I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 87: There are little bears where there are little bells

Xiaoyuan\'s tender little hand held Chen Mo\'s hand, then raised his little head, and said happily, "Little Xiong said...I can\'t get out."

"can not go out?"

   Chen Mo frowned slightly.

   Chen Siniang nodded; "Well, this is a very strong barrier. I can\'t break it. I can\'t stop here. I can\'t get out. I didn\'t have it when I came. If I didn\'t get out, it means that I can\'t go to Tianlin Continent."

   It is also a bit sad. Chen Siniang thought that she might have no way to survive, so she came to a place completely isolated from the world. Now she is cured by Chen Mo, but she wants to go out but can\'t get out.

   Chen Mo then tentatively took two steps forward. What his Shura killing pupil saw was indeed an enchantment, but the introduction was... useless to the player! Is it just a barrier that binds NPCs?

   Then Chen Mo touched the barrier, stretched out his hand, and then walked out. The hand holding Xiao Yuan was separated, Xiao Yuan could not get out at all!


Seeing this scene, Chen Siniang and Shui Shui both showed shocked expressions. Xiao Yuan kept patting the barrier like a glass wall and shouting to his elder brother, for fear that Chen Mo would leave without leaving her, and then Chen Mo left again. Come in.

   "It seems that Young Master Chenmo should be an adventurer in another world. This enchantment cannot stop an adventurer in another world."

   Chen Siniang groaned slightly.

   "Si Niang, where did you hear about this different world adventurer?"

   is weird! They are players, and these NPCs think they are adventurers in another world, which means they know that they are from other planes.

"How long ago it has been spread that many adventurers from different worlds will come to our Tianlin Continent at a certain time. It is not known which continent they came from. They came to help us fight against the monster race! "

   Chen Siniang said.

   Chen Mo pondered slightly: "Don\'t you wonder where we come from?"

"What\'s so strange about this. For example, there are several continents besides Tianlin Continent. They are all sub-planes. There are ways to enter, and they can also come out. You should come from those other continents. Right? The white ground in the village is where you teleport?"

   The white place is actually a resurrection point!

   But Chen Siniang’s explanation is not wrong.

   Chen Mo nodded ambiguously, and didn\'t answer much, then skipped the topic and said, "Then you can\'t get out?"

   "Neither is it."

   Chen Siniang reached out and touched the barrier, felt it for a while, and said, "If the strength is enough, this barrier can be broken, but..."

"but what?"

   Chen Mo looked at her.

Chen Siniang shook his head and said, "I have tried it when I came. To break this barrier requires the power of the Heavenly Forbidden Level, and it is not an ordinary Heavenly Forbidden Level. It needs the peak of the Heavenly Forbidden Level. There was a force, and the force needed was several times stronger than that force to break this barrier, perhaps the level of the five emperors, I’m afraid, I can’t go out.”

   Xiao Yuan took Chen Mo\'s hand and shook it subconsciously.

   "Xiao Yuan, don\'t leave the big brother."

   Xiao Yuan raised his head to look at Chen Mo, and then relied on Chen Mo\'s arm.

   She knew that Chen Mo had to get out and knew that she could not get out, so she was afraid.

   "Little bell..."

   Shui Shui looked at Xiao Yuan from a few meters away, and bit her little lip slightly.

   She seemed to be hesitating about something in her heart.

   Chen Mo frowned slightly.

   He has to go out, and it can\'t be delayed for too long.

   Chen Mo has more things to do. It is really impossible to stay here with Xiaoyuan all day long. Although Chen Mo is also very happy, he must give up.

Shui Shui does not have the strength to break this, otherwise she would have broken it long ago, and it is several times stronger than the power released by Xiao Yuan before. Shui Shui should not be able to beat the power of the five emperors, and use Shura\'s phantom god. Change? Chen Mo was a bit selfish to be honest, he couldn\'t bear the price, and if he couldn\'t manage it, he might lose the ability to take revenge!

"Xiao Yuan, it\'s really not good. You and Shui Shui live here first. I will visit you often, and if I can find a very powerful character outside, I will ask him to come and break this barrier." Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s hair and said softly.

   Xiaoyuan was holding Chen Mo, with his little head nestled in Chen Mo\'s arms, and did not answer Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo is not willing, but he can only choose this way! After going out, if he can find someone who is very strong, standing at the top of the mainland, it should be okay if he can invite such a person to help and then let them out.

   Shui Shui bit his lip and looked at Xiao Yuan...

   "It can only be so, I will lead them to live here, and I also implore Master Chen Mo to go out and find the powerhouse of that level for help!"

   Chen Siniang saluted.

   Xiao Yuan still hugged Chen Mo and didn\'t speak.

   Seeing such a small edge, Shui Shui felt very distressed.

   "Maybe...I can break this barrier."

   Shui Shui then said slightly.

   Chen Siniang looked at her in surprise.

   "This barrier needs to reach the level of the five emperors to break it, you..."

   Xiaoyuan came out of Chen Mo\'s arms at this time, with big red eyes ~www.novelhall.com~ and then walked over to hold Shui Shui\'s little hand.

   "Little Xiong wants to help Xiao Yuan... Xiao Yuan doesn\'t want to leave Big Brother..."

   Chen Mo looked at them.

   This little fate is so dependent on him, he thinks about other things... Isn’t it something that shouldn’t be right?

Shui Shui gently squeezed Xiao Yuan\'s powder cheeks, and said with a smile: "Yeah, Little Bell is Cubs\'s best friend. Only where there are small bells are Cubs, and Cubs will definitely help them! "


   Xiaoyuan wiped her tears.

   There is a little bear where there are little bells... Chen Mo was touched...

   Then Chen Mo looked at Shui Shui and asked, "Is there a way?"

   Shui Shui nodded: "Well, but can Big Brother promise Shui Shui one thing?"

   Looking at Chen Mo with watery eyes.

"You said."

   "Big brother not only has to bring a small bell, but also water, okay?"

   Their friendship really impressed Chen Mo!


   Chen Mo nodded.

If you can take them, then take it, because you are also a little reluctant. To be honest, Chen Mo even wants to release the magical change to help them break the barrier, but Shuishui said she can, then Chen Mo did not need to be released.

   Shui Shui then glanced at Xiao Yuan, looking at her expectant big eyes, her fists were slightly clenched, and then she jumped into the void.


   A roar that pierced the sky exploded, and they looked up and found that the water had turned into a huge white tiger with a pair of sky wings on their backs, and the darkness was illuminated by the holy light.

"this is……"

   Chen Siniang showed a shocked expression.

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