I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 217 - Sparkles

"What do you have there?"

Shao Yan glanced slightly and she felt a blush gradually crept on her cheek.

Just as she turned her head, his low, deep voice was caressing her ears. Shao Yan could smell a hint of his cologne when he stepped closer and peeked over her shoulders.

"Ice cream?"

Shao Yan nodded at his guess, "Uh huh."

She picked up her small spoon and scooped a tiny bit of the chocolate chip ice cream. Bringing it closer to his lips, she asked, "Here, taste some."

Li Xiqing only hesitated for a millisecond before he slowly parted his lips and received her spoon. His tongue swirled and tasted the coldness inside his mouth; his eyes scanned her happy face as she was waiting for his responses.

He noticed the air inside the room was a little cool. His eyes traced her pale face and then glanced down to the matcha waffle bowl in her hands; Li Xiqing started to unbutton his suit jacket before he gently draped it over her shoulder. Knowing how careless his woman was, Shao Yan would feel cold in about thirty minutes.

"How is it?" With her big, round eyes, Shao Yan was watching how Li Xiqing casually covered her bare shoulders with his jacket. "En, thank you," she mumbled before asking again, "do you like the flavor combination?"

Li Xiqing licked his lips slightly before he nodded, "En, not bad."

Shao Yan watched his little tongue caress his tempting lips before disappearing; her eyes beamed with immense happiness.

"I was lining up to get the ice cream earlier and then James from Production Control asked me to try the chocolate chip with mint. He said they will create a great combination," with her spoon, she pointed to the other flavors in her bowl, "he also told me that dark chocolate and orange sorbet are heavenly matches and that I must try."

She shrugged and scooped the second flavor into her mouth, "I say, James is ice cream god. Both combinations are really good!"

Li Xiqing laughed while watching her pleased expressions. He put his broad palm behind her back and brought her to step closer to him.

Shao Yan saw a shadow when all of a sudden, he dipped his face closer to her before she felt his lips slowly grazed the corner of her lips.

Just ever so softly, it felt like a fleeting butterfly; the kiss was there for a second tasting hers before it went away again.

"En, I agree, this is heavenly."


Next to the dessert hall was the dance floor. Risa had worked with an event organizer to arrange a dance floor that was big enough for hundreds of people.

Loud, thumping music had been blasting for a while. Some people who had their share of desserts had started to join the dance floor.

Some people were also wearing the accessories that Risa had placed inside their souvenir bags. When the lights were dimmed, Shao Yan saw so many accessories that were glowing in the dark. Some were wearing a round glowing thing around their necks; some put them around their wrists as bracelets.

She scanned the room around, trying to find familiar faces when she heard someone was calling her name.

"Xiao Yan! Over here!"

Multiple hands were waving to her direction while calling out for her.

Shao Yan raised her hand to wave back.

Along with Li Xiqing, Shao Yan waded her way through many people to get to Fan jie, Li Na and the others who were calling for her just now.


"Xiao Yan! Oh, Daniel, good to see you again!"

As they were about to chat more, the DJ had changed the music to a more upbeat song, and buried their voices away.

Shao Yan was tempted to dance along the crowd. But just as her feet tapped along the beats, she felt awkward dancing with Li Xiqing around.

"Why are you just standing there?" He smirked as he leaned closer and said to her ears, "Are you shy?"

Shao Yan saw a smirk on his face, she hit him lightly on his arm, "Don\'t be so proud of yourself, party boy! I know you frequented a lot of clubs when you were young!"

She stuck out her tongue to tease him.

He rubbed her small head with his broad palm, and then Li Xiqing pointed to the balcony, "Let\'s go over there! It was too crowded to talk here!" Before he put his hand behind her back, and guided her along.

Shao Yan saw the direction that he pointed at, and then she glanced back at him and nodded.


When they stepped outside the balcony, Shao Yan noticed that some people were also standing around and chatted. Some were swaying along the energetic rhythms.

Echoes of the blaring electronic dance music was still heard from behind her, but on this side of the hall was much quieter compared to the hall inside.

"Wait for me here," Li Xiqing said before he walked back inside the hall and disappeared somewhere. Shao Yan watched his departure back for a while while contemplating on what he was doing.

She noticed a couple of servers in white uniforms were walking around with trays of drinks in their hands.

She raised her hand to signal one of them and grabbed another glass of champagne.

A short moment later, she saw Li Xiqing had walked towards her. In his hands were the souvenir paper bags from the dining hall.

Colorful lights from the disco balls were shining from behind him. And she felt like the time slowly moved around him. She was looking at this glowing handsomeness with an awe.

This man was looking more like a secret spy, all suited up and looking so dandy and suave and very much ready to seduce her.

And she blushed again.


"Do you want to light some sparkles?"

For a moment, Shao Yan could not register what Li Xiqing was asking her about. Her big, round eyes were staring at him silly; all she could see was his moving lips but no words were heard.

"Huh? What?" She snapped back to reality when he touched her shoulders, "What did you say just now?"

Li Xiqing chuckled at her awkwardness, "What were you thinking just now? Did you not hear my question at all?"

Shao Yan pursed her lips before she gnawed on her lower lip. Feeling a slight guilt in her heart, she softly sighed, "It was too loud earlier, I was not paying attention," she said before laughing awkwardly.

She raised her eyebrows, and she licked her lips. Li Xiqing noticed this sign of her nervousness. He smiled and decided not to expose her lies, he repeated, before he bent a knuckle and knocked her forehead lightly, "I was asking if you want to light the sparkles."

He pointed to the bags in his hand. Shao Yan looked down and noticed that he was carrying their souvenir bags so that they could entertain themselves out here while waiting for the new year to come.

Smiling widely, Shao Yan nodded, "Oh! That\'s right! I forgot about that!" She said excitedly, "Yes! Let\'s do it, I can\'t wait!"