I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 46: : Real Asgard

Accompanied by Shen Yi, it turned into a thunder and lightning at the end, disappearing into the huge sky fortress just like when it came.

The huge waves that blocked the natural disasters also slowly dissipated.

In front of the camera, only terrible natural disasters were left.

However, for this world, this event that is enough to change the entire world seems to be just the beginning.

In a Western broadcast channel, the screen was switched from the terrible natural disasters and came to the studio, and the background on the huge screen behind the host was divided into two, fixed at the time of settlement and the fortress in the sky breaking through the sky. Pictures.

"Dear viewers, uh, I don\'t know how to describe my feelings now." The host still had shock on his face, and even spoke incoherently. "We finally saw this mysterious pan-human protection association. Do you know the true face of "Just now, the first reaction in my mind is that the Asgardians in the movie have come to reality!"

Just thinking about it, many viewers suddenly had a corresponding impression in their minds.

Asgard is different from past myths.

In this era, people first think of the extraterrestrial civilization in the movie that combines powerful magic and powerful technology, and claims to be a **** and guardian of the earth!

How similar is this to the Pan-Human Guardian Association that has appeared all over the world at this moment!

After the host said that, there were more comments under this live broadcast column.

"Yes! It\'s Asgard! I see!"

"They are aliens, they must be aliens!"

"Powerful magic plus powerful technological ability, my goodness!"

"This is so cool!"

"If they appeared in ancient times, we would definitely treat them as gods."

"They also claim to be guardians!"


People are shocked to a large extent because they cannot understand or believe. Once such a thing appears in reality, everyone will try to understand it with their own imagination and knowledge.

This is an era without lack of imagination.

People suddenly felt that they understood something.

After the host said this sentence, it seemed that he didn\'t know what to say, so he threw the topic to another person.

"What do you think, Professor Fielding."

"Uh, first of all, I was also very shocked. This scene really changed the real world as we know it." Fielding is a handsome middle-aged man in a suit. He is like a man at this time. The scholar showed a positive and confident expression, "However, when I calm down, I think we can still see a lot of things."

"Oh?" The host expressed his interest.

"For example, this man who came with lightning." Fielding raised his hand and gestured to Shen Yi on the background screen, with a little excitement. Ability, flying, manipulating lightning, and this huge barrier that can even stop volcanic disasters are all uses of energy!"

This is also easy to understand.

Because all superhero science fiction movies say so.

"Like Captain Marvel!"

Among the    comments, this comment was quickly topped by the most likes.

The audience expressed that they understood.

"Not necessarily magic, it may be super power!"

"If there is infinite energy, it is not strange to achieve this level!"

"Superman is also because he can absorb the energy of the sun!"


Most of the audience felt very excited.

because they feel that they have mastered the truth.

is the content in a science fiction movie that becomes reality.

"But, the point I want to say is this!"

Fielding even stood up, pointing to the other side of the screen, the sky fortress that broke through the clouds:

"The technology contained in this huge aircraft is far beyond our current world. However, we can still see a lot of things, such as the huge aperture at the bottom, which should be a power furnace. Maybe It’s anti-gravity, maybe something else. But it’s not important. What I want to express is that the emergence of this kind of aerial fortress is enough to prove that behind the Pan-Humanity Guardian Association, there is a tree with a complete technology and a powerful A huge industrial civilization with industrial capabilities!"

seems to be infected by Fielding\'s excited tone.

The host\'s expression also showed shock.

"Professor Fielding, you mean that in the Pan-human Guardian Association really comes from a powerful alien civilization? Can you be responsible for what you say?"

"At the very least, it is very difficult for such a huge industrial civilization to appear on the earth without being discovered." Fielding sat back again, with emotion still remaining on his face, "We have all seen those flying in the sky. The appearance of robots and transport airships are exactly the same, indicating that this is an industrial product born from a complete industrial production line! I think the biggest possibility for UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just as you just said, they are From the real version of Asgard! They definitely have more than just such an aerial fortress!"

Fielding\'s extremely affirmative tone also fits the fantasies of most viewers.

In people\'s minds, it seems that a huge and advanced civilization has appeared.

A spaceship shuttles among the tall buildings of the city. The people there have extraordinary powers, can be transformed into thunder and lightning, and can control everything. They fly around in the sky and have a huge reputation throughout the interstellar... .

is also at this time.

The host seemed to click on his headset.


opened his eyes wide as if he heard some shocking expression.

"Here, I have to deliver a sad message to everyone." The host\'s expression was indeed very sad. "Just now, the city of Saint-Nazaire in our country has been scorched by the hot volcanic ash. The falling magma was completely destroyed, and the number of people killed is estimated to be as high as 400,000. In this global volcanic eruption, the number of people killed in the world is expected to exceed 10 million-except for the East, they even the last 130,000. Everyone is unscathed!"

This is undoubtedly a shocking number.

In modern society, especially people in peaceful areas, who can imagine the death of tens of millions of people.

This number seems to have forcibly shifted their focus from the strength of the Pan-Human Protection Association to this huge disaster.

But soon, someone found a connection between the two.

"Maybe they can save everyone! Why not do this!?"