I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 279 - Wu Shaoyan

Shao Yan gasped in surprise.

The man was kneeling in front of her, with a gentle smile on his face. One hand was holding onto her hand. So firm, but he made sure to not squeeze too tight.

The soft, lullaby music in the capsule was serenading them ever so gently. But Shao Yan could not calm her rushing heartbeats down.

"Xi- Xiqing? What are you doing?"

Shao Yan scolded her stupid self for asking the obvious, but she did not know what else to say, and she was confused and started to panic.

"Wu Shaoyan," He squeezed her hand gently.

Her heart skipped a beat. This was the first time Li Xiqing had mentioned her real, full name.

"I have been missing a lot in my life."

"There were times where I have been stupid. Where I have been sad and angry. Where I was lost and I did not know what to do."

"But ever since we met, all that I have, all that we have, are nothing but happiness and contentment."

"You brought joy into my life. You make my imperfect life ... perfect, simply just being you."

"Please give me the honor to stay by your side from here on now."

He paused.

"Yan Yan," and then with his free hand, Li Xiqing reached into his shirt pocket and took out a ring. The gleam of the stone shone right through her eyes, making her already chaotic heart even more turbulent.

"Will you marry me?"


No fancy words, or empty promises.

He was stating all the facts and how he was feeling when he was with her. When they were together.

He admitted his flaws, and how she completed him.

And he only stated a simple wish - for him to stay by her side. For the two of them to live together for a long time.


Her heart felt that it was squeezed from the inside. For what he had mentioned just now were exactly what she had thought about how she felt for him.

She was not planning to get married ever again but this man just had to appear in front of her. His existence felt like a slow, calming wave that crushed over her sandcastle.

All of her memories rushed to come into her mind. How they had met the first time. How he had been paying attention to her likes and dislikes.

How he had worried about her well being; if she had eaten right, or if she was cold in the office.

How others had bullied her, and he made sure to pay them back in his own way.

How she had told him about her past, but he was the one hurting over her heartbreak.

How he was so dedicated to fulfill his filial duty towards her grandmother. And even all of his words towards her parents.

How he had always put her as his priority over everything else; her happiness and her life.

A single tear escaped the corner of her eyes, Shao Yan slowly smiled. Her lips trembled and her nose felt sour but she knew.

Deep down in her heart, she had already known the answer.

"I will," She whispered and slowly nodded. Her hands were trembling but her answer was firm, "Li Xiqing, I will marry you."

She started to sob, "Let\'s be happy together. For a long ... long time."


His heart swelled with happiness and a huge grin was displayed on his face.

Li Xiqing gently inserted the ring onto her fingers, and it fit perfectly.

Her sobs were getting louder so he quickly got up on his feet. His hand went to her face to start wiping the tears away, "Why are you crying? Are you not supposed to be happy?"

Shao Yan was unable to reply to him, and just kept on crying.

Her memories about their time kept coming back into her mind, and she was happy and sad to remember how much he had done for her.

Li Xiqing heard someone was slowly approaching them. He peeked from his shoulders and saw Marco was coming towards them with two glasses of champagne.

"Congratulations," Marcos kept his words simple. After Li Xiqing thanked him and took the glasses from him, Marco turned around to walk away again.

"The future Mrs. Li, shall we have a toast?"

Shao Yan nodded and took the glass from him, but she was still sobbing.

"Stop crying now, my heart hurts so much looking at you like this," Li Xiqing started to panic when he saw her tears were flowing even more.

He took the glass back from her, and put them on the table next to him. And then he wrapped his arms around her, and let her cry to her heart content.

His hand slowly patted her back, "Okay, cry then. Cry all you want. I\'ll be here."

"I am always here."


His soothing voice was all she heard. After what felt like forever, even though it was only a few minutes later, Shao Yan finally stopped her crying.

Li Xiqing looked down on her face, and started to wipe all of her tears away.

"Feeling better now?" His gentle voice brushed her fragile heart and she felt the urge to cry again, but she held it in. She must have looked so ugly right now.

She nodded slowly, "En."

And then her small voice continued, "Thank you."

Shao Yan silently scolded herself, \'Stop crying already, crybaby! You\'re embarrassing yourself now!\'

Li Xiqing tapped the tip of her reddened nose, "What are you thanking me for?" And then he reached to the back and took the glasses again.

"Shall we have a toast now?"

Shao Yan nodded again and accepted her glass from him.

"To a happy future, Mrs. Li," He raised his glass at her.

Shao Yan raised her glass and hesitated for a while before she said, "To a happy future, Mr. Li," and clinked her glass with his. Shao Yan was hesitating because she was thinking if she should call him Mr. Li or Mr. Husband.

But she decided to keep her thoughts to herself.

Shao Yan remembered the cold sensation on her fingers. She raised her hand to take a good look at her ring.


It was a three stone style ring. One huge, round diamond was sitting in the middle with two smaller, rectangular diamonds on each side. And then smaller round diamonds were following after it in circles; creating enchanting bands around her finger.

Shao Yan could not help but gasp.

Under the limited lights around them, the ring was still able to shine so dashingly.

"Xiqing, th- this ... is so pretty," And then she looked up at him, "You must have spent a fortune for this."

"Not really. I think it is perfect for you. So don\'t think too much about it," Li Xiqing shook his head and then added, "I designed the ring myself, by the way, so I am glad you like it."

She gaped at him. Shao Yan was even more astonished, "You did?" Her dewy eyes were looking back at him, full of surprise.

"I looked through some vintage designs, so it was not purely my design. I was inspired by some other rings."

"But I know how you love the vintage and traditional elements, so I tried to incorporate it here. Although it was not the traditional Chinese, it was more uh... Victorian style?"

He took her hands and tilted it so she could have a better look, "Look at the side, the shape over here is influenced by the 1900s." And he started to babble on.

Marco looked at the couple who was chatting happily.

He had been working at this place for a few years now. And he had witnessed other couples who had done their proposals, and even wedding celebrations here at the capsules.

With a small smile, Marco looked at the camera in his hand proudly. He patted himself on the back for being quick in taking the picture earlier. The gentleman was still kneeling down while inserting the ring into her fingers. She, with her other hand rested on her bossom, was holding up her tears; trying her best not to cry.

"Pretty lady and handsome scholar, I wish you both all the happiness, Mr. and Mrs. Li," He whispered, "Congratulations again."