I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 227 - Promise

"Fong, you should go eat now. I\'ll take care of him," Risa said to the woman, Lim Fong, who had been taking care of Kei.

"Yes, madam," Fong answered Risa courteously. She got up from her seat and started to walk out of the room. Just as she was about to exit the door, she remembered something. Fong walked back into the room, towards the bookcase by the window.

Risa was wiping Kei\'s fingers one by one, and she did not bother looking up to check on her. Fong picked up a tissue box and put it on the bedside table. Without a word, she continued to walk out of the room.

As she closed the bedroom door, Fong could not help but sighed. Her lady boss was the strongest woman she had ever met. Not only once, but many nights she had caught her crying. For example, when Fong went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, she would hear sobs from the master bedroom.

She knew that right now, Risa would be crying again as she was wiping his hands. Every time the madam had some time alone with the master, she would be talking to him. And as she talked, she would choke up, and tears would start to fall.

Fong heaved a heavy sigh again.

She walked to the kitchen and prepared her own dinner. Fong decided that she would eat really slowly, to let Risa spend more time letting out all of her pent up emotions.


The sun had just set. Golden lights sprinkled through the sheer curtain into the room; and bathed all over the two people inside.

The woman was sitting on the bedside like an angel. Her hair flowed like water; framing her petite face. Her almond eyes were watching the sleeping figure on the bed.

Her sleeping prince.

A basin of warm water was placed on the bedside table. Risa slowly reached out and dipped a cloth back into the basin. She squeezed the towel but kept it moist; and then she began wiping his fingers.

"Are you having a good dream, my love?

Her soft, spoken voice sounded like a melody in the tranquil room; filling through every corner of the room.

"You have been traveling for a long time now, darling. It\'s time to come home."

Risa wiped the back of his hand gently, and then his wrist. These hands used to pat her head lovingly; his gingers would brush her hair while looking into her eyes, he would tell her how much he loved her.

She slowly put one hand down, and lifted the other; Risa began wiping the fingers again.

"The weather turned really cold these days; your hands are getting dryer, too."

She sighed softly, "Remind me to buy a hand cream for you."

Risa looked up and glanced at his face; slightly glaring as she said, "And, you are getting stingy now. How come you never visit me in my dreams anymore, darling?"

She paused, as a tear fell down from the corner of her eyes, "You have promised me. That you will dream with me. Wh-what happ.." and she paused.

Risa was not able to continue her words as she felt her throat tightened up and she started to remember their promises to each other.


"So?" He buried his fingers in her hair, slowly massaging the scalp under his fingertips, "Do you like your birthday gift?"

His stunning goddess was laying on top of him. One hand was caressing her hair; and the other was cupping her naked butt. He absentmindedly drew circles on her waist; she could feel his rough palm grazing her milky skin along the way.

Her head nodded weakly, "En."

Both of her arms were laid on top of his chest as she rested her chin over them and stared into her husband\'s captivating eyes, "Why did you decide on a fashion store?"

"Hmm.." Kei paused as he tried to form the words, "You have been thinking of retiring from a mundane 9 to 5 office job for a while now."

He paused, and then slowly continued, "At the same time, a friend of mine talked me into going on fashion business with his sister."

He ran his eyes and traced along her face line, "To be honest they don\'t need our money, they just need our friendship," he twirled the end of her hair tips around his index fingers, "and my wife happens to love fashion."

"So I thought, why not?" And then Kei tapped on her little nose, "Besides, in the future, when we have our own kids, you will have more flexible time for all of us if you run your own business."

"En, you\'re right," Risa wrinkled her nose and grinned back at him, "You always think many steps ahead for both of us."


"I am so lucky to have you, my love" with her voice was slightly hoarse with emotions. She slowly leaned her head down, and rested her cheek on top of her arms, Risa continued, "Promise me that we will always be together?"

Kei paused and did not say anything for a while.

With her still laying on top of him, Ris slowly nudged her body against him.

"Hm? Promise?"

His fingers moved from her waist, and started to caress along her back, "No one will know what will happen in the future, my love."

Just as she was about to sulk, he quickly continued, "But I promise you, even if we are not together, I will always accompany you in your dreams, so you will not be lonely."

Risa jerked up and glared down at him, "What do you mean by \'not together\'? Where will you go, hm?"

"Which woman do you think will be able to handle you?" She slapped his chest, "I dare you to do something funny behind my back!"

Kei burst into laughs, \'It seems that his kitten was thinking that he may cheat on her in the future,\' he thought to himself.

He wrapped both hands around her waist and turned her around. The position was quickly reversed, Risa was laying under him now.

With both hands caging her from each side, Kei stared deep into her eyes, "What were you thinking? How can I go to another woman, when I have this delicious goddess under me and by my side all this time?"

He nudged her head and buried his nose into the hollow of her neck and inhaled her beautiful scents.

And before Risa could voice out another complaint, Kei had caught her supple lips, and started to suck on it.


His tongue hungrily searched for hers as his hands started to work on his magic by caressing all over her skin; turning her on for another round of madness.

Just the thought of leaving her had brought a stinging pain in his heart.

All of a sudden, he felt a deep longing in his heart. Kei was not able to control himself when he entered her; sending Risa to arch her back and screamed in pain and pleasure as she moaned his name loudly. He thrusted inside her over and over again; eager to claim her.

Just the thought of leaving her had choked his breath and he was not willing to be separated.

Not now.

Not ever.

She was his Risa, forever.