I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 85: Chosen Light

The light flashed by, and Chen Mo appeared in the outside world, where he came in.

   "Ding...Congratulations on completing the Trial of Calamity, Reputation +100,000."

   "Ding... Hidden career rankings are open, and your hidden career [Sura] topped the rankings. Do you hide your ID?"

   When the second system prompt came, Chen Mo hesitated.

The man said that Shura is a taboo. People in Tianlin Continent knew that he had inherited Shura\'s power. Even if he behaved like ordinary people, there would be someone who was afraid of the nightmare that Shura once brought. One day he will become Shura who slaughters the world, so he will be eliminated! So let Chen Mo at least not reveal that he inherited Shura\'s power when he was not able to stand alone!

   However, as far as the players are concerned, Shura does not matter! However, Chen Mo considers a little bit. The authenticity of this Tianlin is too terrifying. If he does not hide the ID, the players will know that the Shura class is Chen Mo, and at the same time know the legend of Shura circulating in the Tianlin continent. It was revealed in the dialogue with certain NPCs, and then those NPCs knew, and then they came to arrest Chen Mo!

   So, thinking of this, Chen Mo hesitated.

   He doesn\'t want to be low-key in front of players, but he can\'t be high-key in front of the mainland! The starting point of the player is the same, he can be afraid of anyone! But there are too many strong men in this continent who fear Shura. He is no problem with a high profile. He has the ability to not be afraid of the strong, but one is good. Thousands of strong men in the continent who can crush him with bare hands are here. ? He takes the lead?

   So, at least for now, he really needs to keep a low profile!


  System: "……"

   The system was silent for a while, as if thinking in my heart, are you hiding now? I am also going to give you a highlight display, three days and three nights.

   "Ding...all players please pay attention, because some players have obtained hidden occupations, the hidden occupation rankings are open!"

   "Ding...all players please pay attention..."


   This system prompt sounded again, everyone was stunned! Is this a hidden occupation?

   shouldn\'t be! Shouldn\'t the hidden profession be obtained at the first turn? Has this novice village got a hidden job before it announces that someone is going out?

   Like Zhao Yingmeng, there is a hidden career scroll, but she can\'t use it for the time being, she needs to pass the trial before she can use it!

   Many people looked at the hidden career rankings in surprise.

   Hidden career rankings

   First place: Hidden class: Shura, Player: Hidden.

   "Damn! Shura?"

   When these players saw this hidden class, they showed a surprised expression.

Many players have done their homework before entering the game. They also know some things about Tianlin, such as how many empires, the division of levels, the current state of the mainland, and which ones are particularly famous. Everyone on the mainland knows. Many of them have done their homework, and Shura, naturally, they also know that this is a taboo in Tianlin Continent. Three people have been born. The first two brought disasters to the mainland, and the third one brought disaster to the mainland. Brought destruction and nightmares!

   And now, a player has obtained the Shura career, how can they not be shocked?

   Same as before, those super guilds started frantically looking for the player who had obtained Shura\'s hidden occupation and had hidden ID.

   Some people suspect that it is Gongzimo, some people suspect that it is Chenmo, and most of them suspect that it is famous masters! But there is no evidence. The greater protection for players lies in the fact that Chen Mo has a profession at the top of the ranking list. What he shows now is none, not hidden. This will not make players doubt him too much. From the previous non-display to hidden, many careful players will guess what.

   "Are you... out?"

   Suddenly the voice came in the void, and the voice was full of disbelief!

   Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, it\'s coming out."

   That voice was silent for several seconds, as if to calm his inner shock! After a long time, he said: "It\'s incredible, it\'s really incredible! I apologize for the disrespect to you before!"

   Chen Mo shook his head: "No need."

   "The speed you came out was dozens of times faster than the previous one."

   "Really? Then he\'s pretty good, man, slow down."

   Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth and said.

   The void voice was silent.

   "She is a woman."

   Chen Mo; "..."

   "Then her man can\'t stand it."

   Voice: "……"

   Chen Mo didn\'t know what, maybe it was because he gained this power that made him more confident to be able to take revenge, so he gradually became less indifferent.

   "Have you...received Shura\'s power?"

   the figure asked for a long time.

   Chen Mo frowned.

he knows?

   "No! Not qualified."

   Chen Mo doesn\'t know what this person is, so he chose to keep it secret about Shura!

   "Sure enough."

   The voice was a little regretful.

   "It\'s really impossible for someone who can get Shura\'s power, but it\'s already against the sky that you can get out of there alive."

  He...Why is he sorry? He...does he really want someone to gain Shura\'s power?

   "Youth, since you have the ability to survive the trial of disaster~www.novelhall.com~ prove that you can carry the banner of human survival in the future, and perhaps become the savior of mankind, this is for you!"

   Above the void, a golden six-pointed star array descended from the sky, and as it landed, the star array slowly changed from a hundred meters to the size of a fingernail, falling on the back of Chen Mo\'s hand.

   "Ding...you have received the light of heaven."

  The light of choice?

   Chen Mo frowned slightly.

[Light of Chosen by Heaven]: Grade: None, a symbol of status. Those who have received light from the Chosen have a very high status in Tianlin Continent. Even the five emperors must be courteous for three points. This is eternal The rules.

  Skills: [Son of Chosen]: All probabilistic skills, effects, etc., may always be triggered 100%.

   Chen Mo: "……"


   is interesting! The effect of the chosen son of the day is powerful and powerful, but it is useless if it is not powerful! It\'s not that all things with probability will trigger 100%, such as Shura\'s 1% 100 times damage, or the 5% of the nine-day explosion of three pedals to kick the aorta. It just means that it may increase a probability and make the probability bigger!

   But such a thing as probability is unpredictable! Even with a 99% chance, you may not trigger a hundred times. Although it is basically impossible, it is possible if there is a probability. So this effect is also to be seen. Chen Mo does not care too much, nothingness is ethereal , The unpredictable things are useless if you think about it.

   is the light of the day, the status symbol is a bit interesting!

   Chen Mo knows what kind of existence the five empire emperors are. It is not only the emperor, but also one of the strongest people in the mainland. With this light of choice, even those who exist must be courteous to three points? Why is this?