I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 28.1 - Yu Weiwei 2

How could she appear here?

Oh right. Lin Xiao finally recalled there was this section in the story–

‘Yu Weiwei was a sentimental girl. Although she had many pursuers, she couldn’t find the one she liked; and became dejected. Moreover, she was not good with words. Every woman envied her beauty, therefore she scarcely had true friends.’

‘After arriving to the Yunqi Academy, whenever she wouldn’t feel well, she would often wander around in the academy’s forest.’


Could it be that right now was one of her sad moments?

Lin Xiao carefully analyzed Yu Weiwei’s expression. Her beautiful eyes were slightly tearful, her face looked worried while she was staring at the trees, and she was grasping her clothes.

This kind of situation could stir up the desire to protect beauties in any man. In fact, Lin Xiao was easily moved as soon as he saw her worried face.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to head over there excitedly to comfort Yu Weiwei for a while, an unexpected person emerged nearby.

{pr:’excitedly’? Lin Xiaooo, you still haven’t learnt your lesson, do not go after protag’s harem members!!! Need another beheading to sober up?}

That person was exactly — Ling Luo.

As soon as Lin Xiao noticed him, he stopped moving and hid behind the tree better.

“Do you think he won’t discover you if you hide yourself behind a tree?” Huangfu Shan scorned.

Lin Xiao became speechless. That was indeed true. Yu Weiwei wouldn’t be able to detect him in this short distance, but he wouldn’t be able to hide from Ling Luo too.

“…” Lin Xiao wanted to ask her to conceal his qi aura, but in the end he didn’t. Seeing Ling Luo getting nearer and nearer and almost reaching Yu Weiwei, Lin Xiao held his breath and was prepared to be found out. But when Ling Luo reached the point where Lin Xiao could be discovered, nothing happened. Lin Xiao didn’t expect it, and could only guess that it was Huangfu Shan’s doing.

Lin Xiao thanked her in his heart and then watched the two people.

Ling Luo has clearly caught sight of Yu Weiwei, but he didn’t stop there and just brushed past her, ready to walk deeper in the forest.

As for Yu Weiwei, after realizing Ling Luo’s presence, she jumped from the scare. Tears fell down her cheeks. Her lack of vigilance was grave, and didn’t resemble the greatness of a child coming from the Yu family, Lin Xiao thought while shaking his head…

After getting scared, Yu Weiwei didn’t expect him to not show any interest in her; instead, he was simply walking away… Yu Weiwei wiped her tears and yelled: “Halt!”

This shout, coming from her, sounded pretty weak.

Ling Luo turned his head while frowning, and asked: “What’s the matter?” He sounded uninterested. But as soon as he saw her, he was dumbfounded… He remembered that this girl was the one Lin Xiao and he met outside the academy some days ago.

Hearing his way of speaking, Yu Weiwei pouted her lips, feeling wronged. Her eyes became teary again as she exclaimed, “You came here so silently that it scared the wits out of me!”

Usually, Yu Weiwei wouldn’t argue with anyone about any issue. But today, she ordered Ling Luo to stop there. She herself didn’t know the reason why. Perhaps…perhaps she really wanted someone to accompany her and talk with her? Since her mood wasn’t good today, she wanted to find someone she could converse with, but she had no one to accompany her. Dispirited, she headed over to this forest, alone. But she never expected that she would bump into another person.