I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

~: Dust 17 level attributes

Protagonist attributes:

   Character: Chen Mo

   Level: 17

   Hunger degree: 97 (decreased by 1 every hour, when the hunger degree drops below 50, the corresponding attribute drops, when the hunger degree drops below 30, unable to act, and consumes health per second.)

   Title: None

  Occupation: Shura

   Reputation: 125100

  Gold coins: 1111100 gold, 0 silver, 3 copper (1 gold = 10 silver = 100 copper)

  Three fixed attributes: Lucky:? ? ? , Charm, 40, Perception: 40

Four basic attributes: Constitution: 15, Spirit: 20, Strength: 510, Agility: 15 (1 constitution = 10 health and 1 defense; 1 spirit = 10 mana = 2 magic attack power; 1 power = 2 attack power; 1 agility = 1 speed = increase jumping height, attack speed has nothing to do with attributes)

   HP: 5270

   Magic value: 3720

   Attack power: 1295

  Magic attack power: 40

   Defense: 50

   Movement speed: 115

   Critical strike rate: 100%


[Water]: Grade: 8th-level mount, owner: Chenmo, never abandon, never betray, super bloodline, heaven-defying Holy Light ability and physical damage ability, possess the power to purify all evil in the world, in the sky There is a legend in the adjacent continent. When the continent falls into endless darkness, there will always be a glimmer of holy light, illuminating the darkness of the continent.

   Level: 11

   HP: 4000 (1st level +100, tenth level +2000)

   Magic value: 25000 (1st level +1000, 10th level +5000)

   Attack power: 1200 (+50 at level 1, +200 at level 10)

  Magic attack power: 2500 (1st level +100, tenth level +500)

   Defense: 200 (1st level +10, tenth level +50)

   Movement speed: 200 (1st level +10, 10th level)

   Skill: [Magic Immortal Change]: The Nine-Colored Holy Light Skywing Tiger has the strongest sacred beast bloodline. It is born in human form. It can be switched back and forth between the human form and the body when it is turned on automatically. There is no cooling time.

【Holy Light】: Release the holy light in the body, illuminate a place with a range of 50 meters, and cause 100% blindness to all selected units within 50 meters for three seconds, and cause damage equivalent to magical attack power. Darkness, demons, death and all creatures with evil aura cause five times the damage. Mana consumption: 300, cooling time: 30 seconds.

[Runaway Water]: Both human form and beast form can be released. When turned on, it will gain runaway power, speed increased by 300%, able to quickly hit the target with an attack frequency of three times per second, ignoring defense, 100% hit, every time An attack causes damage to the current attack power, and this state lasts for seven seconds. Mana consumption: 1000, cooling time: ten minutes.

[Nine-Colored Holy Light-Green]: Passive effect: double the healing effect received by itself and all its partners. The Nine-Colored Holy Light Skywing Tiger has the power of nine-color Holy Light in the world, and every kind of Holy Light has it A powerful special power, the green holy light has a blessing and restoring effect. After it is turned on, it covers a range of 300 meters, and all selected units restore 10% of their maximum health every second for ten seconds. Mana consumption: 2000, cooling time: one hour.

[Nine-Colored Holy Light-Red]: Passive effect: All fire attribute damage suffered by itself and all partners is reduced by 50%. The Nine-Colored Holy Light Skywing Tiger has the power of nine-color Holy Light in the world, and every kind of Holy Light is Possess a powerful special power. Red represents scorching heat. After it is released, the red holy light will cover a range of 300 meters. All selected units and the red holy light will permanently burn all equipment on their bodies, and the target is equal to the current Magic attack damage. Mana consumption: 2000, cooling time: one hour.

[Fatal Fist]: Shui Shui is charged in place for seven seconds. After seven seconds, it will bombard a target in an instant, causing unimaginable damage. After use, Shui Shui falls into a weak state for 1 day and all attributes are reduced by 80% . Consume all current mana points, cooling time: seven days.


   [Exploration]: Players\' basic professional skills, you can view the attributes of monsters no higher than their own level ten. No consumption, no cooling time, no upgrade.

[Unlimited Big Moves]: Type: Sky Forbidden Talent, Effect: Ignore level, ignore grade, can steal a NPC, player, monster, and BOSS within 20 meters of the most powerful move that has been possessed by myself, steal After taking a target, you cannot steal the same target again within one day. The ultimate move can be saved for one day, and you can steal unlimited ultimate moves from different units!

[Gathering technique]: Type: initial skill, can collect fruits, elixir, spar, 100% of ordinary items, 100% chance of collecting bronze items, 100% chance of collecting silver items, 100% chance of collecting gold items, 50% Collect ghost and mysterious items, 10% collect fairy items, 1% collect Shenhuang items, and 0.1% collect super god-level items. The chance of collecting super god-level items is 0. Current level: Level 5.

   [Nine-day explosion three pedals]: Requirements: No, from a very mysterious self-created skill. It is said that with this **** level kicking over the mainland, I don\'t know whether it is true or not. Effect: Jump up and pose, the body will ignore the laws of physics and lock onto a target within 30 meters. The lock will imprison it within three seconds, and then it will come to the target in an instant, causing it to fly into the sky. , Causing damage of 3* current attack power, while teleporting twice in a row, it can be kicked out from all directions again, the damage is the same, if the target hangs in the middle of the tripod, you can choose another target! Each foot has a 5% chance to kick the target artery, ignoring the level, ignoring the grade, and causing 50% of its maximum health damage! Mana consumption: 1000, cooling time: ten minutes. Can be upgraded, current level: 1.

[Infinite Jump]: Type: Martial Skills, Requirements: None. The most signature ability of Space Rogue Rabbit is its power of space. It is rumored that Space Rogue Rabbit can achieve tens of thousands of kilometers of instant teleportation with the help of infinite jumping, and it is extremely easy and effective. : Can be teleported arbitrarily to a place ten meters away, consumes mana: 1000, cooldown: 5 seconds, can evolve, evolution conditions are unknown. Current level: 1.

[Sura]: Type: Hidden occupation. There is a legend circulating on the mainland. It is Shura that is above all living beings, and Shura is above the gods. In the name of killing, he was born out of love, maybe Shura is Life, or perhaps Shura is power, title, belief, killing, the root of everything, and the power to solve everything. Attributes: HP +2000, magic value +2000, attack power +200, all attacks, all attack types have a 1% chance to deal 100 times damage, 0.1% chance to cause 1000 times damage, 0.01% to cause 10000 times damage, 0.001 % Causes 100000 times damage. Permanently activate the passive skill [Name of Shura].

   [Name of Shura]: All attacks of Shura, all offensive skills are 100% crit, the damage caused ignores the elimination of pain, and the pain is increased to 200%.

   [Sura Killing Eyes]: User: Shura (Chen Mo), Shura not only has unmatched combat power, but Shura\'s eyes can bring despair and collapse to the enemy, and can also explore everything in the world. Effect: Actively turn on Shura to kill pupils, detect monsters and NPC attributes not higher than level 20, detect weaknesses of monsters, detect hidden organs, detect phantoms, and discover hidden maps. It can be turned on and off at any time, totaling daily It can be turned on for one hour. Effect 2: In Shura\'s eyes, all are ants and all dead people. For the time being, Shura will consume all of Shura\'s power to kill pupils. All units within the line of sight that are lower than themselves will be 100% in a state of despair, ten seconds After he died in despair, he died 100%. Cooling time: Seven days. During the cooling period, Shura\'s detection effect of killing pupils will be temporarily closed.

   [The Meaning of Shura]: User: Shura (Chen Mo), Shura\'s will is not to be rebelled or speculated. Shura has the will and ability to despise the world. When Shura bursts out of this will, the world is king. Effect: When Shura\'s meaning is turned on, attack power is increased by 200%, movement speed is increased by 200%, and critical strike damage is increased to 300%. All attacks will spread out of the area of ​​Shura\'s power. The range is 5 meters, and all units within 5 meters receive the same damage , Lasts ten seconds, when Shura\'s intention exists, Shura is unstoppable, immune to death, and the minimum blood volume is maintained to 1 point. Mana consumption: 1000, cooling time: ten minutes. Can be upgraded, upgrade conditions are unknown, current level: 1.

   [Magic God Transformation-Shura]: User: Shura (Dust Mo), effect: After release, Shura can become a prosperous state, gaining all its power and skills, lasting one minute, and reducing the level by 5 after the end. No consumption, lifetime use times: 1/1.

[Sura\'s Heaven Punishment]: User: As soon as Shura (Chenmo) enters Shura, he will be scouted, desecrated Shura, and will be scouted by Shura. Effect: Lock a target, ignore level, ignore grade, and forcefully deprive it of 90% All attributes, and cause 9999999 compulsory damage, immune to any damage caused by it, control, all effects, when chasing the enemy, the movement speed increases by 3000%, the end of the world, endless, until it is killed, Shura\'s natural punishment effect Released, during the release of Shura\'s natural punishment, all attributes are increased by 1000%. After Shura\'s natural punishment is over, all attributes of oneself are permanently reduced by 10%, and the level is permanently reduced by 10. Mana consumption: 10000, lifetime use times: 2/2.

  【Tian Ni】: Insufficient power, not yet activated.

   [End of Love]: Insufficient power, not yet activated.

[Light of Chosen by Heaven]: Grade: None, a symbol of status. Those who have received light from the Chosen have a very high status in Tianlin Continent. Even the five emperors must be courteous for three points. This is eternally unchanged. The rules.

   Skills: [Son of Chosen]: All probabilistic skills, effects, etc., may always be triggered 100%.

  Backpack items include important equipment:

[Tian Ji Pan]: Grade: Forbidden Grade, Owner: Chen Mo, not dropable, not tradeable, not discarded, a very powerful equipment, although it does not have any attribute bonuses, it has a lot of effect enhancements, and at the same time Will trigger the random mission of the secret disk, effect: so the skill is not consumed, and immune to all negative effects (stun, slow, curse, imprisonment, sleep, death...)

  【Wansheng】: You can wear any professional equipment, and there is no level restriction.

  【Tianyun】: Passive skills: all attacks, all offensive skills, ignoring grade, ignoring level, 100% hit, and ignoring defense.

  【Heavenly Secret】: The secret of secret can be deduced. The success rate of deduction is related to the host and deduced things. Cooling time: 15 days.

[Chain of Disaster]: Grade: Heaven Forbidden Level, Owner: Chenmo, there are twelve laws in the mainland, these twelve laws support the life and death of the mainland, rumors, these twelve laws used to be Gathered in a certain spiritual tool, the spiritual tool is the chain of disaster. No one knows who the law is condensed, and no one knows who made this spiritual tool, and no one knows the meaning of this spiritual tool. What is it. Attribute: Attack +100, current status: damaged

   Skill: [Twelve directions bright]: Can release twelve kinds of law power, current law number: 1/12.

  【Infinite Variation】: It can be transformed into a full-professional weapon such as swords, daggers, magic wands, shields, etc. The attributes of the weapons are the same as those of the chain of disaster.

   [Light of God\'s Purity]: There is a certain power in the chain of calamity. The specific effect that can be achieved is temporarily unknown. The current number of releases: 2/3.

[Law of Soul]: There are twelve laws between heaven and earth. These twelve laws constitute heaven and earth, constitute life, and make up everything in the world. The twelve laws are indispensable. It is said that if someone can control the twelve laws, then It is to control the heaven and the earth. The twelve laws complement each other. Simply obtaining one of them may not have much effect. The soul law is the mysterious third law among the twelve laws. It controls the soul and everything, and takes the initiative: the player can be resurrected after death. Trigger once (note: currently only players can be resurrected), the degree of the mastery is related to their own strength, when the strength is achieved, the soul rule can command millions of souls.

   Passive: Any form of weapon, any form of attack caused by it has a 1% chance to strip its soul directly, after stripping, it can be controlled by the law of soul without cooling.

  【Heavenly Quest】: The secret task will be triggered randomly. After completing the task, you can get rewards, and it is connected with the 【Unlimited Big Move】. Completing a task can permanently open a previously stolen big move.

[Demon God Order (10)]: Grade: None, in the Tianlin Continent, the Human Race and the Monster Race cannot coexist. The other races are watching. The Territory of the Human Race is increasingly occupied by the Monster Race. Among the Monster Race, there is a Monster Temple, which is shared by the Monster Race. In the ten temples, the demon gods in each hall have great appeal. This is the tenth temple of the demon gods. The original space gangster rabbit is the tenth temple of the demon gods. According to legend, every demon god’s order hides great power and secrets. , Those who get this order have the ability to call the Tenth Hall of the Demon Temple.

[Love and Remembrance]: Grade: immeasurable, one of the five ultimate hidden props of Tianlin. I don’t know how it was born or where it exists. It may exist in legends, or it may exist in every corner between heaven and earth. Left behind the most precious things in the world.

[Nine Resurrection Pill]: Grade: Undecidable, one of the five ultimate hidden props of Tianlin, a kind of pill that may not exist in the world, which contains the power to break the laws of heaven, break life and death and reincarnation~www. novelhall.com~Effects: After taking it, the dead will give birth to bones. If the unit is dead within three days, it can be saved. (Note: Even if the five internal organs are missing or even the head is separated, they can all be reborn.).

   [Armor of Thorns]: Grade: Gold, unidentified, not equipped.

[Flower-picking phantom]: Grade: Shenhuang, Type: Mask (ornament). Many years ago, there was a flower-picking thief in Tianlin Continent, who was regarded as a saint by collecting beauty. Later generations called it the flower saint and lost it in his hands. There are countless chaste women, but they also like to fight for justice and rob the rich and help the poor. Therefore, the world has mixed praises and criticisms for him. Some people hate him and some call him the flower picker. There were many powerful men who gathered to hunt down the flower sage. , But there is no way to catch the flower saint, all because of the flower-picking fantasy face known as the strongest mask of the sky. Attribute: None, current state: damaged

Skills: [Infinite Illusion]: Can perform an invisible illusion of oneself, produce illusions, illusions change appearance, change height, change breath, change smell, change body, change curve, change dress, transform into what the owner once remembered Any figure, Cooling time: None, (Note 1: The voice cannot be changed, and the true gender cannot be changed. Note 2: The infinite face change will not change the owner’s true self. It will only disguise an illusion. Ignore the grade and the level, neither can be seen through )

  【Water of Life】: A particularly rare source of water in the spring, which contains vitality. As long as it does not die, it can be saved. Effect: After taking it, the health value will remain at full value permanently for one hour.

(This is not counted as an update. I wrote it just to show you the attributes. I will delete them after two days. I don’t know if there are any omissions or errors. If you find out, please point it out. , Write it out for you to see, I will delete it in two days, love you, mua~)