want to offer yourself,” Xuan Xe spoke in an ironic tone.

Ling Luo: “You…You don’t think I…like Lin Xiao, we’re two men…”

Xuan Xe grunted. “I’ve lived for so many years, what haven’t I seen? I just don’t understand why, when you could have so many beauties, you want that fat kid!”

Ling Luo thought in silence. Then he said: “Because Lin Xiao helped save my mother, because he saved me, because when I am most vulnerable he stays with me.”

Now it was Xuan Xe’s turn to quietly think. Then he cursed: “I helped you so much, was with you for so long! Why don’t you like me?” His favorite apprentice captured by that fat man, Xuan Xe was reluctant to accept it.

Ling Luo: “…” He doesn’t know how to answer Xuan Xe!

He chose instead to focus on the ‘Lin Xiao’ who was still wearing a wronged expression in front of him. Ling Luo hardened his heart and walked past him, and with a wave of his spirit sword the whole illusion finally disappeared.

A flash of light, and Ling Luo stood in the street. On either side of him stood Lin Xiao and Murong Tian…

Murong Tian, seeing Ling Luo appear, laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “Good! You broke out with your own strength! I really didn’t misjudge you!”

Lin Xiao just looked at Ling Luo and sighed in relief. But he contained his happiness. Ling Luo might have come out safely, but who knew what difficulties he had faced under Master Xing’s hand? It could not have been easy.

Ling Luo constantly makes progress…And himself? Lin Xiao tightened his lips. When he encountered the powerful Master Xing, he had no ability to even resist. He could only stand on the side.

“You are very good now,” Huangfu Shan tried to comfort Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao smiled. Yes, he is good now. But compared to Ling Luo, he is far, far behind.

Xing Xuanxuan saw Ling Luo’s return too. So he could pass through Master Xing’s trials. Xing Xuanxuan did not want to accept it, but Master Xing’s voice rang out, “Xuan-Xuan, since he broke through, I will not test him anymore. You come back with me.”

If not for Murong Tian being there, Master Xing might not have given up so easily. That didn’t matter to Xing Xuanxuan though, if you’re strong enough to take it, you should take it.

She stomped her feet angrily. She did not want to leave, she wanted to mess with Ling Luo some more! Yet they needed to go before it was too late. Master Xing directly carried her away, and Xing Xuanxuan vanished without a trace.

Murong Tian sneered: “Running away so fast.” But in fact, he did not wish to fight with Master Xing just now. Even if Master Xing’s cultivation level is lower than his, a fight between the two of them would a big deal.

“You have a good rest, you went through a lot today.” Murong Tian patted Ling Luo on the shoulder and left.

Now it was only two people in street, Lin Xiao and Ling Luo.

Ling Luo looked Lin Xiao, complex feelings warring inside him. He wasn’t sure how to act around Lin Xiao now. Should he try to be more than brothers, or should he give up that hope?

But Lin Xiao couldn’t know the turmoil in Ling Luo’s mind. He just smiled at Ling Luo, saying, “Let’s go home.”

Let’s go home.

This short sentence made Ling Luo’s heart suddenly beat fast. He couldn’t stop the fantasizing…

If they were in the 21st century, Lin Xiao would be cooking dinner at home, while Ling Luo finished work at his job.

Then as night fell, he would come back and there would be Lin Xiao with a warm smile saying: “You’re back. Supper’s ready, let’s eat.”

The scene in his mind is so sweet, but it’s just his imagination.

Ling Luo nodded to Lin Xiao, and walked side-by-side with him as they went.

A few days passed since Xing Xuanxuan had confessed to Ling Luo. Lin Xiao had been practicing his refining techniques, and strengthening his cultivation at the Medicine Pavilion. Yet although he was busy, he still noticed a difference in Ling Luo.


“Lin Xiao, I’m sorry. Cheng Yan and I have something to do right now. You go home first.”

And Lin Xiao had to watch the two of them leave together, a bitter feeling burrowing in.

Lin Xiao found himself funny. According to the plot, Ling Luo and Cheng Yan should be good brothers. It was only right that the plot restore back to its original form.

Lin Xiao sighed at his own reluctance. He had felt that he was special to Ling Luo. But it’s not like that their relationship still wasn’t good…so what was his problem? He shook his head, forced himself to stop thinking about it, and slowly started walking home. It’s just that…he’s a little lonely.

More days passed.

Lin Xiao felt even if Ling Luo and he weren’t as close as before, they were still friends. So he asked Ling Luo to eat with him at a wine house. He didn’t expect to be rejected…

Ling Luo apologetically said: “I’m sorry, Murong Xue and I already made an appointment. We’re going shopping together.”

Lin Xiao looked at Murong Xue, who was obviously excited, and suddenly felt weak. He nodded and mustered up a smile, “Alright then, you go, I’ll head home and rest.”

Again he’s looking at the back of Ling Luo, only difference is instead of Cheng Yan next to Ling Luo, now it’s Murong Xue.

The plot really was restoring to its old trajectory.

Is he only a shadow now?

Lin Xiao curved his lips, slowly swaying on the road, and unwittingly came to the banks of a river.

The river flowed crystal clear, vegetation visible under the surface. He sat down on the ground, blankly watching the water shimmering with sunlight, feeling forlorn.

He couldn’t help thinking about how Ling Luo had forced himself on him, and somehow he had managed to forgive to Ling Luo. Maybe it would be a good thing if Ling Luo abandoned him. Maybe it was good thing that Ling Luo spent his time with Murong Xue and Cheng Yan. As he went out into the Nebula Nation, Ling Luo was only going to keep meeting more and more people. And then will Lin Xiao…just be forgotten?

Does he want to be left behind?

Lin Xiao pulled out the grass underneath his hands. The feelings he had been suppressing the past few days engulfing him.

“What the hell are you angry at?” Huangfu Shan said suddenly.

Hearing this, Ling Xiao froze. Yes, what is he doing, just what in the hell is he angry about?

He’s not a child. Men going with women is the natural order of life. Why does he feel wronged? He couldn’t answer, even to himself.

When he didn’t rely, Huangfu Shan said: “You’re acting like an abandoned wife sitting sadly at home while your husband runs around with prostitutes.”

Husband and wife?!

Lin Xiao yanked out another clump of grass.

How could Huangfu Shan use this analogy?! What husband and wife…Ling Luo didn’t think of him like that at all! He…should not like Ling Luo either…not that way…Lin Xiao thought diffidently.

Huangfu Shan sneered, “What, can’t fall in love with him after what he did to you in that palace?”

“You…how do you know?! Lin Xiao asked in shock.

“Just because I lost my senses during that time, doesn’t mean I can’t tell after. I’m not obtuse.”

Shame rolled over Lin Xiao. For Huangfu Shan to know about that, he was humiliated to death.

“Are you in love with Ling Luo?” Huangfu Shan asked, and then was quiet for a moment. “I advise you not to love him. You will regret it in the future.”

Lin Xiao didn’t ponder any deeper implications of Huangfu Shen’s words. He just thought that in this cultivation world, two men together did not belong.

Shaking his head, he decided. No, no, no…He didn’t like Ling Luo that way. Instead he really needed to find a girlfriend. Like now.

Lin Xiao practically flew home, determinedly putting Huangfu Shen’s words out of his head. Just…he hardly knew any women. The few he did know were destined for Ling Luo’s harem.

That’s ok. There were many women in this city, and his father can help introduce him. After all, he’s slimmed down now, and has the wherewithal to chase women.

After speeding home, Lin Xiao found his father reading in his study. Lin Xiao hesitated for moment, then said: “Father, can you introduce me to a good-hearted woman?”

Lin Yue put down his book, surprised at his son’s request. “Son, why do you ask for this?”

Lin Xiao ducked his head, “I…”

Seeing Lin Xiao’s nervousness, Lin Yue gently laughed. He walked to Lin Xiao, patting him on the shoulder, saying: “Son, you’ve grown up. I’ll find someone for you, just wait for me.”

“Alright. Thank you, Father.” Lin Xiao gave his father a relieved smile and left the study.

Walking to his room, Lin Xiao unexpectedly bumped into Ling Luo, who had just returned. The two men stood opposite each other, both slightly surprised.

Ling Luo found it hard to face Lin Xiao. When he saw Lin Xiao, his mind went back to that fake Lin Xiao of Master Xing’s illusion, and all his tangled emotions surged up again. Now standing there together, the memory of that Lin Xiao saying “I like you” came back in a rush. Without thinking, Ling Luo leaned forward and kissed Lin Xiao.

Just a brief touch of mouths, and Ling Luo pulled back, swallowing hard. He couldn’t help gazing at Lin Xiao’s tender lips, but gave an awkward smirk. “Hehe, just fooling around.

Lin Xiao’s eyes were cold but he returned a pained smile, “Well, just fooling around then.”

Ling Luo suddenly had no idea what to do, so he said, “I just came back to practice in my room.” Next he fled. He was afraid of what he would do to Lin Xiao if he stayed.

Lin Xiao watched Ling Luo’s retreating figure, then hung his head.

Right now…is Ling Luo so bored just talking to him? Ha, ha, how ironic. Lin Xiao jeered at himself and went to his room.

He could only hope that Lin Yue would be very efficient.

Thankfully, Lin Yue’s efficiency was explementary. The next day he brought home a girl for Lin Xiao to meet.

She was not beautiful, but very cute, with curved eyebrows and two little dimples around her mouth. She looked easygoing…

“Lin Xiao, this is Sun Xue. The two of you should get along well.” Lin Yue introduced them, then left the room to give the two young ones some space.

Lin Xiao recognized her family name. So his father had gone for a family of moderate strength and influence.

Looking at the pleasing Sun Xue in front of him, Lin Xiao smiled at her: “Come, would you like to go for a stroll?”

“En, en,” said Sun Xue, and her face dimpled cutely.

As they walked the street together, Lin Xiao had a good feeling. His mood rose happily.

Sun Xue’s character seemed optimistic and a little extroverted. Once she started talking to Lin Xiao, she didn’t stop!

She said Lin Xiao was a good listener, giving him more sweet, dimply smiles.

Lin Xiao felt their mode of getting along was quite good.

Just…as long as…I don’t meet them…


There stood Ling Luo and Murong Xue. Murong Xue had dragged Ling Luo along to go shopping with her. Ling Luo hadn’t wanted to go, but he was afraid to face to Lin Xiao. Therefore he had half-heartedly acquiesced to Murong Xue.

Just…Why is Lin Xiao out shopping too? Why is he with a woman Ling Luo had never seen before?

Ling Luo’s eyes narrowed. He examined Sun Xue from top to bottom.

Lin Xiao saw Ling Luo staring at Sun Xue. He suddenly thought, what if Ling Luo’s protagonist halo works on Sun Xue too? He didn’t want to be cannon fodder again. So he used his body to block Ling Luo from Sun Xue’s sight.

Ling Luo tightly clenched his fists. Lin Xiao was protecting this woman? From him?

Anger flooded through Ling Luo. Was this woman Lin Xiao’s girlfriend? While he had been avoiding Lin Xiao because of guilt and embarrassment, Lin Xiao had ran off and picked up some girl?

Ling Luo immediately decided. He will no longer hide from Lin Xiao.

The sight of a someone else standing next to Lin Xiao was unbearable. Looking at this ugly girl, Ling Luo wanted to kill her.

Instead, recalling the fake Lin Xiao who said those words, “I like you,”…Ling Luo will make that become reality.

Ling Luo’s eyes met Lin Xiao’s. Ling Luo slowly smiled at him.

A chill suddenly ran through Lin Xiao’s body.