I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 28: : Show your value

In fact, Mo Yuanbai also had a trace of anxiety in his heart.

He came ten minutes early.

But in these ten minutes, Shen Yi didn\'t say anything except for letting him sit down at first.

In this world, no one, except his father, dared to treat him with such an attitude.

However, Mo Yuanbai not only didn\'t feel insulted, but felt that this was normal.

Besides, he vaguely has a bad feeling?

Chu Lin and Che Yongchang are the same.

The atmosphere is a bit solemn.


Shen Yi finally turned his head and looked at them calmly. The first sentence he said was to make the three people in front of him face slightly changed.

"The end of your world has already kicked off its prelude."

"Mr. Shen, do you already know what form the doomsday takes?" Chu Lin forcibly endured his restless heart and asked.

Since the establishment of their special operations team, they have been working around the visitors from another world, Shen Yi.

Terrible individual power.

The ability to predict disasters.

The suspicion is that the level of technology is far beyond the world, and there is also the horrible hacking technique that just emerged yesterday.

All of these made him a little bit ignorant of why Shen Yi came to their world.

——The end of civilization.

"That\'s right." Shen Yi said plainly, "In the morning, I connected to the association to conduct anthropological observations for the next four days, and then found the beginning of the end of the world."

"Four days?" This time it was Mo Yuanbai\'s turn to exclaim, "After four days, is the end of the world?"

Both Chu Lin and Che Yongchang had a heartbeat.

was shocked by this guess.

In just four days, even if a meteorite hits the earth, it should be discovered.

The end of the world is always impossible to come.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s just a prologue." Shen Yi shook his head.

"Huh—" Chu Lin and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Maybe tens of millions of people will die." Shen Yi added calmly again.

The expressions of Chu Lin and Cha Yongchang stiffened.

Tens of millions of people died! ?

Tens of millions is not a particularly large number in modern society. However, when this number is tied to people\'s lives, it becomes a huge number beyond imagination!

"Mr. Shen knows..." Cha Yongchang swallowed, "How many people were killed in the First World War?"

is only more than 10 million people.

That was a world war that swept across the world and spanned several years!

"The tens of millions of people I\'m talking about died within a day." Shen Yi still said in a calm tone, and gave them a faint glance. "Otherwise, what level do you think can be considered as true? The end of the world, the destruction of human rights?"


Several people are silent.

It\'s not that they don\'t know the meaning of the end of the world.

It’s just that it’s difficult to have a direct idea.

And now, a prologue of tens of millions of lives seems to drag them into the great fear of the end of the world.

The importance of life is different from any moment in the past.

"Don\'t waste time, the doomsday will not give you time to accept." Shen Yi shook his head, "At least I am here, the fire of your civilization will not go out, but in the end, how much is left depends on your own. Work hard."

Then, he raised his hand.

On the earth behind him, there appeared places with red light circles.


The three people were quickly attracted by this scene.

Chu Lin glanced quickly, trying to recognize several marked locations.

Suddenly, he swept to a place and lost his voice:

"These are all craters?"

"Not bad." Shen Yi nodded, "There are more than 2,000 extinct volcanoes and more than 500 active volcanoes in the world, but this time, almost all volcanoes erupted."

just as his voice fell.

The enclosed red dots behind him violently ejected dust like mushroom clouds.

It is a mixture of hot volcanic ash and high-temperature volcanic gas.

The three people watched, the dust ejected from these small dots, along with the magma that followed, spread rapidly, swallowing everything around.

at this moment.

Before their eyes, they seemed to have seen the wailing of countless people, the scene of the city turning to ashes under the magma and high-temperature gas.

A trembling feeling surged up.

Although Shen Yi said that this is just a prelude to the end of the world, to them, such a scene is like the end of the world.

If there are three ordinary people present, I am afraid that they are already panicked and plunged into endless panic.

"Why does this happen?" Chu Lin stared at the picture on the projection planet, his voice was a little hoarse, "There are some extinct volcanoes, there have been no signs of activity for tens of thousands of years."

"I don\'t know." Shen Yi shook his head again, "I said that human observation can only observe the result of human destruction, but cannot know the process. What\'s more, you only have one hundred and two hours from now on. Time to respond, there is no time to find the cause."

"Not enough, I can\'t do it at all!" Chu Lin squeezed his fist tightly, calculating crazy in his mind, "We have about three volcanoes in China, 800 volcanoes, and densely populated ~www.novelhall.com~ The number of victims reached tens of millions. Even if only the 10 million most dangerous people were migrated, four days would not be enough!"

You know, they have the most powerful mobilization ability in the world.

If placed in those countries in the West.

Four days? There is no way to discuss the outcome of whether or not to decide to relocate.

"So, you are going to give up?" Shen Yi looked into his eyes like this, his voice was very soft, but his deep gaze was like a bottomless ancient well, as if torturing Chu Lin\'s heart.

"Mr. Shen." Cha Yongchang\'s forehead was already sweating, he couldn\'t help asking, "I don\'t know if the Pan-Human Protection Association can..."

"I said." Shen Yi interrupted him, adding a little more to his tone, "My mission is just to protect humanity."


Cha Yongchang\'s remaining words suddenly got stuck in his throat.

He does remember the words Shen Yi said.

I remember what Shen Yi showed them, his last mission.

There are only more than two million people in the world.

is still a completed task.

Shen Yi also sighed in his heart.

If possible, he would like to build tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of aerial fortresses, and then tens of millions of U-75 robots.

But the system does not give it.

Pan Humanity Guardian Association, for him, is also the incarnation of the system to some extent.

"What we have to face is not only the end of your world, but..." Shen Yi looked at them and decided to give them a little more hope and a little more encouragement, "I want the association to pour more into you. The resources of yours must show your value, the strength of your civilization."