I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 234 - Emotions

"Daniel, isn\'t that.. Viv?"

Even though Caleb was standing right next to him, but Li Xiqing felt as if he was standing so far away.

His head was throbbing with confusion and then he felt his anger gradually rise up. Li Xiqing was stunned on his feet. A lot of questions ran through his mind at the moment.

His left feet started to march forward, but a hand grabbed his arm; stopping him on his track.

"Hold on, man. What are you going to do?" Caleb was holding Li Xiqing by his upper arm, "You gotta tell me your plans, man, so I know what to do. Are we hitting his face or are we punching his gut?"

"Stay out of this, Caleb," Li Xiqing wiggled his arm free from the hostage, "I know you meant well, but I have to face them alone."

Once he set his arm free, Li Xiqing continued his march towards the couple. His eyes were set on the woman who was snuggling closer to the man who had his arms around her shoulder.

The couple was still walking leisurely; while chatting with one another; oblivious of the wrath that was coming their way.


"Stop being angry at me anymore, I\'ll pamper you the whole day today."

"You won\'t know how," Vivian said while feigning a pout, "you left me alone all day yesterday. You care more about your meeting than of me."

With his free hand, the man gently pinched her cheek, "Of course I care more about you, pumpkin. Guess what? There\'s a surprise waiting for you back in our apartment," He grinned cheekily at her.

"The handbag that you were eyeing for last week? I had them ordered especially for you," he tapped his index finger on the tip of her nose, "using the crocodile skin that you have been wanting to have. So they are custom made only for you, pumpkin."

Vivian was ecstatic when she heard that; immediately, she threw herself onto the man\'s embrace and circled both arms around his neck.

"Are you serious?" She giggled in excitement, "You are the best, my pudding!" She said as she laughed out loud.

Just as she was about to snuggle more, her whole body reflexively tensed up when she noticed a familiar face appeared within her peripheral views. Both of her arms were hanging lose over her man\'s shoulder; but she slowly slid them down in panic.

"... Da- Danny..."

"Yes, Vivian," Li Xiqing answered with a suppressed anger in his voice. He sounded so deep and strenuous, as if he was holding back from exploding.

"How gracious of you to still remember your fiancé\'s name."


It was as if he had been living a sweet dream and his eyes were finally open to the reality at that time.

The woman who he thought he had known his whole life; was now looking so different from what he had remembered her to be.

Her hair looked amazing; the waves and curls were framing her petite, snow white face perfectly.

Her makeup looked flawless; even under this bright San Francisco weather, she looked wonderful as usual.

His eyes traveled down to her outfit and accessories. She was wearing the items that he had never seen before. Her dress looked new. Her purse looked expensive. The glittering jewelries on her neck and her wrists were sparkling on her body, making her look more perfect than ever.

She had put on the very best version of her.

But Li Xiqing knew that one thing was missing.

His eyes locked onto her one finger.

His ring.

His ring was missing from her hand.

And on those slender fingers, there was another ring that he had never seen before. Another man had put another ring there; claiming herself as his own.


Li Xiqing looked up and stared right into Vivian\'s eyes.

"And who is this?" He asked straight to the point.

Vivian opened her mouth to say something, but closed it before she could form any words.

"You don\'t know how to answer? Or you don\'t want to answer?"

Li Xiqing glanced at the man. The other man was also looking at him; confused.

After making sure he had his attention, Daniel returned his gaze back to Vivian.

"Are you her brother? Or her father?" He asked while keeping his eyes locked onto her.

And before the man could answer, Li Xiqing continued.

"Or maybe her boyfriend?"

He paused.

"... perhaps ... her husband then?"

Vivian was looking more and more pale as he went on with his questioning. Her body language and body stance were leaning more and more towards the foreign man next to her.

Li Xiqing could feel his blood boiling; his temple throbbed in ache.

He clenched and unclenched his fists while trying to hold in his rage.

He felt so disappointed.


"I am her fiancé, who the hell are you questioning my fiancée like this?" The foreign man roared to Daniel on his face.

Li Xiqing ignored him as his eyes were still looking at Vivian; speechless and dumbfounded by the answer.

His jaw was set in fury.

Slowly, Li Xiqing reached out for his leather wallet.

From the inside, he took out a name card. He passed it to the man; still without looking at his face.

"Text me your address. I will ship all of her stuff to you. I don\'t need this woman in my life anymore. She is all yours."

Li Xiqing paused when he saw a tear slid down her beautiful face.

His heart was aching and he could even feel it shatter.

Every time this woman cried, he was always ready to leave everything behind and put the effort to bring her back to happiness. Her single tear could set him to panic and sadness in an instant.

But now, he did not want to think of the meaning behind those tears anymore.

Li Xiqing hardened his heart. After taking one last look at her, he turned around and started to walk away.

\'Women,\' he scoffed in his heart, \'I guess all women are the same. Money over everything, huh?\'

His steps were heavy. His heart was tired. And his mind was all over the place.

But he did not stop walking. And he did not turn back even once.

He kept going until Vivian could not see his back anymore.


The crowd was still bustling around them. The cheers were still heard from families and children running around the area. The singing of seals was heard from the pier in the distance.

Joy and happiness were surrounding them.

But her heart was anxious.

Vivian was not sure if it was sadness or regret.

Was it pain or relief?

For the tall man with warm embrace; who was pampering her before was no longer within her sight.

And she could not stop the tears that were flowing from her eyes as she cried her heart out in agony.