I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 90: A lot of hairy

The sky is on the mainland, the Holy Yao Empire.

The Great Forest of Ten Thousand Demons, the outermost forest of the Saint Yao Empire, is relatively well-known. It can be regarded as within the scope of the Saint Yao Empire, but in the true sense it should belong to the junction of the Monster Race and the Saint Yao Empire. It is an extremely dangerous place. The people here are either extremely confident of their own strength, or forced by life and helpless.

  Because, this is the domain of the monster race! The outside world is all monsters, there is almost no human civilization, there may be cities, but they are all occupied by monsters!

At this moment, if you find an extremely terrifying thing in the sky, in the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters, a giant Titan Great Ape is running wildly, every step of it will make the earth tremble, and every step of it will not destroy it. Know how many trees, or how many monsters to death by accident!

There are two types of monsters. One is the monsters of pure blood. They are usually headed by humans, with higher bloodlines, but most of them are monsters. The other is ordinary monsters. Most of them are for players to use later. Monster! Regardless of whether it is a monster that transforms into a human being or a monster, it exists in the five empires, and there are a lot of them, but they basically live in certain forests or inaccessible places in the territory, and rarely appear in human cities, or they are originally Living in the five empires, or entered the five empires from the Yaozu domain.

  Although there are border guards, you must know that Tianlin is dozens of times larger than the sky blue star, nearly a hundred times, how many people can you guard the border? But it doesn’t matter. As long as it is not for the crowds of monsters that gather millions, tens of millions, or even more than one hundred million, it will not cause major damage to the five empires, nor will it be possible to capture a certain city of the five empires, and the monsters in the empire state are also The goal of the early players to spawn monsters, after all, few players dared to go to the monster clan domain in the early stage, and they didn\'t know how to die!

  The giant giant ape running wild is more than half of its body taller than the entire forest of ten thousand monsters. Each tree is about 20 meters high, which means that the giant giant ape is fifty meters tall! Fifty meters is equivalent to nearly twenty stories! One can imagine how terrifying this visual impact is!

   Looking up close, you will find that this Titan Great Ape is chasing a woman in a white dress in the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters! The Titan Great Ape, especially this size, must be the lowest Super God level, right?

The woman in the white dress is graceful, with fair skin and a veil on her face. She cannot see her face clearly, but it must be not bad. Even if she is on the run, she has an unspeakable temperament. It will always be reflected, noble!

   That\'s right! It is noble! And it\'s not ordinary noble, noble enough to make people want to surrender!

   "Damn it! You should be more cautious, and at least you should bring some self-protection tools!"

   The woman in the white skirt bit her silver teeth, very fast, but still a bit worse than the Titan Great Ape.


The Titan Great Ape suddenly jumped. This jump, plus its own height, would have to be two or three hundred meters, and it would only take a moment to fall. In an instant, it was destroyed for five miles, shaking the sky and the earth. !


   The figure of the woman in the white skirt flew directly a hundred meters away, and knocked down how many trees I don’t know. Ordinary people would have died a long time ago and can’t die!

   She spouted a mouthful of blood and got up with difficulty.

   Faced with such a Titan Great Ape, her power seemed insignificant.


   The Titan Great Ape stared at her, and then roared, like a venerable, hammering his pectoralis major muscle that was hundreds of tons.

   The woman\'s face was pale, her pure white veil was dyed red by the blood that she sprayed, and then she was blown off by the wind.

   What kind of face is that, fairy? angel?

   Maybe all the words in the world can’t describe it, right? Shen Yu and Goose? No, it seems to have to invent a more beautiful idiom, bright eyes, white teeth, delicate features, like the most beautiful sky embellishment, her forehead has a red mark, like a flower, but it only adds beauty to her. Even in such a desperate situation, her eyes are still cold and tenacious, but with a trace of unwillingness. In reality, there is no such a perfect woman. Even if her face is pale and affects her beauty, there is nothing to lose. Because even less is still so beautiful and noble.

   If it was her half a year ago, a super god-level Titan Great Ape? But she just snapped her finger to kill in an instant, no, no, maybe a momentum is enough, even if the Titan Great Ape of the Forbidden Level has not reached the peak, she only needs to cut out a sword, but now it is different, she has not I thought that there would be a super god-level Titan giant ape here, maybe it was destined, but... I didn\'t expect that she would die in the hands of a small super god-level Titan giant ape, really unwilling.

   If someone hears her heartfelt voice, they must be shocked, when did the super **** level become a small one?

   She also gave up resisting, because she couldn\'t resist, she admitted! If she is not so conceited, if she is willing to carry a powerful spiritual weapon with her, it will not be so! After all, she is not what she was half a year ago! She has reached the pinnacle, but this pinnacle is not enough in her opinion, so she abandoned all cultivation bases and started again. She reached the super **** level in half a year. Even if she had the foundation and foundation, it was already against the sky, but it did not. Thought of encountering such a thing!

   Not willing.

   She closed her eyes slowly, as if welcoming her own fall! Even in the face of fall, she just showed a touch of unwillingness and self-deprecation.

Just as the Titan Great Ape raised that huge fist, a circular hole suddenly appeared in the sky above it, and then accompanied by two crisp copper bell-like laughter, three figures fell down just right. On the neck of the Titan Great Ape.

   randomly fell on the body of a super mythical beast, this is no luck!

Chen Mo is going to get drunk anyway~www.novelhall.com~ After entering the cave from Novice Village, there is infinite white light, and then he feels falling down. It is estimated that he fell randomly somewhere on the Tianlin Continent. The feeling of falling is particularly strong. These two little girls thought they were playing games, they laughed happily, Chen Mo panic!

   When he opened his eyes and reacted, he realized that...

   Why is it so high? It seemed a little soft... and then he saw something clearly.

I go!

The white dress woman opened her beautiful eyes when she heard the voice, and then she saw the figure above. She could only see one, Chen Mo. The other two girls were too short, but she could not see Chen Mo clearly. Looks like!

   "Big brother, so hairy!"

Immediately afterwards, there was something that caused Chen Mo to collapse directly. He heard Xiaoyuan calling him, and then turned his head to look. This girl grabbed two hairs... and threw them away very excitedly, and then stretched out and pulled them twice. Shui Shui thought it was fun, and then the two little girls were plucking their hairs one by one...

   Chen Mo: "……"


   It seems to be a little painful, the Titan Great Ape roared.


Chen Mo collected the water into her mount space, then held Xiaoyuan, and took the quick-spirit pill that Chen Siniang gave him, which can increase his movement speed by 20 times. Then he jumped down and was about ten meters above the ground. Released infinite jump and landed on the ground safely, and then hurried away like the wind, Xiao Yuan was held by Chen Mo, and the two dragged hairs were still scattered behind.


   The Titan Great Ape directly gave up on the woman in the white skirt, turned his gaze to the Xiaoyuan of Mao\'s hair and the innocent Chen Mo, and ran over.

  薅Laozi Mao? Gan Lin Niang!

   The woman in the white skirt was stunned...
