I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 779:


All lands are connected together.

but. ,

For some reason, all turned into islands.

And now.

Bai Ye is also bringing the world together at this moment.

at the same time.

At this moment, Pirate World also turned into a small crystal block and fell into Bai Ye\'s hands.

With a thought.

Bai Ye stopped the time of One Piece World.


That is to say here.

"It seems that I have completely mastered it..."

Bai Ye felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

Look at it this way.

One Piece World is also a complete end Yu,

I have also completely mastered the world.

Look at it this way...

It seems that this is not bad!

One Piece World completely falls into his own hands!


PS: The whole book is over!