I Deserve A Second Chance

Chapter 196 - Bunny And Bear

The next few days, Shao Yan worked harder to finalize the finishing touches for the end of year party.

The theme for this year was \'Winter Wonderland\'. It was a rare occasion to snow in Shanghai, and even if they had it, it would only last for one or two days.

It was only December now, and it was not snowing yet, but Shao Yan had been missing the white Christmas that she had experienced when she was living in New York, so she suggested to the team to have \'Winter Wonderland\' as the theme.

The stage designer and property manager would come today to finally show her the final design for the area, and to discuss the material that they might need to transform the whole museum space into another world.

Shao Yan was giddy with excitement and was feeling happy the whole day because of this...


"This Saturday? Yes, sure, I would love to," Fan jie quickly nodded her head when Shao Yan asked her if she wanted to go to a cake shop grand opening party.

"My second favorite thing in life is dessert, of course cute, handsome men are still sitting proudly at the number one on my list," she continued to say; triggering burst of laughs from Shao Yan.

Shao Yan nodded, and replied, "That\'s good then. Help me to ask Li Na, uncle Huo and Wenhai if they can come, too. Text me later. I need to drop these off at Risa and then I\'m going home, alright?"

She was carrying several folders in her hands, hugging them close in front of her chest. After Fan jie nodded at her comments, Shao Yan picked up her purse, and started to walk to the direction of Risa\'s office.

She was just walking for a few steps, when Shao Yan heard someone calling her.

She turned around and saw Risa was walking towards her, with several food containers in her hand.


Once she was near her, Shao Yan heard her say, "Oh Yan Yan, it\'s good that I still can catch you. Grandma just had her driver to drop these off for you," and then Risa handed the food containers in her hands to Shao Yan. In return, Shao Yan handed her the folders that she had been holding onto, "These are the final reports for the event. I need your sign off."

And then Shao Yan extended her hands and took the food containers from Risa and weighed them in her hands. She looked up at Risa, looking all confused, "Uh, what are these? Why are there so many?"

Risa laughed at her silly looking face, raising up one hand, she began pointing to the containers one by one, "Well, this one is shredded chicken soup with ginseng. Grandma said the weather is getting colder, and you catch a cold easily, so eat this. There are also some stir fry vegetables on the second tier. This one is for Xiqing, Grandma cooked some braised pork belly for him. She said, Xiqing is too thin."

Shao Yan abruptly looked up at Risa when she heard that, and quickly raised her hand, stopping her mid-sentence, "H-hold on. Sis, did you say, Grandma thinks Xiqing is too thin?" At the end of her sentence, Shao Yan had her tone raised in disbelief.

"Did you know how much he ate last night? He already had a bowl of noodles for his dinner and he still dragged me along with him to hunt some yakitoris."

Risa grinned at her before she said, "A little chubby is fine, Yan Yan. That\'s the more reason for him to exercise," and then she nudged Shao Yan on her arms, "you know what I mean by \'exercise\' don\'t you?" and then she winked at Shao Yan and laughed out loud.

Shao Yan looked around in disbelief and then she rolled her eyes.

\'This cousin of hers is the bane of her existence!\' she thought to herself.


At the end, Risa accompanied Shao Yan to walk to her car. She helped Shao Yan to carry one of the food container.

"This Saturday should work," Risa said after Shao Yan told her about Feifei\'s cake shop.

And then she continued, "Grandma said she is going to the temple to burn some incense and pray, but let\'s see if I can bring her along with me after that."

Shao Yan nodded, "No problem, just let me know. Also Sis, bring along your husband this time. Let him meet everyone."

Risa stayed quiet and did not say anything in return, and just let out a smile.

When they finally arrived in front of her car, Shao Yan unlocked her car, and started to put everything inside her car.

Before she stepped into the car, she turned around and said, "I\'m going now. Don\'t forget to sign the report, and pass them over to me, alright?"

Risa nodded, before she raised one hand, and patted her head, "Drive carefully, alright? Text me when you have arrived home."

Shao Yan smiled back at her before she stepped into her car and drove off.


Saturday came sooner than expected.

Shao Yan was sleeping soundly, when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her body and snuggled closer to her. The morning was a little colder than usual. When Li Xiqing moved closer, she reflexively responded and snuggled closer to the source of heat.

"Yan Yan," he whispered in her ears, "let\'s wake up now?" And then he planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Shao Yan slowly stirred before she groggily responded, "En?" And her sleepy voice started to say, "What time is it now? I\'m still sleepy." And then she turned around and scooted deeper to his embrace.

"A little after six. We have eaten a lot this week, let\'s do some walk, alright?"

Shao Yan shook her head slowly, "Nope, you can go by yourself. I want to sleep in," she said as she rubbed her face on his chest and then slowly started to fall asleep again.

Li Xiqing smiled while looking at her face. He could not resist kissing her cheek again, "Wake up now, lazy bunny. So we will get to spend a lot of time together. It\'s the weekend!"

Shao Yan shook her head even stronger this time, "No! This bunny just wants to laze around with her bear," and then she wrapped her arms around his waist and rubbed her cheek again, "so bear, shut up, and just hibernate again, will you?"

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