I Don't Dare to Oppose a Protagonist Anymore

Chapter 20.4

The other person wasn’t standing that far away from the Huang stage Second grade classroom. In fact, he nodded: “My name is Ji Quan. And yours…?”

“Lin Xiao”

Ji Quan gave the impression of someone who was educated. So, although he dressed simply and his looks were ordinary, he also made other people feel that he came from a big family clan.

After Lin Xiao has slimmed down a little bit, he also had some of his temperament. He cordially smiled to Ji Quan: “Let’s become friends”

Ji Quan nodded again: “Alright. You are the first person I know. I also have a little sister here, Ji Xuan. She must have slept in…” shrugging his shoulders, Ji Quan seemed helpless towards his little sister.

Lin Xiao smiled, not making any comments.

At this moment, from far away appeared a girl. She ran extremely quickly towards Ji Quan, and stopped in front of him, bent her body down and heavily panted.

“Ji Xuan, when will you change your bad habit of sleeping late?”

It looked like this little girl is Ji Quan’s little sister.

Like her brother, her face was average. Her eyes were also glittering, but less compared to Ji Quan…

After Ji Xuan finished panting, she straightened her body and pursed her mouth. Acting like a spoiled child, she shook Ji Quan’s sleeve: “Ge, not arriving late is good, right?” Afterwards, she noticed Lin Xiao: “Gege, is he a new friend of yours?”

Actually, Ji Xuan gave Lin Xiao the same feeling as Lin Waner.

Spontaneous and lively.

Lin Xiao’s good impression of Ji Xuan increased, thus he smiled and greeted her: “Hi. My name is Lin Xiao”

Ji Xuan didn’t expect him to take the initiative to greet her, so she was dumbfounded. She reflexively held back a “Hi!”. Instead, she stared at Lin Xiao and arrogantly said: “Who wants to greet you!” and then she pulled her brother’s sleeve.

Ji Xuan still didn’t know how to pretend, so her cautious behavior towards Lin Xiao has already been figured out. It seemed that Ji Quan’s background power isn’t small?

Lin Xiao frowned. However, it had nothing to do with him. Improving his cultivation was enough…

{meh :/ we will see}

Ji Quan glared at his own sister: “Don’t be rude. Where Are your manners?” And then he smiled to Lin Xiao in apology: “My little sister has been spoiled. I apologize”

Ji Xuan refused to obey his brother. In fact, she continued to pout her lips and stayed quiet.

Lin Xiao originally didn’t take it to heart. On the contrary, Ji Quan was so educated that Lin Xiao began to feel a little embarrassed. He waved his hand, letting them understand that it was alright.

Now that Ji Xuan has arrived, they ought to join the lessons.

Although Ji Xuan still showed some hostility towards Lin Xiao, she didn’t hinder the conversation between Lin Xiao and Ji Quan. While talking with Ji Quan, Lin Xiao felt more and more uncertain…

Ji Quan… Ji Xuan?

Why were those names so familiar?