I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 16: : Help is with you

Shen Yi brought the metal block close to U-75, which was shining with a faint light, and then completely melted into liquid, pouring into its body along the gap of the robot.

Mo Qiu\'s eyes looked straight.

Shen Yi has a calm look, and even this scene is the first time he has seen it.

This kind of artificial intelligence module group, but one requires 80,000 points, and the level of technology is far beyond imagination. In addition to the program, the carrier is a quantum computer composed of a kind of nano particles.

According to the instructions, it can be used in all electronic hardware.

Even if you get an old-fashioned radio, you can use it.

Of course, the function will be greatly reduced.

At most, it can control the wireless signal in a certain channel.

And now.

With the complete integration of the artificial intelligence module group, the place of the eyes is booming.

It raised its right hand, patted it on its left chest, and saluted Shen Yi.

"U-75 type multifunctional robot, report to you, master."

The sound is full of metallic sounds, and no emotion can be heard.

Level II artificial intelligence module group, does not have an emotional module.

is only available at level III, and level IV is already called artificial intelligence life.

"Go to the kitchen and bring the food." Shen Yi ordered.

"Yes." U-75 walked directly into the kitchen.

Don’t look at this as a simple command, but there are many things that are tested, such as where is the kitchen, for example, what is considered as a meal, Shen Yi’s words are not marked as "prepared food."

The result is very good.

Because U-75 directly ignored the unfinished raw materials and failed products in the kitchen, and directly brought up the two dishes that had already been prepared.

is like a faithful servant.

In fact, this is also a sign of second-level artificial intelligence, able to understand most of the commands, and must grow.

"It\'s amazing." Mo Qiu was just amazed at this time. She was not afraid of this hideous appearance. Instead, she leaned up, touched the cold shell, turned her head and asked curiously, "It can learn to cook. ?"

"You can teach it to try it." Shen Yi smiled and sat down.

However, he suddenly glanced out the window.

A car came and stopped at the door.

is Chu Lin.

He got here from the base to ask some things.

I cleaned up the meters at the door first, and then rang the doorbell.

also showed the most agreeable smile on his face.

But as soon as the door opened, his smile stiffened on his face.

Because what lies behind the door is neither Shen Yi nor the gentle and beautiful Moqiu, but a metal robot with scarlet light radiating from its eyes, and the overall look is even more exaggerated than the Terminator.

Chu Lin rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

That\'s right, it\'s a robot.

The metallic shell, the articulated gears full of mechanical beauty, and even the red light glowing on the chest.

is like walking out of a movie about robot wars.

"Confirm your identity, Mr. Chu Lin, please come in." The red eyes swayed up and down, and then moved away. They acted meticulously, like a perfect housekeeper.

I was definitely scanned just now!

Chu Lin\'s throat rolled.

He is very much like letting himself behave normally. Isn\'t he just a robot? Isn\'t he talking, scanning, and looks like a robot with weapons of war.

take it easy.

Chu Lin kept reminding himself in his heart, but until he walked in front of Shen Yi, he barely looked away from him.

The robot\'s movements are too natural! If you put on the artificial leather of human beings, it will be like a real human being!

"Mr. Shen, take the liberty to visit."

Shen Yi in front of Chu Lin\'s eyes still wore the same wizard robe as before, but Chu Lin\'s eyes had changed significantly.

is like a fairy in a fairy tale. Suddenly he took out a spaceship from his sleeve and started a space war.

This style of painting is not quite right.

And in the next moment, the robe on Shen Yi\'s body was directly deformed, and in the blink of an eye it became home casual clothes.

"Something?" Shen Yi looked at him calmly.

Even though there are dishes on the table, there is no plan to ask him to sit down.

"There is indeed something." Chu Lin squeezed himself secretly with his fingers, forcibly ignored all incomprehensible things, and focused his attention. "We noticed that Mr. Shen did not hide himself when he prevented the air crash. Plan."

"Why should I hide myself?" Shen Yi asked rhetorically.

"It is true, but if the news of the end of the world is known to everyone, then the chaos that will be generated at that time will not help us organize the fight against the end of the world." Chu Lin showed a distressed expression.

This is the skill of communication.

He didn\'t say other reasons, but he talked about "to fight the end of the world" which came from Shen Yi\'s purpose.

You put forward the fight against the end of the world, so, if it is not conducive to the fight against the end of the world, I will express my objection, it doesn’t matter.

This is what Chu Lin wants to tell.

But Shen Yi just looked at him like this.

Those deep eyes gave him a feeling of being completely seen through.

"Do you think, why did I appear in front of you without concealment, and even tell you my origin and purpose, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, and the news that the end of the world is coming soon?" Shen Yi slowly Asked.

Chu Lin\'s eyes changed slightly.

They have thought about this issue in detail, and even discussed it.

If Shen Yi didn\'t have another purpose, then there would only be one reason.

"We think." Chu Lin thought carefully about the words, "This is because you think we can help you save the human rights of this world."

"That\'s right."

Shen Yi got up from the chair, his back straightened, this slight change made him shrouded in an inexplicable power.

He just looked at Chu Lin and said calmly:

"People are different. When the end comes, some people will resist desperately and struggle to the last moment; some will tidy up their clothes and welcome death peacefully and decently; some will I will fall into hysterical fear and end in a panic. What kind of person do you think I would prefer to see?"

"Naturally, he is a person who struggles to resist." Chu Lin answered quickly this time.

The other party is here to save the world, not to attend their funeral. Whether it is accepting reality or falling into fear, it is not what the other party wants.

This is a free question.

Chu Lin seemed to vaguely understand something.

"Look, isn\'t this clear to you."

Shen Yi stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder with a serious expression:

"As I said, I come from a parallel world. My mother tongue is the language we use now. There is also no Noah’s Ark in my culture, and there is no omnipotent God. I don’t care how other missionaries choose, but For me, the greatest help in saving humanity has always been with you."