I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 2: : Goodness should not be destroyed

Before encountering the system, he was also a teenager who likes food. Moreover, according to the answers given in the survey paper, the chefs of this world can even influence politics and even the military to a certain extent.

Not to mention the economy.

Mo Group is a behemoth on the Chinese side.

"Yes, I agree." Shen Yi simply agreed.


The girl cheered, then she covered her lips with a ruddy complexion, and made an inviting gesture.

"This way, please."

Shen Yi followed her to a restaurant in a 100-story building.

That\'s right, the restaurant.

This is a high-rise building with luxurious decoration and landmark architectural shape, but it is just a restaurant. The status of the gastronomy industry in this world can be seen.

This is the first time Shen Yi has come to such a world.

I am full of expectation while curious.

And he soon discovered that there were many guests brought by girls in the same uniform around him.

There are old people, children, and ladies. They wear all kinds of outfits, from workers in construction uniforms to ladies in mink coats.

looks like it was brought randomly on the street.

"It really is an\'experiment\'." Shen Yi said with a smile.

"Please rest assured that with the personality of the eldest lady, the failed works will never be presented to the guests." The girl in charge of entertaining Shen Yi seems to be a little worried that Shen Yi will think randomly.

"It\'s okay." Shen Yi still smiled.

\'S warm smile made the heartbeat of many girls who looked around suddenly accelerated.

After becoming a wizard, Shen Yi\'s charm seems to be directly MAX.

That unique temperament is indeed hard to resist for people in the low-magic world.

Suddenly, Shen Yi\'s heart moved slightly.

There is a feeling of being stalked.

He glanced at a camera in the corner.

Can something be discovered so quickly?

Not bad.

Shen Yi was right. Naturally, it was aimed at the reaction speed of official personnel in this world. After all, he just showed his face in the sky.

And being able to find him through a camera in a large enterprise in a short period of time, this is enough to explain a lot of things.

For example, the official execution ability, coordination with enterprises, and so on.

Although I don’t know if other countries can be as strong as this, this is a crucial factor in dealing with the end of the world.

With this thought, silence and some people sat in a restaurant.

A small box-like area for one person.

"Let you wait a long time."

Before long, a girl in a delicate violet pattern cheongsam and a top hat walked out.

The voice is gentle, the smile is gentle, and the temperament is gentle.

is like the night in the south of the Yangtze River, with small bridges and flowing water. Just looking at it, I can feel a warmth flowing in my heart and calming down the hostility.

"If you have Miss Mo, you can wait as long as you want." A middle-aged man in a suit said with a smile, as if he had said the voice of most people.

Mo Qiu smiled shyly, blushing gradually.

It is very important to enjoy food in a good mood. In this regard, she seems to have a unique advantage.

Even if it is Shen Yi, his mood is much better at this time.

Of course, if the next food is really delicious, so much the better.

"Today\'s dish is called Wanhua Cong Xiaohong, which is a Chinese pastry." The girl next to Mo Qiu brought a plate of plates, but Mo Qiu personally delivered the plates to each of the guests.

The smiling face is full, like autumn water.

When it was Shen Yi\'s turn, Mo Qiu couldn\'t help blinking, as if he was taken aback.

It wasn\'t until Shen Yi\'s eyes and the corners of his mouth that there was a smile, that her pretty face flushed.

"Please enjoy."

As if to cover up his shyness, Mo Qiu said softly before going to the next guest, but Shen Yi could clearly feel the acceleration of her heartbeat.

Alas, this annoying charm.

Shen Yi sighed in his heart, and then looked at the food in front of him.

is indeed Chinese-style cakes, yellow, purple, and blue, and the petals of various colors are scattered around in a random manner. There is a bright red rose alone in the middle, named "A little red among thousands of flowers", which is vivid.

is just so exquisite that it makes people reluctant to taste it.

Shen Yi picked up the chopsticks, picked up a flower petal and put it in his mouth, and his eyes lit up for a moment.

The mouth melts, a pear blossom scent permeates the mouth, and the mouth produces fluid, as if a sweet and greasy feeling reverberates in the chest cavity.

For a moment, Shen Yi even wondered if it was the feeling of being in love.

He kept tasting.

Each petal of a different color has a completely different taste, especially the little red in the middle, which seems to be the fragrance of rose and the sweetness of honey. When combined, it seems to make people come to an endless garden. The refreshing fragrance kept licking the nasal cavity, and the whole mood became extremely happy.

This is definitely the best delicacy that Shen Yi has ever tasted!

Even after eating it all, he closes his eyes slightly and keeps the aftertaste.

"Guest." A gentle voice came from the side. Mo Qiu didn\'t know when he was standing there. There was a certain expectation on his soft facial features. UU reading www.uukanshu.com "Can you give me your comment?"

Shen Yi opened his eyes and looked at her.

"It\'s so delicious, it makes me like the world." Shen Yi\'s voice was a little melancholy and regretful.


Mo Qiu tilted his head, and his hair like ink swayed gently behind him, seemingly unable to understand.

The heart she poured into this food should make people feel joy and happiness.

However, even the smile on Shen Yi\'s face gradually disappeared, turning into a serious expression.

The gaze is like a sharp knife.

"Guest..." Mo Qiu was not only puzzled, but even a little messy.

Let the people who taste the food get warmth from the food, and even relieve the pain. This is Mo Qiu\'s belief and emotion in dealing with food. This is the first time that a customer has tasted the food she made. expression.


She was a bit wronged and a little unwilling.

But how does she know.

It is precisely because this delicacy is too delicious for Shen Yi, so Shen Yi only burns fighting spirit at this moment.

Good things...should not be destroyed.

Even in the last world, Shen Yi did not have the firm determination to "save the world" as he does now.

The delicacies of this world, leave it to me to guard!

Shen Yi thinks like this now.

"Guest." Mo Qiu was still in that soft voice, but it seemed to be a little firmer than before, "Please wait a moment, Mo Qiu...definitely he can serve delicious food that pleases the guests."

"No, I don\'t need it now." Shen Yi shook his head and looked at the restaurant\'s door, "Someone is coming."