I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 20: : Notice from the association

Shen Yi was directly on the deck, using the space shuttle back to his big villa.

Qiwu still waited there silently.

"Heat up the supper that Mo Qiu left for me, and bring it over." Shen Yi casually ordered, he didn\'t plan to rest so soon.

The good news from    Lilac also made him a little excited.

The plan is actually very simple.

The original draw yesterday was to see if I could find some instruments that could detect the changes in this world. The result was not realized, but the two good things, U-75 and Sky Fortress, were won.

However, Shen Yi didn\'t plan to smoke anymore.

happened to draw the needed item, after all, it was only a small probability event.

He can only use a fool\'s method.

—Disaster prediction volume.

The props that I have used several times in front of Cha Yongchang before can predict disasters in the future.

One hundred points.

This disaster, of course, is not all kind of disaster.

must have a certain degree of news.

In other words, this kind of disaster prediction volume, under certain circumstances, can also be regarded as a radio that can receive future disaster news, and has its own set of selection criteria.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, as long as you use enough, you can definitely know how the end of the world will happen in the future.

This is the stupid way Shen Yi said.

Abbreviation-smash with money.

Although stupid, it is more secure than crazy lottery, and now with cloves, it can still pay back to a certain extent, and even exert other effects that Shen Yi wants.

"let\'s start."

Shen Yi directly opened the system mall and started with ten cards.

At 2:32 in the morning, a tornado from West Asia swept through Huelva, killing 12 people and wounding 125 others.

This... the local area should have issued an early warning now, but there is nothing it can do.


At 4:12 in the morning, the Emden Supreme Apartment in Faro City caused a fire due to a lightning strike, killing 525 people and injuring 236 others.

"That\'s it!" Shen Yi\'s eyes lit up, and he picked up the phone on the coffee table, "Lilac, search for the Emden Supreme Apartment."

"Yes." Lilac\'s voice came directly from the phone, and related information came immediately.

Emden is a large multinational real estate company that focuses on luxury high-end apartments.

The apartment where the accident happened was in Faro City, the capital of the Holy Kingdom of Faro. It was a tall building with 80 floors. Just by looking at it, Shen Yi knew why there were such a large number of deaths.

The fire caused by lightning strikes is generally on the outer wall. If the outer wall is not fireproof, the flame can sweep the entire building in a short time.

At this point in time, most people are sleeping.

Except for the low-floor residents who can leave in a short time, the high-floor residents probably waited until they found out that the fire exits were covered by dense smoke and flames.

"Collect the housing information in this high-end apartment, send out a warning message within an hour before the fire, and in the last half an hour, the phone is bombed, and you can figure out the rest by yourself, as long as you keep them awake." Shen Yi Ordered.

Although it is not good to be happy because of the misfortune of others.

But if everything goes well, he can save more than 500 people in this wave, which is more than 500 points.

is equivalent to five disaster prediction scrolls.

If this kind of disaster comes a few more times, there may be some profit.


At 5:27, a landslide occurred in Chaoque County, and a long-distance passenger vehicle crashed down the mountain. Thirteen people were killed and 28 others were injured.

At 6:35, there was a storm in Grand Harbor...

Shen Yi just like that, a series of ten disaster prediction scrolls were used.

is all over the world, until six o\'clock tomorrow afternoon.

The biggest and most serious disaster is naturally the fire at four o’clock in the morning. Such an extremely serious fire has not been seen for many years. In addition, earthquakes, storms, floods, landslides and other natural disasters Disasters accounted for the vast majority.

Although these are originally disasters that are easy to appear in the news.

However, the not-so-good prediction in Shen Yi\'s heart became stronger and stronger.

Nature\'s anger...

Shen Yi has lost his initial excitement. He sat alone on the sofa and meditated for a while, then stood up.

"I\'ll leave it to you next, I\'m going to rest."

"Don\'t worry, Captain, I wish you a good dream." Lilac\'s voice came from the phone.

Shen Yi only used ten disaster prediction scrolls for the time being, so he had to look at the effect of the plan first.


Inside the villa, only the red light from Qiwu\'s chest and eyes remained, and his cold metal shell appeared faintly.


Faro City, Emden Supreme Edition Apartment, Rossetti Maggie is the editor-in-chief of the Farrow Holy News.

The local time is one o\'clock in the morning.

The weather is not very good, it is raining heavily, and there is the roar of thunder and lightning.

As usual, she finished her busy day at one o\'clock in the morning and returned home. The two children, 12-year-old son Leiden, and 10-year-old daughter Irene, were already in deep sleep.

Rossetti stood in front of the door of his son and daughter\'s room, then took a sneaky glance at the light of the phone, and then lay on the bed tiredly.

Last month, she just divorced her husband. Both children are with her. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com takes the children while doing busy work, which makes her exhausted this month.

I must find a babysitter, find the best one, it doesn’t matter how expensive it is.

Rossetti thought dazedly before going to bed.

There seemed to be the sound of cell phone messages in her ears. She didn\'t read it, and text messages would be sent within this time. Basically, they were all **** advertising sales.

But only half an hour later, the ringtone of the phone directly woke her up.

How does it feel for a very tired person to be woken up roughly during rest?

Rossetti feels it now.

She wants to kill.

picked up the phone, bloodshot eyes sprayed with anger.

If the person calling this call is her subordinate, let that guy get out tomorrow!

This is Rossetti\'s most real thoughts right now.

However, on the phone, it was a strange, even ridiculous number.


"Damn, is there such a number in the world?" Rossetti widened his eyes.

She wondered if she was too tired, so she saw the hallucinations.

But it doesn’t matter.

The most important thing now is to scold the **** who called this phone.

"Hello!? Do you know what time it is?" Rossetti roared directly, not knowing if it was her illusion, she seemed to vaguely heard a similar roar from upstairs.

On the other side of the phone, there was a deserted but very pleasant female voice.

speaks Faroese that is standard enough to be like a broadcaster.

"This notice comes from the Pan-Human Protection Association, Ms. Rossetti, you must take your family and leave the Emden apartment within half an hour."