I Choose The Villain Duke

Chapter 43 - Eyes Like Flames

"And take revenge for your mother, boy?" The voice asked.

"That time will come but for now, I have to save the woman I love who is still living," Lucien said.

"Will you accept the flames that will be with you until you breathe your last?"

"For her, yes," Lucien said with determination.

"Do you vow not to let the flames consume you?" the voice asked.

"Yes, may the flames give me only warmth," Lucien answered.

It was as if he knew what the lines he should say like a lyrics to an old song he only just remembered.

"Do you vow to use the flames only to extinguish the darkness?" the voice asked.

"Yes, may the flames burn down only those who do not walk down the path of light," Lucien answered.

"The flames have accepted you," the voice said.


Golden flames burst out from the darkness and enveloped Lucien. They were not painful. It was like being enveloped with a warm blanket on a cold winter\'s day.

"Lucien Ashburn, I declare you the new heir to the power of the true kings! I will be your power. Wield me with might. Let us burn down the darkness, new king!"

A brilliant golden light appeared. The Gold Dragon emerged from it. Great and majestic. Its golden body shimmered like the rays of the sun. Its huge golden eyes shimmered in brilliance. Lucien stared at the Gold Dragon in awe. He could feel its satisfaction towards Lucien for a reason he couldn\'t explain.

Lucien could feel the power coursing through him. He closed his eyes as the fire surrounded him then went inside his chest. He was not burned. The flame was only going to be with him from them on.

Then the fire dissipated and Lucien opened his eyes.

His golden eyes.




Euphemia went to Rubiella\'s carriage. A palace guard was standing in front of it.

"Good day, Sir. I have been given by His Highness to Lady Summers as a gift. Please allow me to get in," Euphemia said while keeping her head bowed, hoping that the guard would not recognize her.

"Black hair, eh? You must be the maid that the prince assaulted this morning. Just yer luck that he\'s giving you away. At least you won\'t be taking a beating from him anymore. Best of luck to you, lass," the guard said and opened the carriage.

Euphemia went in and as the carriage door closed, she let out the air she was holding. She was safe.

For now.




Rubiella ran back to where she left the prince. The prince was conversing with her father and he seemed to be in a good mood. Strange.

"Oh, my daughter! Where have you been? You\'ve left His Highness all alone!" Lord Edward said.

"I was looking for a doctor for His Highness. I accidentally hit his eye earlier while dancing. Despite my best efforts, I wasn\'t able to find a doctor in the palace. I truly apologize," Rubiella said.

The prince waved his hand in a dismissing manner. "It\'s fine. My eye doesn\'t hurt anymore. Your father wasn\'t able to find a court musician either. But no matter. I shall reconsider the engagement in one condition."

Rubiella bit her lip. Oh no. She didn\'t want to be engaged to the prince. This was just a ploy to get Euphee out of the palace safely.

"We shall remain engaged until I am not yet married to the Saintess. As you all know, it is customary for royalty to be engaged to the Saintess but the Saintess that we have now is breaking that tradition. If she will remain stubborn and not marry me, I can go ahead with marrying your daughter instead. Will you be satisfied with that, Lord Summers?" Prince Vincent said looking pleased at himself.

Rubiella was horrified. He must have been impressed with her earlier! Argh! Curse her dancing lessons! She should have stomped on his feet a dozen times!

"She will be honored! Isn\'t that right, my daughter?" Lord Edward said, obviously delighted.

"Or perhaps would your daughter like to be my royal concubine instead if I do end up marrying the Saintess?" Prince Vincent asked, leering at her.

This was getting worse.

"I am not worthy of your graciousness, Your Highness. Perhaps we can discuss this again over tea and biscuits. We have taken too much of your time," Rubiella said in a rush.

Rubiella grabbed her father\'s arm and began to pull him away from the prince.

"My daughter! You are being rude!" Her father sputtered.

"We are being rude for taking too much of His Highness\'s time, my father! Let us depart," Rubiella said.

The prince looked like he was going to stop them from leaving.

"Thank you so much, Your Highness. We shall respect your wishes in pursuing the Saintess. Until then, I shall speak to no one about this. Praise be, future Sun of the Empire," Rubiella said as she pulled her father then shut the door behind them.

"What was that all about, Rubiella?! Why did we leave?!" Lord Edward bristled.

Rubiella was no longer pulling her father but the viscount would lose face if he would return to the prince so he walked unwillingly with his daughter.

"Father dear, did you not see that His Highness was already exhausted? I danced with him and accidentally hit him too. Staying much longer would only anger him. We do not want to be at his bad side," Rubiella insisted.

Lord Edward sighed. "I suppose you\'re right. I am worried with the impression we left with His Highness but he must have been quite taken with you. You should just be a royal concubine then if he succeeds in marrying the Saintess, Rubiella."

Rubiella forced herself not to grimace. "Father, I do not wish to be a royal concubine."

"Oh, I see. Naturally, you wish to be His Highness\'s wife. I completely understand," Lord Edward said.

Rubiella sighed.

"Father, I forgot to mention, His Highness gave me a maid. She is probably inside our carriage now," Rubiella said.

"Oh, that is nice of His Highness. I do hope his face heals soon. Such a pity. I wonder who attacked His Highness," Lord Edward said.

Rubiella kept quiet. She had a feeling only Euphee was the only one who had the guts to do that to the prince\'s face.

They went in the carriage.




"Good day, Lord Summers," a young woman in a maid uniform said.

"Good day. What\'s your name, girl?" Lord Edward asked.

He tried to see more of her face but her head was bowed and her maid cap casted a shadow on half of her face.

The young woman with skin as white as snow and hair as black as raven\'s feathers smiled.

"Mia. My name is Mia, Lord Summers."




The Ashburn Residence was burning. The servants looked at the montrosity unfolding in front of their very eyes in silence. They had abandoned their master in the fiery pit.

If their master would miraculously survive the fire, they would be branded as traitors and they would be punished. The duke had royal blood in his veins as nephew of the king. They would most likely be executed.

They looked at each other nervously. Their heads nodded. A silent understanding. They went off in different directions, praying that the duke would not emerge alive from the burning mansion.

Meanwhile, Hansel was oblivious of the fire. The wine cellar was actually fire-proof. He could hear strange sounds from above like cracking wood. As if a monster was gnawing on the furnitures of the house.

Hansel sighed. Was the Duke ordered to destroy the mansion?

His hand went to his pocket and he pulled out a set of master keys. He was the head butler after all.

He unlocked the gate holding him captive. There was no prison underneath the Ashburn Residence. It was just a gate to prevent thieves from stealing the most expensive of liquors. Hansel stepped out the gate and began to walk along the cold corridor of the wine cellar. He could still hear the strange sounds from above. It made him uneasy.

He unlocked the door of the wine cellar and began to ascend the steps.

Then he felt it.

The heat.

The undeniable rise of temperature.

Then he saw it.

The inside of the mansion was burning. He had to find Lucien.

"YOUR GRACE!" Hansel shouted as everything burned around him.




Lucien felt like he was being bound by chains. The chains of the slave contract. He could almost feel it bending to his will but it was fighting back and every time, he lost control, he would be back in the void of darkness inside his mind.

The fire. He could see the fire surrounding him. But this fire was different from the fire that surrounded him like a warm blanket. This was vicious. Wild and untamed.

It irked him. How dare these flames try to hurt him? To even touch him?

He tried to move his hand. A struggle. Like moving inside a quicksand. But he continued to urge his body to move.

His golden eyes flared.

His fingers twitched. His hand moved. He balled up his hand into a fist.

The flames in front of him began to dissipate. They looked almost hesitant.

He urged his mouth to move. His body to get even a little air just so he could produce a sound. The damn contract was making it hell for him but he had the power of the Gold Dragon within him. The dragon was not a mere servant of the flames but a wielder of the flames.

"VANISH!" Lucien roared.